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Una Armina (0x0001559e)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Una Armina
  • Editor ID: SEUnaArmina
  • Form ID: 0x0001559e
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Imperial (0x00000907)
Gender Female
Class Savant (0x00023e6b)
ACHR (if unique) SEUnaArminaRef (0x0001586e)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 25
NPC Health 170
NPC Magicka 197
SCRI SEUnaArminaSCRIPT (0x00043424)
Model Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 1
Magicka Raw 197
Fatigue Raw 266
Gold 3
Level Raw 25
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 40
Energy 70
Responsibility 80
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 7
Athletics Raw 49
Blade Raw 54
Block Raw 49
Blunt Raw 12
Hand To Hand Raw 12
Heavy Armor Raw 17
Alchemy Raw 49
Alteration Raw 7
Conjuration Raw 7
Destruction Raw 7
Illusion Raw 7
Mysticism Raw 7
Restoration Raw 7
Acrobatics Raw 24
Light Armor Raw 24
Marksman Raw 24
Mercantile Raw 76
Security Raw 66
Sneak Raw 24
Speechcraft Raw 76
Health Raw 170
Strength Raw 74
Intelligence Raw 79
Willpower Raw 54
Agility Raw 64
Speed Raw 64
Endurance Raw 74
Personality Raw 50
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00081526 Welcome to the Museum of Oddities, Lord Sheogorath. I have collected all the wonders of your lands here.
0x00081527 You should come see my museum, Lord Sheogorath. I've built it just to honor you.
0x000412c7 Anyway, I'm always looking for new exhibits, so remember me when you come across anything Odd.
0x000412c8 There you can view all the finest Oddities of the Realm. I'm always looking for new exhibits, so be sure to think of me when you see anything Odd!
0x000412ce Welcome to the Museum of Oddities! Let me know if you'd like a tour of our exhibits.
0x00081530 My Lord! What brings you to my humble museum?
0x00081531 May I have a snippet of your hair for my museum?
0x00072fe5 I hope you're enjoying the museum!
0x00050a9e Ah, my favorite patron! Anything Odd to show me? Ha ha ha.
0x00050a9f Have you found any new Oddities?
0x00081539 It's been an honor to host you, Lord Sheogorath.
0x00042dac That newcomer... I know I heard his name the other day, but I can't seem to remember....
0x000434c9 I would love to get a piece of the old Gatekeeper for my Museum. His head maybe, or an arm... he certainly was a unique specimen.
0x00078164 That Museum of Oddities is a joke, although I hear Una Armina will pay for certain items.
0x00078164 That Museum of Oddities is a joke, although I hear Una Armina will pay for certain items.
0x00078165 You should stop by the Museum of Oddities. I understand Una is always looking for more items to display.
0x00078165 You should stop by the Museum of Oddities. I understand Una is always looking for more items to display.
0x000825ef I don't visit the Museum of Oddities, but Una Armina is always looking for new items to display.
0x000825ef I don't visit the Museum of Oddities, but Una Armina is always looking for new items to display.
0x000825f0 If you find something unique, it's worth checking with Una Armina.
0x000825f0 If you find something unique, it's worth checking with Una Armina.
0x000434f9 That Xedilian place just sounds positively stuffed with Oddities. Surely something could be spared for my museum?
0x00043ea0 Too bad someone didn't bring me this Chalice for my Museum. Would have made a fine addition to my collection.
0x00043ebd I could have told Syl who the traitor was, if only I could remember! Damn my failing mind!
0x000441ed The question is, who gains from the Torch being relit? And who loses? That's what you should be asking yourself.
0x0005dd10 I was always perfectly loyal to the old Duchess. As I am to the new Duke, whoever it may be.
0x0005ed8a Thadon is dead. I wonder if he had anything interesting for the museum....
0x0005ef57 Of course the Fringe was destroyed. This is how the Greymarch always begins, you know.
0x0005f20e Always nice to have a new Gatekeeper. I hope that when this one gets killed, someone thinks to bring me something for the Museum.
0x0005f428 It was truly shocking. The guards just dropped dead, all across the city! I'm glad it's over, but it makes you wonder, doesn't it?
0x00060521 Sheogorath hasn't disappeared. Did you know that he and Jyggalag are the same person? It's all very hard to understand.
0x000607d5 I hope someone saved a piece of Jyggalag's armor. Just the thing for my museum!
0x00043435 How mercenary of you! You and I both know the Museum is the rightful home for such an Oddity. I hope you change your mind eventually.
0x00043436 I'm surprised at your attitude. Here I thought you were a patron of my Museum. I only hope you change your mind one day.
