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Chapter 3 - Miscellaneous

09 February 2011

Please feel free to Contribute a Suggestion...

I would really like romance in an upcoming game. Actually the main thing that I would want in a new game would be to maybe be able to have kids and a wife or husband. Flirt option when talking. Keep it simple. For those players who want to live life solo put in the before mentioned brothels for that quick fix that we all need sometime. Let the romance thing bloom from whatever. You know converting the hooker that you slept with last night, falling in love with the barmaid, or barkeeper. Even let us try to win over the frosty duchess and obtain a rank of nobility to boot. This could add some real interesting twists to the game. You know do a quest for someone you rlove hates and she begins not to like you. Things like that.
************ ( 12 Received )

Fix the 'all-knowing all-seeing' guard. Esp. with respect to vagrancy. If you break into a house without being seen, they aren't likely to find you sleeping in the corner of the attic behind some boxes invisible. Have guard houses in towns.The distance from a guard you are determines how likely it is you were seen. Different level guards in different size towns. Don't be asked to surrender if you merely get hurt without the guards attacking you (ie, a vampire in daylight, or falling from a tall building). Also, what about crooked cops? Seems like every guard is a model for society. Pay off the cops when they nab you smuggling dope -- pay with money or part of the shipment!
********* ( 9 Received )

A road system would make traveling manually between cities easier. BTW: There should be more reasons to travel between cities. Great place for ambushes, meet people etc... Merchants, commoners, peddlers. This would make snail traveling alot more enjoyable. Caravans should also travel along the road and thieves should be able to rob them. Arena had some semi-decent roads, bring those back.
********* ( 9 Received )

More clothes. More colours of clothes (definitly need black capes, robes, dark red, less 'flourescent' colours, more dingy). An extension of the item maker to make new clothes? Why can't we have BLACK clothes? More varied womens clothing. More female cloths ( Xena-like armour where it looks like a mini-skirt).
****** ( 6 Received )

Keep adding new books. It's a little detail that adds to the game. Give a 'book editor' so that 3rd party books can be added. If you read about something in a book, make it findable in the game. The book On Lycanthropy discusses weretigers, weresharks,, being a werecrocodile would be really sweet. Don't tell us things that you can't do. And reading the etiquette book didn't improve my etiquette, why the hell not? (For some reason, even on polite mode, I referred to the queen as mate . And my head is still attached to my body...) Have the PC write/create books and sell them in the game. Make BOOKS that give the city and date or hints of city and date available. Font/background combo that's easier on the eyes. BLACK on yellow, not yellow on yellow.
****** ( 6 Received )

Food should be featured more. It should be necessary to carry food when in a dungeon, some of which is automatically consumed during rest periods. Carrying 10 Kg of food reduces the amount of treasure one can carry but is realistic and leads to many game possibilities: purchasing speciality rations such as lightweight, nourishing Elven lembas , casting purification spells on food found in a dungeon (or risking catching a disease from the orcish jerky you just liberated), suffering reduced stats because of hunger. Have an option to turn this on/off as some players won't like this (us hard-core CRPG's on the other hand....). Characters should be forced to eat. Food can be obtaind in general stores or in market places in the town square at spring and summer. Rangers and skilled archers could also search the woods for wild animals like rabbits, reinders or elks and hunt them down and slaugther them and eat them or sell the meat to merchants.
***** ( 5 Received )

Other Dimensions
Dimension where magic is useless. (No sp exists.) A dimension where people are abberant and undead rule... The dimension Oblivion. Allow my player to visit modern Earth as one of the dimensions, magic would be useless on Earth. Earth would have cops instead of guards. You would be able to buy modern weapons like handguns or transport like automobiles, But if you bring them back to tamriel they wouldn't work long before running out of ammo or gas.
***** ( 5 Received )

Do something with the horses head:) When I am on my horse and hold down ALT and look around with the mouse, my horses head still stays in the center of the screen. Horseback riding should be a skill (affects speed, chance to fall off). Buy faster, stronger horses. Don't allow your character to arrive at a city on horseback after the gate closes, then dismount, scale the castle wall, then mount you horse again. Have an option where you need to tie your horse to something and then come back for him in the morning. Be able to fight from a horse (make it a skill?).
**** ( 4 Received )

