We recovered the Dragonhorn, but we have no idea what to do with it. While Abnur Tharn attempts to learn more, Khamira wants me to stop Zumog Phoom from reassembling Cadwell's original body—the evil Cadwell the Betrayer.
Cadwell the Betrayer |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I need to go to the throne room in Rimmen Palace to speak with Khamira.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
Khamira asked me to talk to Abnur Tharn and see if he knows where I need to go to find the necromancer, Zumog Phoom.
Objective: Find Abnur Tharn
Cadwell seems trapped in one of his visions, seeing through the eyes of Cadwell the Betrayer. I should talk to him and see if I can help him in some way.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Cadwell used one of his portals to leap into Zumog Phoom's lair. I should talk to Abnur Tharn and see if he has any idea how we can follow him.
Objective: Talk to Abnur Tharn
Abnur Tharn was able to identify the location Cadwell teleported to. It's an ancient crypt in the Scar, not far from the Stitches. I need to head there and meet up with Tharn and the rest of my companions.
Objective: Go to Zumog Phoom's Lair
I arrived at the Sepulcher of Mischance to find Abnur Tharn waiting outside for me. I should talk to him and find out where Zamarak and Prefect Calo are.
Objective: Talk to Abnur Tharn
I need to enter Zumog Phoom's lair and prevent him from reanimating Cadwell the Betrayer.
Objective: Enter the Sepulcher of Mischance
We found Cadwell inside Zumog Phoom's lair. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Zumog Phoom stole energy from Cadwell and has deposited it at various ritual sites throughout his lair. I need to help Cadwell recover that energy.
Objective: Recover Cadwell's Stolen Energy
Captain Nala-do's spirit is waiting to talk to me. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Captain Nala-do's Spirit
I disrupted each of the ritual sites except for the main one. Now I need to stop Zumog Phoom before he completes the ritual.
Objective: Stop Zumog Phoom's Ritual
I killed Zumog Phoom, but not before he completed his ritual. Now Cadwell the Betrayer has been made whole!
Objective: Watch Cadwell the Betrayer
Cadwell the Betrayer opened a portal and disappeared. I should talk to the Cadwell I know and find out why he seems so weak again.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Cadwell faded away, but not before telling me what he knows of the Betrayer's plans. I need to return to Rimmen Palace and tell my companions what's going on.
Objective: Return to Rimmen Palace
I need to tell Khamira what happened at Zumog Phoom's lair and what Cadwell told me about the Betrayer's plans.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
Khamira wants us to gather in the royal study so she can show us something.
Objective: Enter the Royal Study
Khamira has something to tell us. I should listen to what she has to say.
Objective: Listen to Khamira
Khamira's pendant identified a location on the map of Elsweyr: The Shadow Dance Ruins. I should talk to her and see if she thinks that was what Cadwell was trying to tell us.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
We think the Betrayer is on his way to the ruins of the Shadow Dance Temple. I need to get there as soon as I can.
Objective: Go to the Shadow Dance Ruins
I entered the Shadow Dance Ruins. I should talk to Khamira and see if she knows how to proceed.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
Khamira opened a path into the depths of the ruined temple. I should follow her.
Objective: Follow Khamira
The portal opened by Khamira led to an underground temple. I need to look around and see if I can find any sign of the Betrayer.
Objective: Search the Shadow Dance Temple
I found a strange relic tied to the moons. Khamira says this might be what the Betrayer seeks. I should examine it.
Objective: Examine the Temple Relic
The temple relic started the process of attuning Khamira to the Lunar Lattice. She needs to complete the process in order to stop the Betrayer from moving the moons and opening the way to Jode's Core. I should help her find the remaining relics.
Objective: Find the Next Temple Relic
I found another temple relic. I need to activate it to help Khamira continue the process of attunement to the Lunar Lattice.
Objective: Activate the Temple Relic
Optional Step: Talk to Khamira
Khamira believes there is one more temple relic to activate to complete her attunement to the Lunar Lattice. I need to help her find it.
Objective: Find the Final Temple Relic
I found the final temple relic. I need to activate it to help Khamira complete the process of attunement to the Lunar Lattice.
Objective: Activate the Temple Relic
Now that Khamira has been attuned, we need to reach the temple sanctuary and stop the Betrayer from causing the moons to move and form an eclipse.
Objective: Reach the Temple Sanctuary
Khamira wants to discuss a plan for confronting the Betrayer before we enter the sanctuary.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
As soon as I'm ready, I need to enter the temple sanctuary and confront Cadwell the Betrayer.
Objective: Enter the Temple Sanctuary
I reached the temple sanctuary and located Cadwell the Betrayer. Now I have to confront him and end his evil existence.
Objective: Kill the Betrayer
I killed the Betrayer, but Khamira seems to be having a problem reversing the eclipse. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Khamira
Khamira wants me to activate the temple relic in the sanctuary. She believes the power released by the relic can be used to restore the Dragonhorn of Anequina.
Objective: Activate the Temple Relic
I need to watch as Khamira absorbs the energy from the temple relic. She thinks she can use it to restore the power of the Dragonhorn of Anequina.
Objective: Observe Khamira
Cadwell appeared and seems to be back to his old self. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Cadwell
Khamira wants us to return to Rimmen Palace and gather our forces before we decide what to do about the eclipse that the Betrayer set in motion.
Objective: Return to Rimmen Palace
Finishes quest |
The Betrayer is dead, but not before he started an eclipse that will shortly open the Moon Gate of Anequina and allow the Dragons to reach Jode's Core. I should consult with Khamira about our next course of action.
Objective: Talk to Khamira