Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ACRE Records

Displaying records 0-99 of 1588
Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 1300 1400 1500
Name edID formID Base Type Base Record
A 0x00052451 CREA TestCreaturesGrummiteDFullAxeShield (0x0005244a)
AlessiaBodyguardHorseRef 0x00032922 CREA Bay Horse (0x000a55ed)
AlessiaCaroHorseRef 0x00032920 CREA White Horse (0x00115e38)
AnvilHorse 0x000700e0 CREA Imperial Legion Horse (0x000700d1)
ArenaBoarRef 0x00146842 CREA Porkchop (0x0014683e)
BazurgroGharzHorseRef 0x0003291e CREA Paint Horse (0x0001f11e)
BigMomma 0x000c5747 CREA Uderfrykte Matron (0x000c55e6)
CGGoblinBerserkerPATROL01REF 0x0003b543 CREA Goblin Berserker (0x0003b542)
CGGoblinBossREF 0x0003b52e CREA Goblin Witch (0x0003b52d)
CGGoblinLogRunner01REF 0x0003b518 CREA Goblin (0x0003b51d)
CGGoblinPatrol01REF 0x0003b526 CREA Goblin (0x0003b525)
CGGoblinRunover02REF 0x0003b51a CREA Goblin (0x000c9ffc)
CGRatA1 0x00037e42 CREA Rat (0x0004e870)
CGRatA2 0x00037e41 CREA Rat (0x0004e870)
CGRegenerat 0x000666da CREA Sewer Rat (0x00066a05)
CGThiefSkeletonRef 0x00026be1 CREA Skeleton (0x00027338)
CGZombie01REF 0x000491fc CREA Zombie (0x00051445)
CarandialsHorseRef 0x0003291a CREA Bay Horse (0x0001f11d)
CastaScriboniaHorseRef 0x0003291f CREA Chestnut Horse (0x00015b92)
ClaudeMaricHorseRef 0x0018ae72 CREA Bay Horse (0x0000cf22)
Courier3HorseRef 0x000be550 CREA Black Horse (0x000be54f)
CourierHorse1Ref 0x000be333 CREA Black Horse (0x000be331)
CourierHorse2Ref 0x000be548 CREA Black Horse (0x000be547)
CourierHorse4Ref 0x000be557 CREA Black Horse (0x000be556)
CrazedDogRef 0x0018afcf CREA Crazed Dog (0x0018afcd)
CreatureRamSakeepaRef 0x00030026 CREA Sheep (0x0003001f)
CreatureRamWeynonPrioryRef 0x00027389 CREA Sheep (0x00027388)
DAHircineUnicornREF 0x0001ec59 CREA Unicorn (0x0001ec58)
DAMalacathOgre01Ref 0x00098d15 CREA Ogre (0x00026b60)
DAMalacathOgre02Ref 0x0009db48 CREA Ogre (0x0009db43)
DAMalacathOgre03Ref 0x0009db49 CREA Ogre (0x0009db44)
DAMalacathOgre04Ref 0x0009db4a CREA Ogre (0x0009db45)
DAMalacathOgre05Ref 0x0009db4b CREA Ogre (0x0009db46)
DAMalacathOgre06Ref 0x0009db4c CREA Ogre (0x0009db47)
DAMalacathOgre07Ref 0x0009f98d CREA Ogre (0x0009f98b)
DAMalacathOgre08Ref 0x0009f98e CREA Ogre (0x0009f98c)
DASheoSheepREF1 0x00026afc CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheoSheepREF2 0x00026b01 CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheoSheepREF3 0x00026b00 CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheoSheepREF4 0x00026aff CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheoSheepREF5 0x00026afe CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheoSheepREF6 0x00026afd CREA Sheep (0x00026afb)
DASheogorathDog1REF 0x00026b86 CREA Dog (0x00026b84)
DASheogorathRatREF 0x0008dfea CREA Rat (0x0008dfe8)
DASheogorathRatREF2 0x0008dfef CREA Rat (0x0008dfe8)
DLC06PirateCaptain 0xDC0178bb CREA Cap'n Dugal (0xDC011ada)
DLC06PirateSkeleton01 0xDC013dbb CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLC06PirateSkeleton02 0xDC013dbc CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLC06PirateSkeleton03 0xDC013dbd CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLC06PirateSkeleton04 0xDC013dbe CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLC06PirateSkeleton05 0xDC013dbf CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLC06PirateSkeleton06 0xDC013dc0 CREA Red Sabre Skeleton (0xDC011ad8)
