Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ARMO Records

Displaying records 200-299 of 1215
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Name edID formID Weight Value Health Rating Type Skill Enchantment
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet 0x000135cc 9 1250 600 5.5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 5 pts on Self; Script Effect, on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet1 0x00097271 6.5 1035 200 4.25 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 5 pts on Self; Script Effect, on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet2 0x000972aa 7.5 1280 325 4.75 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 6 pts on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet3 0x000972b4 8.5 1590 500 5.25 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 7 pts on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet4 0x000972bb 9.8 2000 775 5.75 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 8 pts on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet5 0x0009725a 11 2740 1150 6.75 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 9 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 9 pts on Self
Count Cirion's Helmet SE32CirionsHelmet6 0x0009726d 12.4 3555 1450 8 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 10 pts on Self
Crystal Greaves EnchGlassGreavesFortFatigue 0x0004939a 9 2375 1012 7.5 Greaves Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Fatigue, 55 pts on Self
Crystalline Cuirass EnchGlassCuirassCameleon 0x00049393 15 3750 1350 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 30% on Self
Cuirass of Anu's Blessing EnchElvenCuirassFortHealth 0x00049380 13 4350 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 25 pts on Self
Cuirass of Battle EnchDwarvenCuirassFortHeavyArmor 0x00049672 40 1200 800 12.5 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 8 pts on Self
Cuirass of Cleansing EnchGlassCuirassResistPoison 0x000493a5 15 2025 1350 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 15% on Self
Cuirass of Fortitude EnchDaedricCuirassFortEndurance 0x0002c218 60 5800 2700 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 10 pts on Self
Cuirass of Health EnchChainmailCuirassFortHealth 0x0004916c 9 3090 270 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self
Cuirass of Lifeblood EnchDwarvenCuirassFortHealth 0x0004966c 40 3400 800 12.5 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self
Cuirass of Natural Assi~milation EnchElvenCuirassResistPoison 0x0004938b 13 795 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 13% on Self
Cuirass of Pain Resistance EnchOrcishCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x0004969b 45 4240 1200 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 11% on Self
Cuirass of Poison Blood EnchOrcishCuirassResistPoison 0x0004969d 45 1105 1200 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 11% on Self
Cuirass of Protection EnchChainmailCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x00049179 9 3390 270 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 11% on Self
Cuirass of Resilience EnchSteelCuirassFortEndurance 0x00049520 35 880 500 11.25 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 7 pts on Self
Cuirass of Resistance EnchIronCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x00049515 30 2185 300 10 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 7% on Self
Cuirass of Skill EnchIronCuirassFortHeavyArmor 0x0004950c 30 685 300 10 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 6 pts on Self
Cuirass of Tenacity EnchOrcishCuirassFortEndurance 0x0004968a 45 1740 1200 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 8 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Assassin EnchLeatherCuirassCameleon 0x00049147 7.5 1010 160 6.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 15% on Self
Cuirass of the Bear EnchFurCuirassFortHealth 0x0004899f 5 2265 100 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Blood Legion EnchDaedricCuirassFortHeavyArmor 0x0002c223 60 5800 2700 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 10 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Cameleon EnchFurCuirassCameleon 0x00048997 5 665 100 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 10% on Self
Cuirass of the Cave Viper EnchDwarvenCuirassResistPoison 0x0004967c 40 565 800 12.5 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 11% on Self
Cuirass of the Cobra EnchFurCuirassResistPoison 0x000489ae 5 120 100 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 7% on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyCuirass1 0xKN000ece 30 7050 600 10 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 2 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyCuirass2 0xKN000ec6 40 7600 1200 12.5 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 3 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 18 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyCuirass3 0xKN000ec0 45 8150 1800 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 4 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 21 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyCuirass4 0xKN000eba 52.8 8700 2700 15 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 24 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorHeavyCuirass5 0xKN000eb4 60 9250 4000 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 27 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorLightCuirass1 0xKN000eae 35 7050 320 6.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 2 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorLightCuirass2 0xKN000ea8 9 7600 305 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 3 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 18 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorLightCuirass3 0xKN000ea2 11 8150 720 8.75 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 4 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 21 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorLightCuirass4 0xKN000e9c 13 8700 1280 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 24 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Crusader NDArmorLightCuirass5 0xKN000e96 15 9250 2200 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self; Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Fortify Health, 27 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Diplomat EnchSteelCuirassResistPoison 0x00049660 35 315 500 11.25 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 9% on Self
