Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ACRE Records

Displaying records 300-399 of 1588
Go to record: 0 100 200 300 400 500 ... 1300 1400 1500
Name edID formID Base Type Base Record
SE09GatekeeperHelmSwordRef 0x00043dda CREA Gatekeeper (0x000435a9)
SE09Scalon01Battle02REF 0x00078c43 CREA Hulking Scalon (0x00078c44)
SE09SummonFleshAtronachRef 0x0001b06a CREA Flesh Atronach (0x00014ae5)
SE12GnarlFollowerRef 0x00019cc7 CREA Gnarl Cultivator (0x00019cc3)
SE43SkeletalHoundRef 0x00072da6 CREA Ushnar's Skinned Hound (0x00072da4)
SECreatureJyggalag1REF 0x000825c7 CREA Jyggalag (0x000825bf)
SECreatureJyggalag2REF 0x000825c8 CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c0)
SECreatureJyggalag3REF 0x000825c9 CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c1)
SECreatureJyggalag4REF 0x000825ca CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c2)
SECreatureJyggalag5REF 0x000825cb CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c3)
SECreatureJyggalag6REF 0x000825cc CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c4)
SECreatureJyggalag7REF 0x000825cd CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c5)
SECreatureJyggalag8REF 0x000825ce CREA Jyggalag (0x000825c6)
SEMiriliBaliwogRef 0x0004530d CREA Mirili's Baliwog (0x0004530c)
SEMiriliElytraRef 0x0004565c CREA Mirili's Elytra (0x0004565b)
SEMiriliGnarlRef 0x0004565a CREA Mirili's Gnarl (0x00045659)
SEMiriliScalonRef 0x0004565e CREA Mirili's Scalon (0x0004565d)
SERelmynaExperiment1 0x000442dd CREA Failed Experiment (0x00044275)
SEUshnarsDogRef 0x00071fc7 CREA Ushnar's Dog (0x00071fc5)
SQ01OgreRef 0x00177a2f CREA Ogre (0x00177a2e)
ShadowmereRef 0x00032bf5 CREA Shadowmere (0x00032bf4)
SparkyRef 0x00014f9a CREA Sparky (0x00014f94)
SshaniHorseRef 0x0003f6fe CREA White Horse (0x0001f11b)
TestCreaturesGnarlD 0x0001b615 CREA TestCreatureGnarl (0x0001b60d)
TestSkeletalHoundRef 0x00046ec7 CREA Ghost Hound (0x00046ec6)
Todd1 0x00046b20 CREA TestCreaturesGrummiteM (0x00046abd)
Todd2 0x00046b1c CREA TestCreaturesGrummiteMFull (0x00046abe)
ToutiusHorseRef 0x0003f6fd CREA Bay Horse (0x0001f11d)
UndercroftZombie2 0x0003660d CREA Motierre Zombie (0x00071b98)
UndercroftZombie4 0x0003660a CREA Motierre Zombie (0x00071b9a)
UndercroftZombie6 0x0003660e CREA Motierre Zombie (0x00071b99)
VoranilsHorseRef 0x0003291c CREA Black Horse (0x0001f11a)
WeynonHorsePaint1 0x0002008b CREA Weynon Priory Horse (0x000c01ad)
WeynonHorsePaint2 0x0002008a CREA Weynon Priory Horse (0x000c01ac)
WeynonHorsePlayer 0x0002008c CREA Prior Maborel's Paint Horse (0x0005dcc9)
WrathofSithisRef1 0x0006d686 CREA Wrath of Sithis (0x0006d683)
WrathofSithisRef2 0x0006d685 CREA Wrath of Sithis (0x0006d684)
WrathofSithisRef3 0x0006d687 CREA Wrath of Sithis (0x0006d682)
Xaselm01SpookZombie01REF 0x00044045 CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
Xaselm02SpookZombie01REF 0x0004376c CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
Xaselm02SpookZombie02REF 0x000437ab CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
Xaselm02SpookZombie03REF 0x0004375f CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
Xaselm03SpookZombie01REF 0x00044ec0 CREA Failed Experiment (0x0004375d)
Xaselm03SpookZombie02REF 0x00044ec1 CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
Xaselm03SpookZombie03REF 0x00044ec2 CREA Failed Experiment (0x00019cef)
b1 0x00046ac4 CREA Elytra (0x00046ac1)
b2 0x00045c76 CREA Elytra (0x00045c75)
bambi 0x00061452 CREA Deer (0x00061440)
c 0x00052450 CREA TestCreaturesGrummiteMFullBow (0x0005244b)
m1 0x00046ac3 CREA Elytra (0x00046ac2)
m2 0x00045c77 CREA Elytra (0x00045c74)
mom 0x000c55e8 CREA Uderfrykte Matron (0x000c55e6)
s1 0x00040ffe CREA Elytra (0x00040fe3)
s2 0x00044c8b CREA Elytra (0x00043fb4)
0x0000089e CREA Sheep (0x0003001e)
0x0000173e CREA Troll (0x0002add2)
0x000027d9 CREA Savage Goblin (0x000027d7)
0x00003a42 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x0000557f CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x00005580 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x000055ae CREA Spectral Sailor (0x000055ac)
0x000055af CREA Spectral Sailor (0x000055ac)
0x000055b0 CREA Spectral Sailor (0x000055ac)
0x000055b1 CREA Spectral Sailor (0x000055ac)
0x000055b2 CREA Spectral Sailor (0x000055ac)
0x00007e5b CREA Slaughterfish (0x0018d31d)
0x00007e62 CREA Mud Crab (0x0018b72e)
0x00007f2c CREA Slaughterfish (0x0018d31d)
0x00007f2d CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00007f2e CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00007f2f CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00007f48 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00008379 CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x00008431 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00008432 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00008433 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x000087ba CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00008966 CREA Rat (0x00037331)
0x000089c4 CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x000089dd CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x000089de CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x00008a0d CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x000093d0 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00009400 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x0000940d CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x00009425 CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x00009487 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x0000949d CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x0000954e CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00009578 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00009a8e CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x00009b0c CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x00009b0d CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x00009b4b CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x0000a3b5 CREA Paint Horse (0x0018ad8a)
0x0000aab4 CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
0x0000aaba CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x0000ba5e CREA Skeleton (0x0001e58d)
0x0000ba89 CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
0x0000bdae CREA Skeleton (0x0001e798)
Go to record: 0 100 200 300 400 500 ... 1300 1400 1500

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ACRE records last updated 10/31/2011