Random Events
How about some random events like running into merchants or gypsies or bandits on the roads between towns.
**** ( 4 Received )

The guilds need to be majorly improved also, right now they're just quest dispensers. If the Kingdom of Daggerfall gets pissed at the Mages guild then they should start apprehending their members, burning their guilds and such. When guilds fight each other it should start with assasins and could escalate to open fighting and maybe one of the rulers would try to stop it or maybe come in on one side. More guilds, some hidden. Like you could join the Blades, or witches covens. You could become like a polititian and have newspapers talk about you. Be able to sleep in more guilds as in the Fighters.
**** ( 4 Received )

Stiffer Punishments
Make the consequences for crime more severe. I would think in these times, if would kill 50 innocent bystanders and a 100 guards, that the local government might put a price on your head, or hire a really powerful bounty hunter. Some punishments should be harsher. Murder is a fine and jail time? How about HANGING? EXECUTION? Theft - how about LOSING YOUR HAND? Come on, people, it's medieval! (Well, that might be excessive, but capital punishment could be like a quest where you can escape it, and losing a hand, you can find a magical thing to regrow it...) Be able to escape from jail.
**** ( 4 Received )

Although I have never visited the beach in DF, I suspect that the ocean bears no life. It would be nice to see some water-dwelling settlers in the game. I suggest not being able to walk on the ocean. Maybe making it so you sink and there being lots of monsters. Being able to buy/rent small boats at port towns that act like cart, you sit in it and can control its movements. Add creatures in water and be able to explore down there. Underwater cities/exploration is a must.
**** ( 4 Received )

Fast Travelling
Do away with fast travel... I know an alternative to actually slow travelling would need to be found, but fast travel is like going down the interstate w/ sound barriers on both sides; fast, but nothing to see or do. Allow random encounters during travelling, depending on what type of area you are heading through. I hate fast travelling to a dungeon showing up at night (or some dark time of day ) and i can't find the entrance. Instead of fast travel being just a few point and clicks with a mouse on some colour coded map, why not make fast travelling exactly what it sounds like, by just clicking on the fast travel button the character moves across the landscape extremely fast whenever they press foward and to speed up time so the sun rises and sets accordingly. But when the character isn't actually moving foward the time rate is normal so characters don't accidentally spend a week standing on a road into a forest because they clicked on fast travel but didn't move.
**** ( 4 Received )

Dropping Gold
Drop gold into Piles and onto Wagon.
*** ( 3 Received )

Getting Drunk
Why is it when I drink one measly beer in the bar, then try it again, I'm not hungry? I'll tell you when I'm hungry or not! Damn it, I've been in a dungeon for two weeks without food, and you're cutting me off after one stinkin' beer? Oh, but wait, the bartender is 2D, and my sword goes right through him. So much for that idea. The Arena manual says you can get drunk. Why not in Daggerfall? My view rocks back and forth when I take a big hit, make it sway if I take one too many, or blur it, like in Redneck Rampage (which isn't an RPG, but a good game nonetheless). Oh, drunk like Redneck is fine.. it may be skill.. look. You been hit by poison. You feel bad. Drink a potion of Wine (or Vodka) and you still can bring yourself to temple and heal. But if Drunkard skill is not enough, you just fall and.. load game. If you drunk, you may fall over ground and sleep. In some circumstances, guards will ignore you, in others you will wake up in prison. When you sleep in open ground you may be robbed.
*** ( 3 Received )

Sorting Items
You must have some sort of sorting for objects, esp. ingrediants. It becomes tiresome to page down through hundreds of items in your wagon. Perhaps a special pouch all ingrediants go into, or containers at least (we definitely need containers). Add a pouch of holding as an artifact, you carry it with you and it holds as much as 5 carts when full. Should be an option to create your own groups of items, (ie when using a cart the items could be split into good expensive weapons/armour, cheaper stuff, scrolls, ingredients.)
*** ( 3 Received )