0x00043437 Have it your way. The honor of having one of their items on display in the Museum is enough for most people. But not you, it seems.
0x00043434 Oh, how generous of you! This blind Watcher's Eye is sure to draw a crowd.
0x00043438 Thank you! It is a truly odd Tentacle. I'm so glad to have one back on display.
0x00043439 You really are a dear! A true friend to the Museum. Perhaps Lord Sheogorath himself will come see the exhibit one day.
0x00079f56 Fantastic. I can't tell you what it means to me to have this in my collection. You are a good soul.
0x00081e9e Thank you, dearie! My museum just wasn't the same without the ashes on display.
0x00081e9f How sweet! You truly are a patron of the Odd!
0x00081ea0 Really? For free? That's so generous of you. I'll put this tomato right back where it belongs in a place of honor!
0x00081ea1 Such a benefactor! I'll be sure to mention your generosity to all my other patrons.
0x00081ea2 Oh, you are a sweetie. The museum hasn't been the same since this went missing. It's so nice of you to donate it to the cause of Oddity.
0x00081ea3 I don't know what to say! You're such a dear! I'm going to put this dagger right back where it belongs.
0x00081ea4 Oh, my! I'm so glad to have this back. People have been asking me what happened to my Ring of Disrobing, and I just didn't know what to tell them.
0x00081eab Wonderful! I'll put you on my list of Special Donors. It's a very exclusive list, you know.
0x00082423 Well aren't you a darling? I know just where I'm going to put this.
0x00082424 How generous of you! You'd just give it to me? You are a true lover of Oddities, aren't you?
0x00082425 That's a lovely gesture! Thank you so much. Everyone will be so glad to have the Ring back where it belongs.
0x00043428 What a shame. One Sheogorath-shaped amber lump is Odd; two are simply boring. Maybe next time you'll find something really Odd.
0x00043429 This looks just like the one I have... well, had in the Museum. It seems to have been misplaced. I wish I had the funds to buy it off you...
0x0004342a Well, if it doesn't look just like you! So lifelike! My patrons are going to absolutely adore this.
0x0008f58a If it isn't the spitting image of Lord Sheogorath himself! So lifelike you can almost see his bad eye twitching! Perfect!
0x00043414 Don't be discouraged! Some people just have better luck than others in finding Oddities.
0x00081e5d Well, just keep looking and I'm sure something Odd will turn up!
0x00081e99 Oh, don't worry. You'll find something Odd if you keep at it!
0x00043425 Too bad... I already have a deformed Swamp Tentacle. But next time I'm sure you'll find something truly Odd, don't worry.
0x00043426 Interesting... it looks vaguely familiar, like I once had one of these on display. I only wish I had the funds to buy it off you...
0x00043427 Wonderful! Looking at the tentacle, I'm not sure whether to be disgusted or terrified. Just the kind of thing I'm looking for!
0x00043415 Oh... I already have something in the Museum very similar. But don't give up, I'm sure something truly Odd will turn up soon.
0x00043416 I could swear I once had a Blind Watcher's Eye just like that.... I would like to replace it, but the funds just aren't available.
0x00043417 Ah! How deliciously odd! I've never seen a Blind Watcher's Eye before. It will have a place of honor in the Museum.
0x00043412 Do you have anything that you'd like to contribute to the Museum?
0x00043413 Have you found a new Oddity that you'd like to contribute to the Museum?
0x00072dc1 I pity the poor Khajiit that tries to steal dog food from Ushnar.
0x00079f51 Another Pelvis of Pelagius? I don't think that's possible, honestly. It must be a fake.
0x00079f52 But... I already have... or had.... How odd. It seems to be missing. I'm sorry I don't have the funds to purchase it from you. Again.
0x00079f53 That's amazing! The pelvis of Pelagius III! An honored madman if there ever was one!
0x00082426 I love this one. It's a Screaming Maw that can't scream! Isn't that just the Oddest thing you've ever seen?
0x00082427 Oh, yes, I've already shown you this shelf, haven't I? My poor old brain just isn't what it used to be!
0x00082428 The Ring of Disrobing -- removes your clothes if you put it on. Now, don't you go trying it! I have enough Oddities on display already, hahaha.
0x00082429 This case here I'm saving for something special. Wouldn't you like to be the one to find something Odd enough to go on display here?
0x0008242a Here's a new addtion to the Museum, one of my favorites. A dagger that heals whomever it cuts! Isn't that deliciously Odd?
0x0008242b Oh. That's strange, I thought there was something else here... well, no matter. Just losing my mind or something! Right this way.
