Oblivion Game Data

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  • Record Type: INFO
  • Form ID: 0x000835fa
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Type Topic
Goodbye 0
Random 0
Say Once 0
Refusal 0
Random End 0
Rumors 0
Group Id Go on. (0x000835bd)
QSTI Liberation or Apprehension? (0x0000395f) *
Emotion Type Neutral
Emotion Value 50
NAM1 I argued against it, but eventually agreed to maintain order in the Council. I regret that decision, and that is why I wish to send you there.
TCLT Very well. (0x000835ba)
Condition Operator Cond Value Cond Function Cond Param1 Cond Param2 Cond Param3
== 1 GetIsID Hannibal Traven (0x00034e16) 0 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
INFO records last updated 10/31/2011