DLCHorseArmorWhiteHorse 0xHA000cf2 CREA Armored White Horse (0xHA000cea)
DORatRunner01 0x000387da CREA Rat (0x000387d8)
DORatRunner02 0x000387db CREA Rat (0x000387d8)
DORatRunner03 0x000387d9 CREA Rat (0x000521e3)
Dark09Skel01REF 0x0006b849 CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab45)
Dark09Skel02REF 0x0006b84d CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab4a)
Dark09Skel03REF 0x0006b85e CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab45)
Dark09Skel04REF 0x0006b85d CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab45)
Dark09Skel05REF 0x0006b84b CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab4a)
Dark09Skel06REF 0x0006b84c CREA Dark Guardian (0x0006ab45)
DarkGhostRef 0x0006c4db CREA Ghost of Perennia Draconis (0x0006aaa2)
DarkGuardianRef 0x00088fa7 CREA Dark Guardian (0x00088fa6)
DarkJakeRef 0x0006c46e CREA Jake (0x0006c46c)
E3DaedrothREF 0x00097f9d CREA Daedroth (0x00097f9c)
E3KvatchAttackAClannfear1 0x00097f95 CREA Clannfear (0x00098046)
E3KvatchAttackAClannfear2 0x00098047 CREA Clannfear (0x00098046)
E3KvatchClannfear1Ref 0x00097fa1 CREA Clannfear (0x0009805e)
E3KvatchClannfear2Ref 0x00098008 CREA Clannfear (0x0009805e)
E3KvatchClannfearStreet 0x0009808f CREA Clannfear (0x0009808c)
E3KvatchDaedroth02Ref 0x00098092 CREA Daedroth (0x0009808b)
E3KvatchHorse 0x00097fb6 CREA Black Horse (0x00097fc8)
FGC01LionREF1b 0x0004ced7 CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x00036627)
FGC01LionREF2 0x00036631 CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x0003662d)
FGC01LionREF3 0x0003662e CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x0003662d)
FGC01LionREF4 0x00036630 CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x0003662d)
FGC01LionREF5 0x0003662f CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x0003662d)
FGC01LionREF6b 0x0004ced8 CREA Starving Mountain Lion (0x00036635)
FGC09OgreREFx 0x0004742d CREA Ogre (0x0000be98)
FGC10TrollREF2 0x0000bed5 CREA Swamp Troll (0x0000bed2)
FGC10WispREF 0x0006b31f CREA Will-o-the-Wisp (0x00037568)
FGD01BrenusDeadREF 0x00037a6a CREA Zombie (0x0001b79e)
FGD08GoblinREF1 0x00001737 CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinREF2 0x0009817f CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinREF3 0x00098180 CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinREF4 0x0009817e CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF1 0x0009818a CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF2 0x0009818b CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF3 0x0009818c CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF4 0x0009818d CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF5 0x0009818e CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF6 0x0009818f CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08GoblinSheepREF7 0x00098190 CREA Goblin (0x000356f7)
FGD08SheepREF1 0x00098183 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
FGD08SheepREF2 0x00098184 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
FGD08SheepREF3 0x00098185 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
FGD08SheepREF4 0x00098186 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
FGD08SheepREF5 0x00098187 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
FGD08SheepREF6 0x00098188 CREA Sheep (0x00098178)
Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 1300 1400 1500

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ACRE records last updated 10/31/2011