0x0008242c A lovely little Oddity -- a key made from a Hound's Tooth. And no one even knows what it opens, imagine that! Shall we move on?
0x0008242d I think something's missing from this shelf. Or it could be just my old brain playing tricks on me again. Oh well, let's continue the tour, shall we?
0x0008242e This one is perhaps more unusual than truly Odd, but some people enjoy it. Truth be told, I only display it as a favor to the donor.
0x0008242f As you can see, I have plenty of space here for new Oddities, so think of me when you run across anything Odd!
0x00082430 Here's something truly Odd -- a Soul Tomato! A tomato that can act like a soul gem! No one has yet been able to explain it.
0x00082431 Were you in here last week? Wasn't there an exhibit in this case then? Oh well, I must just be going senile, hahaha!
0x00081ec8 This is a lovely little Oddity -- a two-headed Septim! Take your time, there's no rush.
0x00081ec9 Well, this case seems to be empty. Strange. I'm sure that yesterday... ah, my memory just isn't what it used to be. Let's see what else we can find.
0x00081ec6 Here we have the mortal remains of a fellow named Din, who as I understand was driven mad and killed himself, a truly Demented act.
0x00081ec7 Yes. I've been meaning to put something here, but it seems I haven't gotten around to it. Although I distinctly remember preparing an exhibit....
0x00081ec4 Over here is the Pelvis of Pelagius, the greatest Emperor that Tamriel has ever seen, as well as being completely mad.
0x00081ec5 Hmm... I could have sworn that I used to keep something very Odd on this shelf. Oh well. Let's move on.
0x00081eb9 That's fine. Feel free to look around on your own.
0x00081eba Wonderful! Follow me, and I'll show you around my little collection of Oddities.
0x00081eb8 Would you like a tour of the Museum?
0x0008f58b This right here is one of my favorites. A lump of amber in the shape of your head, my Lord! A very popular item, too, if I may be so bold.
0x00081eaf This right here is one of my favorites. A lump of amber in the shape of Lord Sheogorath's head! The wonders of nature never cease to amaze.
0x00081eb7 This case is waiting for something especially Odd. If you run across anything Odd, be sure to bring it by and it might end up on display here!
0x00081eb1 Here in this case is a disgustingly deformed Swamp Tentacle. Such a freak of nature has never been seen before, and hopefully not since either!
0x00082432 You know, I always walk over here thinking there's another exhibit, but there never is. Silly me!
0x00081eb0 Here you see the Blind Watcher's Eye. A most unusual specimen collected at great peril by... some intrepid adventurer!
0x00081eb5 Here is... well, I think there used to be something very Odd here, but it seems to be missing now. Let's move on.
0x00081ea8 Oh. Another Mute Screaming Maw. I already have one of those on exhibit.
0x00081ea9 I've been looking for one of those to replace the one I used to have on display. At least I think I did. I truly wish I could afford to buy it...
0x00081eaa Oh, how cute! Look how it tries and tries to scream but no sound comes out! This is perfect for my museum!
0x00081e96 I'm so sorry. I already have a Ring of Disrobing. There's really no place in a Museum of Oddities for duplicates, as I'm sure you can understand.
0x00081e97 That's just like one that's gone missing from my Museum. If only I had the funds to replace it.
0x00081e98 Oh, my. How wonderful! A ring that removes people's clothing! This will be one of my most popular exhibits, I'm sure.
0x00081e93 That's so strange. I got one of those just the other day. Sorry. Maybe you can start your own collection of oddities, hmm?
0x00081e94 Oh, yes, I have one of those... no, that's the one that I misplaced the other day. I'd really like to replace it, but funds are so tight...
0x00081e95 Well isn't that just the Oddest thing! A dagger that heals people. Who would make such a thing, and why? I absolutely adore it!
0x00081e90 Honestly, I'd never seen one before until recently, and now to have two turn up! That's Odd in itself, isn't it? But I really can't use it, sorry.
0x00081e91 What luck! I seem to have misplaced the one I used to have on display. I really can't afford to buy it from you though.
0x00081e92 What a perfect little Oddity! Just strange enough that it makes you go "Hmm?" but not so strange as to become a Miracle or an Omen. Thank you!
0x00081e8d We already have one of those, I'm afraid. It wasn't all that Odd to begin with, honestly. We certainly can't have two.
0x00081e8e Seems like I've seen one of those before. But I guess it is Odd enough for the Museum... but I certainly can't justify buying it from you.
0x00081e8f Hmm. A bowl that you mix potions in. Doesn't seem all that Odd to me... well, I can see you're trying, so I'll find somewhere to put it.