Much better flying skills. Like x-y-z movement (Descentish) instead of the tedious creep up, drift down method. Maybe flight vehicles, like broomstick, magic carpet, or whatever. Magical mounts such as dragons, Pegusi, Griffons, etc... Flight spell. Gryphons.
** ( 2 Received )

Games Within Games
Go to a pub/tavern and play darts, dice, draughts, cards, shell game, chess, - this would be easy programming and a way for characters to win money, better their reputations (or worsen it for that matter) get in brawls, cheat (all of these could affect skill scores). Gambling-dice, cards, racing.
** ( 2 Received )

More varied forms. carts, chariots, wagons, etc..., with different stats (load, speed, wears out). All forms of transportation should be objects. Can be left in your stable, injured in a battle (ie wearout), has different quality (ie wearout at different rates, have different speeds, endurance, possibly even more or less likely to be right where you left him when you come out of that bar/dungeon/hotel), or even stolen. This would mean another building, (the stable) to make sure YOUR horse doesn't get stolen, as well as to buy a new one. Allow more than one (ie battle, fastest, kids pet :) ). They should be allowed to carry a minimal amount as well, (for those who like to travel light!). Machines, vehicles, and animals (mythical). camel would be in general slower than a horse, but it would eat less and would be less penalised in a desert. Also you should be able to catch them wild and have them trained, steal them from the stables etc. NPC's should also be able to get horses etc. Animals should be able to get into combat, with an AC, HP and attack DMG. Thair AC should be modified by Barding armour, and they should be able to die. You should need to get a saddle, and other equipment for them.The animals should be different colours and have a morale value.
** ( 2 Received )

Reflex Speed
Allow me to change the Opponent Reflex speed. If you want to avoid PC's using it to slow down so they can kick a big baddies butt, only allow me to bump reflex speed up.
** ( 2 Received )

Avenging Spirits
Sometimes, after killing a human enemy, a ghost or a wraith should follow you in an attempt to avenge its death. Ghosts would be from ordinary humans, wraiths from spellcasters. You could wander around in spirit form doing various things, trying to do enough quests or find that one 'rare' quest to bring you back to life (with certain advantages/disadvantages). Character death shouldnt necessarily mean the end of a game, the PC could have a chance of returning as a spirit-that can move about the world, and perhaps be raised from the dead at a freindly temple. while in spirit form undead creatures would be aware of the spirit and perhaps take a dislike ........
** ( 2 Received )

Meeting Enemies
While playing Daggerfall I have many times taken a walk out in the woods, so that I can sleep until a creature wakes me up. Then, after walking about 10 meters staight ahead, I face the enemy, and kill him easily. After killing him, I take anything of value from his body and go back to sleep, waiting for the next victim. After 1396 kills, this gets boring! You make a lot of money and get some nice armor, sure, but it gets really boring after a while! So: What if you could take a walk in the woods in the evening, just sucking in the fresh, unpolluted air of Tamriel, when, suddenly: Between the trees a little bit further down the small road you are walking on, you see something lighting up the darkness. You continue walking towards the light, when you discover what it really is: A couple of hunters sitting around a fire, eating. Their horses are tied up just outside the light from the flames.....So what do you want to do? Steal the horses? Attack them and rob them? Talk to them, and find out if they are nice? Maybe even ask for some food, since you feel a little hungry? Or : Just leave them alone? Imagine something like this happening. Wouldn`t it be great? It doesn`t have to be humans you meet, for that sake. It can be a nest, or maybe a dragon`s cave, just waiting for you to kill the dragon and run away with all the treasury dragons are known to guard? It can also be one single man out for a walk or something. Or pherhaps you can stop a thief, as you see him jump out of a window in the middle of the night? Maybe you`ll get rewarded, too? It`s not my desiscion, but I think it is a very interesting thought.
** ( 2 Received )

Player should receive mail, esp. if he/she has a house. When getting a good reputation, people should start asking you to perform quests for them instead. One should be able to have a mailing address (house) where people can send letters to. In case one decide to settle back for a month without any work, it should be possible to close the mailbox. Dark brotherhood members should have a low profile and as a result have the Dark brotherhood as a middle hand for getting letters.
* ( 1 Received )

