Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ARMO Records

Displaying records 100-199 of 1215
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Name edID formID Weight Value Health Rating Type Skill Enchantment
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm10 0x0007be40 5 655 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm15 0x0007be41 5 855 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 8 pts on Self
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm20 0x0007be42 5 1055 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 10 pts on Self
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm25 0x0007be43 5 1255 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 12 pts on Self
Blower's Cuirass EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile 0x000a577f 15 2800 1350 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Mercantile, 10 pts on Self
Bonfire Greaves EnchEbonyGreavesResistFire 0x0004f401 31.5 2250 1425 9 Greaves Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Fire, 25 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward01 0x000348a6 7 615 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 3 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 3 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward05 0x000348a7 7 19 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 5 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward10 0x000348a8 7 19 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 8 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward15 0x000348a9 7 19 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 10 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward20 0x000348aa 7 19 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 13 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 13 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward25 0x000348ab 7 19 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 15 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 15 pts on Self
Boots of Bloody Bounding DBLeatherBootsReward30 0x000348ac 7 20 75 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 18 pts on Self; Fortify Blade, 18 pts on Self
Boots of Grounding EnchChainmailBootsResistShock 0x0004917a 2.7 1025 135 3 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 20 pts on Self
Boots of Insulation EnchLeatherBootsResistShock 0x00049160 2.25 760 80 2.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 15 pts on Self
Boots of Legerity EnchChainmailBootsFortSpeed 0x0004916a 2.7 825 135 3 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self
Boots of Plain Striding EnchEbonyBootsFeather 0x0004f3f2 15.75 2675 950 6 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 85 pts on Self
Boots of Running EnchIronBootsFortAthletics 0x00049509 9 625 150 4 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 6 pts on Self
Boots of Shock Resistance EnchMithrilBootsResistShock 0x00049370 3.3 1065 240 3.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 20 pts on Self
Boots of Silence EnchChainmailBootsFortSneak 0x00049173 2.7 825 135 3 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 8 pts on Self
Boots of Soft Walking EnchGlassBootsFortSneak 0x000a5785 4.5 1500 675 5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 10 pts on Self
Boots of the Atronach EnchDwarvenBootsElements 0x00047892 12 7615 400 5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Fire, 50 pts on Self; Resist Frost, 50 pts on Self; Resist Shock, 50 pts on Self
Boots of the Calming Sea EnchElvenBootsWaterwalking 0x00049392 3.9 2170 440 4 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Water Walking, on Self
Boots of the Cheetah EnchFurBootsFortSpeed 0x0004899e 1.5 604 50 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Speed, 6 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyBoots1 0xKN000ecf 9 300 300 4 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 2 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyBoots2 0xKN000ec7 12 400 800 5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 3 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyBoots3 0xKN000ec1 13.5 450 900 5.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 4 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyBoots4 0xKN000ebb 15.75 550 375 6 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyBoots5 0xKN000eb5 18 700 1650 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorLightBoots1 0xKN000eaf 1.5 300 160 2.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 2 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorLightBoots2 0xKN000ea9 2 400 205 3 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 3 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorLightBoots3 0xKN000ea3 3.3 500 360 3.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 4 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorLightBoots4 0xKN000e9d 3.9 600 660 4 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self
Boots of the Crusader NDArmorLightBoots5 0xKN000e97 4.5 700 975 5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self
Boots of the Cutpurse EnchLeatherBootsFortSpeed 0x0004914e 2.25 710 80 2.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Speed, 7 pts on Self
Boots of the Eel EnchFurBootsResistShock 0x000489af 1.5 504 50 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 10 pts on Self
Boots of the Forest Stalker EnchElvenBootsFortSneak 0x000a5784 3.9 1070 440 4 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 9 pts on Self
Boots of the Harbinger EnchSteelBootsFortAthletics 0x00049652 10.5 750 250 4.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 7 pts on Self
Boots of the Jument EnchDwarvenBootsFeather 0x00049667 12 1740 400 5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 65 pts on Self