0x00081e8a You wouldn't think there would be two of those in the world, now would you? Sorry. Keep looking and I'm sure something truly Odd will turn up.
0x00081e8b That looks just like one I used to have. Or maybe I saw it in a book... in any case, I wish I could afford to buy it from you, but....
0x00081e8c Oh my, that is Odd! I've never even heard of such a thing before. We'll find a nice place for it here in the Museum.
0x00081e87 That's too bad. I already have one of those. Can't very well have two in a Museum of Oddities, now can we?
0x00081e88 I already have one of... wait a moment, no, that's the one I can't find now. If only I had the money to buy it off you....
0x00081e89 Two Tibers are always better than one, I always say! We'll take good care of him here in the Museum, don't you worry.
0x00081e84 Really? But I already have Din's Ashes. I'm afraid someone must have taken advantage of your gullibility.
0x00081e85 Where did you find that? I was sure I once had Din's Ashes on display here... I wish I had the funds to replace them, they were very popular....
0x00081e86 This is unsual! The ashes of a famous madman are perfect for my Museum!
0x0008243b Oh, a Ring of Desiccation! That's one of my... well, was one of my favorite Oddities. If I had the money, I'd buy it off you right now.
0x0008243a Interesting. I could have sworn I used to have an arm like that in my museum. I have just the place for it, if only I could afford to buy it....
0x00082439 Oh, that looks just like a little skull I used to have. I would love to have one back, but the Museum just isn't drawing the crowds anymore....
0x00082438 I hope you've enjoyed the tour! Feel free to stay and browse for as long as you like.
0x00082436 Up here is a little beauty. The Ring of Desiccation. Walk on water and breathe underwater at the same time. Odd, if you think about it for a minute.
0x00082437 Here's the Ring of... well now, where did it go? Things have a way of disappearing around here that's enough to drive a person insane!
0x00082434 Here's a real Oddity for you -- an arm of one of the Gatekeepers! This one was killed by... oh, I forget now. A lovely specimen in any case.
0x00082435 Hmm. You haven't seen a huge severed arm with an axe for a hand anywhere, have you? I seem to have misplaced mine. Ah, well.
0x00081eb6 Look closely and you'll see a tiny skull. These pygmys used to live in the Shivering Isles until they were all eaten by Grummites, poor dears!
0x00082433 There used to be a pygmy skull here, I was sure of it. My very first Oddity. I couldn't have imagined that, could I? ... Well, let's move on!
Item Id Item Count
Una Amina's Key (0x00073225) 1
White Mage's Shoes (0x000a4990) 1
Blue Silks (0x00064fe4) 1
Blue Silk Shirt (0x00064fe5) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Package Id
SE38PlaceItem1 (0x00043423)
SE38PlaceItem2 (0x0004342b)
SE38PlaceItem3 (0x0004342c)
SE38PlaceItem4 (0x00079f55)
SE38PlaceItem5 (0x00081e7d)
SE38PlaceItem6 (0x00081e7e)
SE38PlaceItem7 (0x00081e7f)
SE38PlaceItem8 (0x00081e80)
SE38PlaceItem9 (0x00081e81)
SE38PlaceItem10 (0x00081e82)
SE38PlaceItem11 (0x00081e83)
SE38PlaceItem12 (0x00081ea7)
SE38PlaceItemA (0x00082440)
SE38PlaceItemB (0x00082441)
SE38PlaceItemC (0x00082442)
SE38TourItem1 (0x00081eb2)
SE38TourItem2 (0x00081eb3)
SE38TourItem3 (0x00081eb4)
SE38TourItem4 (0x00081ebb)
SE38TourItem5 (0x00081ebc)
SE38TourItem6 (0x00081ebd)
SE38TourItem7 (0x00081ebe)
SE38TourItem8 (0x00081ebf)
SE38TourItem9 (0x00081ec0)
SE38TourItem10 (0x00081ec1)
SE38TourItem11 (0x00081ec2)
SE38TourItem12 (0x00081ec3)
SE38TourItemA (0x0008243d)
SE38TourItemB (0x0008243e)
SE38TourItemC (0x0008243f)
SE38TourDone (0x0008243c)
SEUnaArminaOfferTourToUshnar (0x0009359e)
SEUnaArminaEatSicklyBernice3x2 (0x000412cd)
SEUnaArminaSleep12x1 (0x000412c9)
SEUnaArminaSleep6x1 (0x000412ca)
SEUnaArminaBaseWander (0x0004342d)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Crucible Citizen (0x00015580) 0
Dementia Faction (0x0001ad46) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011