Let thieves rob, or try to rob, you from time to time. Add quests to get your stuff back. Computer-thieves should intend to rob caracthers before killing them. One should have the option to chose between paying the thief or fighting him. A presentation of the thief should also appear, for example Level 10 thief, equipped with a Dwarven Longsword , this would force one to question if isn't better to pay the thief if he's strong after all. Pickpocketing in a dungeon should not count, there are no legal consequences if you fail or are seen.
* ( 1 Received )

The ability to hire spies to gather info on other provinces, rumours, etc...
* ( 1 Received )

More secrets and hidden things to found in the game. Secret guilds only found in one spot or at a certain time etc...
* ( 1 Received )

Receive a warning about sleeping in town in case you accidently hit the wrong button.
* ( 1 Received )

Currents in water. Could be different currents at different depths. Reflective water puddles like in ARENA. Rain only when not under a roof/cover etc...
* ( 1 Received )

Have beards as an apperance option. Shave and have grow back over time (men only).
* ( 1 Received )

Get rid of debilitating diseases. It basically slows the game. Create more interesting diseases (a blinding one with black fog, a skin disease where you take damage in sunlite).
* ( 1 Received )

Realisitic Weather
The weather effects are nice, but the whole seasons/weather need to be more realistic. (i saw flowers near the castle Wayrest in winter time)
* ( 1 Received )

Schools for various things such as writing, riding, ect. in which regular attendance is required to slowly raise skills. Learn more useful skills such as weaponsmith, etc...
* ( 1 Received )

Organized Crime
A player should be able to start a gang. Fight opposing gangs, join gangs and eventually build them up and become crimelords. One could then bribe private officals, hire assassins, crews, etc. A player should be able to become a pimp or a prostitute. Open a Brothel or work off the streets. Maybe have that as a character class? Make management of the people a skill, and the more satisfied customers a prostitute gets, the more fame, money, etc. Maybe make that a skill as well? There are always prositutes in the games, I want to be one. make some quick money off the start or even through your activities you could learn some secrets. Like if some big name npc used you and in the heat of passion spouted out somethings he shouldn't have. Or maybe you could lure people in and kill them.
* ( 1 Received )

Regional Differences
Differents regions can have differents languages and laws. Regional differences within each province could be included. For example, some parts of High Rock might have an Oriental/Asian influence, some parts of Hammerfell might have an Arabic influence, etc. And these differences could be reflected in character development in the form of dress, weapon preferences, etc.
* ( 1 Received )

Portrait Change
Your character's portrait changes depending on his/her condition (poisoned, diseased, cursed etc...).
* ( 1 Received )

Let news traval of your deeds. Like if you fly into a town on horseback, kill 50 guards and dissapear without a scratch. Then go to another town and here someone gossip about the Terrible fiend who charged into a town and slew all the guards and disapeared into the night without a trace..... Maybe make a file that can be copied on a disk so you can exchange rumours with a friend?
* ( 1 Received )

Gods and Avatars
Gods can be more directly involved in human affairs.A god that you served loyaly for a long time can appear to you in a dream and make you his earthly champion. Avatars of gods can be a very very rare but exciting encounter. Why not fight a god or do quest for a god?
* ( 1 Received )

Add your relatives to the game... Where does my mother and sister live????? Add some sort of relationship thing to the game.
* ( 1 Received )

Walk through town and kill someone's pig or something, then go and sell it to a butcher

Let reputation be accessible within the game, at least in regards to people and groups that you are likely to know about e.g merchants, nobility that you have met etc. Access a screen that tells you are liked by nobility, hated by merchants etc...

In dungeons, let stuff you pick up get stored automatically in the wagon. Going back and forth is BORING. Perhaps this could be a spell STORE STUFF in which you magically access your wagon from anywhere but at the cost of a few spell points.

Fighters Guild
The fighter guild should offer either armor or weapons as members increase in rank. (Something like the Knight

City Shop Signs
Make the signs for shops in the city all high enough so a character can walk under them. Having to avoid them on a horse is ok.