Cuirass of the Elephant EnchFurCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x000489ad 5 2115 100 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 7% on Self
Cuirass of the Farlands Trader EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile 0x000a577e 13 1500 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Mercantile, 9 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Fox EnchFurCuirassFortMercantile 0x000489a4 5 615 100 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Mercantile, 6 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Herald EnchSteelCuirassFortHealth 0x00049521 35 2430 500 11.25 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Jugger~naut EnchOrcishCuirassFortHeavyArmor 0x00049692 45 1740 1200 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 8 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Pit Viper EnchDaedricCuirassResistPoison 0x0002c23b 60 5025 2700 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 15% on Self
Cuirass of the Ranger EnchElvenCuirassCameleon 0x00049378 13 2225 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 25% on Self
Cuirass of the Spy EnchMithrilCuirassCameleon 0x00049359 11 1525 480 8.75 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 20% on Self
Cuirass of the Thief~catcher EnchLeatherCuirassFortHealth 0x0004914f 7.5 2285 160 6.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Cuirass of the Undefeated EnchDaedricCuirassFortHealth 0x0002c21b 60 9300 2700 18.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 30 pts on Self
Cuirass of Vitality EnchDwarvenCuirassFortEndurance 0x0004966a 40 1200 800 12.5 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 8 pts on Self
Cured Shield EnchLeatherShieldFireShield 0x0004914c 3 720 120 7.5 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 7% on Self
Cursed Absorbing Gauntlets SEEnchGlassGauntletsSpellAbsorption 0x00045dff 3 10100 675 5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Spell Absorption, 24 pts on Self; Drain Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Aegis of Reflection SEEnchChainmailShieldReflectSpell 0x00045df2 3.6 7245 202 9 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Reflect Spell, 18% on Self; Drain Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Baliwog Boots SEEnchFurBootsWaterWalking 0x00045de8 1.5 2004 50 2 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Water Walking, on Self; Drain Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Battle Medic's Cuirass SEEnchMithrilCuirassFortHealth 0x00045df5 11 3975 480 8.75 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 25 pts on Self; Drain Fatigue, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Boots of Plain Striding SEEnchEbonyBootsFeather 0x00045e11 15.75 3237 950 6 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 105 pts on Self; Light, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Boots of the Thrall SEEnchDaedricBootsFeather 0x00045e15 18 4412 1350 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 120 pts on Self; Light, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Boots of the Waves SEEnchIronBootsWaterWalking 0x00045e03 9 2025 150 4 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Water Walking, on Self; Drain Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Chill Shield SEEnchIronShieldFrostShield 0x00045e01 12 845 225 12 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Frost Shield, 8% on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Cuirass of Battles SEEnchOrcishCuirassFortHealth 0x00045e0d 45 4690 1200 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 25 pts on Self; Drain Fatigue, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Cuirass of Purity SEEnchElvenCuirassResistPoison 0x00045dfa 13 900 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 20% on Self; Weakness to Shock, 5% on Self
Cursed Darksplitter Helmet SEEnchOrcishHelmetNighteye 0x00045e0e 9 350 600 5.5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Night-Eye, for 10 secs on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Deep~dweller's Shield SEEnchDwarvenShieldFireShield 0x00045e09 16 1410 600 15 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 12% on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Fire Greaves SEEnchIronGreavesResistFire 0x00045e02 18 795 225 6 Greaves Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Fire, 15 pts on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Flame Shield SEEnchChainmailShieldFireShield 0x00045df1 3.6 1245 202 9 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 12% on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Frost Shield SEEnchSteelShieldFrostShield 0x00045e05 14 1095 375 13.5 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Frost Shield, 10% on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Gauntlets of Resilient Flesh SEEnchMithrilGauntletsResistNormalWeapons 0x00045df7 2.2 4565 240 3.5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Weakness to Magic, 5% on Self