Boots of the Olympian EnchLeatherBootsOlympian 0x0004788d 2.25 3210 80 2.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self
Boots of the Savannah EnchEbonyBootsFortAthletics 0x0004f3f8 15.75 1450 950 6 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 9 pts on Self
Boots of the Shark EnchFurBootsWaterwalking 0x000489b3 1.5 2004 50 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Water Walking, on Self
Boots of the Silt~runner EnchMithrilBootsWaterwalking 0x00049377 3.3 2065 240 3.5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Water Walking, on Self
Boots of the Storm EnchDaedricBootsResistShock 0x0002c23f 18 2850 1350 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 30 pts on Self
Boots of the Swift Merchant UniqueChainBootsMerchant 0x000ca111 3 3900 120 4 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Mercantile, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Speechcraft, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Speed, 5 pts on Self; Weakness to Disease, 30% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 30% on Self
Boots of the Taskmaster EnchDaedricBootsFortAthletics 0x0002c21e 18 3350 1350 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 20 pts on Self
Boots of the Thrall EnchDaedricBootsFeather 0x0002c215 18 3975 1350 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 105 pts on Self
Boots of the Tiger EnchFurBootsFortSneak 0x000489a6 1.5 604 50 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 6 pts on Self
Boots of the Unburdened EnchSteelBootsFeather 0x0004951d 10.5 1175 250 4.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 45 pts on Self
Borosilicate Boots EnchGlassBootsResistShock 0x000493a6 4.5 2000 675 5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 30 pts on Self
Bound Boots BoundBoots 0x0002626a 0 0 750 7.5 Boots Light Armor
Bound Cuirass BoundCuirass 0x0002626b 0 0 1500 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor
Bound Gauntlets BoundGauntlets 0x0002626c 0 0 750 7.5 Gauntlets Light Armor
Bound Greaves BoundGreaves 0x00026270 0 0 1100 11.25 Greaves Heavy Armor
Bound Helmet BoundHelmet 0x00026272 0 0 750 7.5 Helmet Light Armor
Bound Helmet BoundMythicDawnHelmet 0x00051b47 0 0 750 6 Helmet Heavy Armor
Bound Mythic Dawn Armor BoundMythicDawnArmor 0x00033525 0 0 1500 20 Other Heavy Armor
Bound Shield BoundShield 0x00026263 0 0 1100 22.5 Shield Light Armor
Bravil Cuirass TownguardCuirassBra 0x00027673 9 90 240 7.5 Cuirass Light Armor
Bravil Shield TownguardBraShield 0x000352c5 3.6 45 180 9 Shield Light Armor
Broadhead Gauntlets EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman 0x000a577a 2.2 865 240 3.5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 8 pts on Self
Broken Shield FGD03BlackwoodShield 0x0006e2e1 20 2 10 0 Shield Light Armor
Bruma Cuirass TownguardCuirassBru 0x00027677 9 90 240 7.5 Cuirass Light Armor
Bruma Shield TownguardBruShield 0x000352c7 3.6 45 180 9 Shield Light Armor
Brusef Amelion's Boots FGC07AmelionBoots 0x0012dd1b 21 45 150 3 Boots Light Armor
Brusef Amelion's Cuirass FGC07AmelionCuirass 0x000091fa 21 710 290 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Frost Shield, 6% on Self
Brusef Amelion's Gauntlets FGC07AmelionGauntlets 0x0012dd1a 21 40 150 3 Gauntlets Light Armor
Brusef Amelion's Greaves FGC07AmelionGreaves 0x0012dd18 21 60 225 4 Greaves Light Armor
Brusef Amelion's Helmet FGC07AmelionHelmet 0x0012dd19 21 40 150 3 Helmet Light Armor
Brusef Amelion's Shield FGC07AmelionShield 0x0012dd1c 21 90 225 8 Shield Light Armor
Burning Shield EnchOrcishShieldFireShield 0x00049688 18 1260 900 16.5 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 8% on Self
Canopy Helmet EnchElvenHelmetResistMagicka 0x00049388 2.6 2120 440 4 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Resist Magic, 13% on Self
Cave Diver's Helmet EnchDwarvenHelmetWaterbreathing 0x00049684 8 2115 400 5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Water Breathing, on Self
Cave Scout Helmet EnchDwarvenHelmetNighteye 0x00049676 8 215 400 5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Night-Eye, for 20 secs on Self
Cavern Guide Gauntlets EnchDwarvenGauntletsLight 0x00049674 8 490 400 5 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Light, 30 pts on Self
Chainmail Boots ChainmailBoots 0x0001c6d4 2 25 135 3 Boots Light Armor
Chainmail Cuirass ChainmailCuirass 0x0001c6d3 9 90 270 8 Cuirass Light Armor
Chainmail Gauntlets ChainmailGauntlets 0x0001c6d6 1.8 25 135 3 Gauntlets Light Armor
Chainmail Greaves ChainmailGreaves 0x0001c6d5 5.4 45 202 4 Greaves Light Armor
Chainmail Helmet ArenaChainmailHelmet 0x000977bc 1.8 25 120 3 Helmet Light Armor
Chainmail Helmet ChainmailHelmet 0x0001c6d7 1.8 25 135 3 Helmet Light Armor
Chameleon Cuirass EnchChainmailCuirassCameleon 0x00049165 9 1390 270 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 20% on Self
Cheydinhal Cuirass TownguardCuirassChe 0x00027678 9 90 240 7.5 Cuirass Light Armor
Cheydinhal Shield TownguardCheShield 0x000352c9 3.6 45 180 9 Shield Light Armor
Chorrol Cuirass TownguardCuirassCho 0x00027679 9 90 240 7.5 Cuirass Light Armor
Chorrol Shield TownguardChoShield 0x000352cb 3.6 45 180 9 Shield Light Armor
Clannfear Hide Shield EnchEbonyShieldFortBlock 0x0004f3f9 21 1900 1425 18 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Block, 9 pts on Self
Clear Sight Gauntlets EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman 0x000a577c 3 1500 675 5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 10 pts on Self
Copperhead Cuirass EnchLeatherCuirassResistPoison 0x0004915f 7.5 170 160 6.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 9% on Self
Go to record: 0 100 200 300 ... 1000 1100 1200

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ARMO records last updated 11/01/2011