More Manly Flesh
US women would like to see some mens flesh also, fair is fair guys right? :)

Need to gain interest in banks (Yes, some may use this as cheat...but too bad). Invest in trading ventures.

More Bodies
Need more than one male/one female per race to choose from.

Holidays and Celebrations
Have parades, gratherings, celebrations etc... on the holidays, not just look like another day.

Large Objects
Large objects such as trees, rocks, wagons etc... that can move.

Have an optional clock/date display on the screen. Include in in-game calendar (not in the hint-book, or at least in the manual).

Joining Guilds
You shouldn't be able to join opposite guilds. You could, but eventually you would be found out by one guild and be in some sort of trouble.

Object Interaction
Try to approach the object interaction like in the 'Ultima' series where nearly everything could be picked up, thrown etc... (no static sprites)

More depth to the world, a USE for your ship, speed travel, riverside towns (would have a different feel to them than the roadside towns, or the suburan towns), etc...

Add chests to game. Used to carry gold in wagons. In Arena treasure was often found in chests which were locked and somtimes trapped.

Gypsy Camps
Incorporate traveling gypsy camps. The Camps would have a few shops and maybe even a thief guild or Dark Brotherhood as part of their collection of wagons. The camps would move from place to place and would never stay in one place or more than 1 month. Be able to join them like a guild.

Guild Fees
Thieves guild takes cut off stolen merchandise sold. Temples require a certain tithe.

Barrom Brawls
I like the mentioned idea of barroom brawl. Don't forget to use your fists, not your weapons.

Unique Areas
The lands of Tamriel are so expansive that there needs to be a few very unique areas - a cool wizard's tower that the character can befriend, a druid's cottage, a lord of a manor, etc. Places where the character can actually set up equipment and build a mentorship or working partnership with someone.

Better dressing of the wilderness and a better looking horizon.

Guild Sub-Class
It should be possible to join guilds in different classes. When joining the Dark brotherhood for example one should have three classes to join as: ASSASSIN: Standard class, prefers single executions without being seen. Prefers running from large enemy groups. Prefers light armor and small weapons. Assassins are used to assassinate single units CLEANER: Prefers eye to eye combat. Where's heavy armor and use big weapons. Cleaners are sent to wipe-out entire enemy groups. SPIES: Prefers no combat, where's no armor. Spies are specalised in sabotaging(i.e switching letter etc). Different quest should be offered to each class along with general quests.

Don't Add Too Much
Don't set your sites too high and try to add everything. While it would be cool to make the ultimate CRPG, the game to end all games, it isn't very practical. There are so many good suggestions here that many would have to be dropped. Don't try to put EVERYTHING in; some of them are so unimportant in the long run that it wouldn't be worth the speed hit, or developement time spent. Also, Daggerfall was buggy enough as it was. Make tradeoffs, and pick only the best or easiest to implement. In other words, don't try to please everyone.

Focus on Gameplay
Yes, fancy graphics, music, and cut-scenes are nice, but what makes a game truly great is the actual game play. Great graphics can make a game with good gameplay great, but can't do anything for a game with un-interesting play.

Cheaper than a cart, but with increased weight allowence 25 percent or somthing. Let Wizards have a magical bag or something.

Werewolf Clans
Add werewolf clans as in the vampire case.

Confine Location
Anyway, my overall point is, I was thinking that maybe Bethesda could concentrate the third chapter into a single location (a big one, though) because in this fashion it would possible (space wise) to implement full speech in the game and a feeling that the player isn't missing something in the game because he/she was in one place and not the other. I was thinking of something like one city (the Imperial City?), but make everything a lot more rich and detailed. And since the game programmers won't have to worry about a billion people, they can possibly make the hundred or so in the city a lot more realistic...possibly, human.

Add chests to game. Used to carry gold in wagons.

CPU Specific
It would be nice to have a setup program, or detection algorithm for different brands of CPU's to make optimum use of a specific brand, and eliminate crashes caused by using non-intel CPUS (Cyrix/IBM, NexGem etc.)