Cursed Greaves of Breath SEEnchLeatherGreavesFortFatigue 0x00045dec 4.5 895 120 3.75 Greaves Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Fatigue, 35 pts on Self; Drain Magicka, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Greaves of Stamina SEEnchSteelGreavesFortifyFatigue 0x00045e04 21 970 375 6.75 Greaves Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Fatigue, 35 pts on Self; Drain Magicka, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Helmet of Detection SEEnchChainmailHelmetDetectLife 0x00045df0 1.8 1300 135 3 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Detect Life, 85 pts on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Helmet of the Apprentice SEEnchLeatherHelmetResistMagic 0x00045def 1.5 1810 80 2.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Resist Magic, 12% on Self; Weakness to Normal Weapons, 5% on Self
Cursed Impervious Shield SEEnchGlassShieldShield 0x00045dfd 6 3000 1012 15 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Shield, 20% on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Insulated Shield SEEnchGlassShieldShockShield 0x00045dfe 6 2500 1012 15 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Shock Shield, 15% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Lightfoot Boots SEEnchIronBootsFeather 0x00045e00 9 1212 150 4 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Feather, 45 pts on Self; Light, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Mage~bane Gauntlets SEEnchDaedricGauntletsSpellAbsorption 0x00045e18 12 10950 1350 7.5 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Spell Absorption, 24 pts on Self; Drain Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Mania Helmet SEEnchFurHelmetFortMagicka 0x00045de9 1 2004 50 2 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Magicka, 20 pts on Self; Drain Health, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Mercury Shield SEEnchDwarvenShieldReflectSpell 0x00045e0a 16 7410 600 15 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Reflect Spell, 18% on Self; Drain Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Mono~lithic Shield SEEnchDaedricShieldShield 0x00045e16 24 4500 2025 22.5 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Shield, 20% on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Nighteye Helmet SEEnchMithrilHelmetNighteye 0x00045df6 2.2 165 240 3.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Night-Eye, for 10 secs on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Pack Horse Boots SEEnchGlassBootsFeather 0x00045dfc 4.5 3562 675 5 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Feather, 120 pts on Self; Light, 5 pts on Self
Cursed Ranger Cuirass SEEnchElvenCuirassCameleon 0x00045df8 13 2550 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 30% on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Red Mountain Shield SEEnchMithrilShieldFireShield 0x00045df4 4.4 1315 360 10.5 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 12% on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Salamander Greaves SEEnchFurGreavesResistFire 0x00045deb 3 758 75 3 Greaves Light Armor Apparel: Resist Fire, 15 pts on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Salamander Shield SEEnchLeatherShieldFireShield 0x00045ded 3 1020 120 7.5 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Frost Shield, 10% on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Sentinel's Helmet SEEnchDwarvenHelmetDetectLife 0x00045e08 8 1390 400 5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Detect Life, 85 pts on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Shield of Flames SEEnchOrcishShieldFireShield 0x00045e0c 18 1660 900 16.5 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Fire Shield, 12% on Self; Weakness to Frost, 10% on Self
Cursed Shield of Retribution SEEnchEbonyShieldReflectDamage 0x00045df9 21 7000 1425 18 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Reflect Damage, 15% on Self; Stunted Magicka, on Self
Cursed Shield of the Horker SEEnchFurShieldFrostShield 0x00045dea 2 808 75 2 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Frost Shield, 8% on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Sky Strider Shield SEEnchEbonyShieldShockShield 0x00045e14 21 2200 1425 18 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Shock Shield, 12% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Snow Drift Greaves SEEnchSteelGreavesResistFrost 0x00045e06 21 1345 375 6.75 Greaves Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Frost, 25 pts on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Stone~skin Gauntlets SEEnchOrcishGauntletsResistNormalWeapons 0x00045e0f 9 4750 600 5.5 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 15% on Self; Weakness to Magic, 5% on Self
Cursed Storm Boots SEEnchDaedricBootsResistShock 0x00045df3 18 2600 1350 7.5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 25 pts on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Storm~hammer Boots SEEnchDwarvenBootsResistShock 0x00045e0b 12 1365 400 5 Boots Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Shock, 25 pts on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Stormlord's Shield SEEnchDaedricShieldShockShield 0x00045e17 24 4000 2025 22.5 Shield Heavy Armor Apparel: Shock Shield, 15% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Stormrider Shield SEEnchElvenShieldShockShield 0x00045dfb 5.2 1815 660 12 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Shock Shield, 15% on Self; Weakness to Poison, 10% on Self
Cursed Tundra Gauntlets SEEnchLeatherGauntletsResistFrost 0x00045dee 1.5 1260 80 2.5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Resist Frost, 25 pts on Self; Weakness to Fire, 10% on Self
Cursed Unseen Cuirass SEEnchEbonyCuirassChameleon 0x00045e10 52.5 3850 1900 15 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Chameleon, 30% on Self; Burden, 10 pts on Self
Cursed Viper~bane Cuirass SEEnchEbonyCuirassResistPoison 0x00045e13 52.5 2200 1900 15 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Poison, 20% on Self; Weakness to Shock, 5% on Self
Cursed Witch~hunter Helmet SEEnchSteelHelmetResistMagicka 0x00045e07 7 1850 250 4.5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Magic, 12% on Self; Weakness to Normal Weapons, 5% on Self
Go to record: 0 100 200 300 400 ... 1000 1100 1200

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ARMO records last updated 11/01/2011