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Online:Crafting Motif 124: The Recollection Daggers

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Crafting Motif 124: The Recollection Daggers
ID 9039
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Crafting Motif 124: The Recollection Style
by Quartermaster Minthalor
A guide to crafting daggers in the Recollection style

Missive from Quartermaster Minthalor to all Recollection factions
Our work across our Dawnwood progresses nicely, despite some imbalances in our equipment. With our forces spread across the many camps in the region, some units are working with fewer resources than others. To rectify this, and properly equip our forces to achieve our goals, this missive outlines standard equipment and weapons that should be available at any camp, as well as the identifying marks and strategic improvements suggested by Recollection leadership.

When equipping your camps, adhere to the following guidelines. If your camp does not have the resources to do so, reach out to your assigned quartermaster immediately.


The curved blade of a Recollection dagger the last thing our enemies will see. The leather handle should be cleaned between battles, and the metal blade kept sharp with a whetstone.