Bring back the haggling like in Arena (make it optional).

Different cities/regions would have different laws. You'd have to venture to the town hall to read them and make note of them.

Add lotteries, gambling, etc...

Visible Breath
See your characters breath when it gets cold.

Let me go through those walls or remove that house that is blocking my view.

Galdiator Matches
Gladiator matches and pit fights for the lower class of adventurers

Different systems of government( Iran-like theocracy, city-states run by merchant houses, like medieval Venice, military despots, and totally rulerless cities

Trample enemies with your horse, cart or ship.

Make this work better, so you can't be seen or recognized at all.

Plant Crops
Maybe you can even put in something like planting your own crops and stuff like that, so that it encourges people to take more interest in doing various things with there home. Also you can have expanding on houses, and maybe even building taverns or stores.

Shops should be able to go out of business. I always sell to the same shop and never buy anything from the guy. Theoretically the NPC's treat him the same. He should go bust very quickly. Another way to handle this is to give the NPC's a max amount of money that they can afford to spend on buying goods. A shopkeeper will only buy so much from you before he says Sorry, I've got too much inventory right now. Let me sell some of this stuff and then maybe I'll buy some more from you . Some algorithm would determine how quickly he sells stuff off. (War nearby means shelves empty quickyl. Quiet fishing village that's isolated, stuff might never get sold.)

More Shady Things
There should defintely be a more seedier underside to CH3. Yes we have the theives guild and the Dark brotherhood. But what about some Brothels? Perhaps some illegitimate weapons dealers. A black market of sorts.

Visible Body
I should be able to look at my feet (the nice deadric boots) have that blue outline thing to.

Guild Creation
Be able to create your own guild.

Improve the compass in DF. Make it like the one in Arena (more clear).

I like to travel from city to city in real time. However, some times, places can be hard to find. One way of improving this would be to link cities with roads. However, a simpler way, would be to select a city on the map, and then for an arrow to point you in the correct direction, like on flight simulators when you select a waypoint. The correct direction should be quite easy to calculate.

I think it would be nice if you could have horses in different colours not just light brown all the time, black horses, white horses, dark brown, spotty etc. Also it would be good if you could buy armour for them, because I don't see why they can't get injured or killed in battle too.

Why not have all those animals interactive? Get caught stealing, then run from the guards, steal a horse and ride away! Make horse travel faster, more realistic, so that when you steal a horse it might not like you and buck you off! The guards could have horses too.

Darker water to limit your sight.

Where is it!!! Where are the believers??? How does it affect people???

Can you do something about these clouds? Perhaps make the random, but mak them look decent,one of the nicest things to be looking at in the early morning or late evening is a nice sunset or beautiful cloudscape.

Travel Modes
Add more interesting and potential-filled modes of travel.Also make exploration, instead of (just) monster bashing the order of the day. Hot-air ballon, witches broom, submarine.

Hire people to deliver/pick-up mundane items.

Damage in Sunlight
A character who has a dammage in sunlight property (if it's in ch3) should be able to equip a cloak/robes garment that would either cancel or greatly reduce the damage.

A shops name should reflect it's quality, places with BEST in the title should be excellent and those with BARGAIN in the title should be crummy.

Improve the cheat system, when in in god mode you shouldn't be able to drown and should have unlimited fatigue and spell points. Cycling through the quest locations should have the entrance of the dungeon as the first location.

Historically Accurate
To get Morrowind to be ultimately immersive you should try getting alot of historacle accuracy. I.E. peasants would have to save up for months to afford a dagger, and there were actual wars over kinghood. Iron was a very ineffective material, as there are records of roman soldiers having to straighten their swod blades in the heat of battle. The bow was a deadly weapon, it is written that a Welsh longbowman fired a sheaf arrow (shorter ranged but deadlier) at an English cavalry, the arrow was said to have pierced the armor of the knight, drive through the flesh and bone of his leg, pierce the other side of his plate, penetrate the thick leather saddle of the horse and finnaly lay rest in the horse, effectively pinning the knight to his horse.

Total of 206 Suggestions, 93 Unique

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