Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ARMO Records

Displaying records 0-99 of 1215
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Name edID formID Weight Value Health Rating Type Skill Enchantment
Aegis of Reflection EnchChainmailShieldReflectSpell 0x00053d77 3.6 5645 202 9 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Reflect Spell, 14% on Self
Aegis of the Apocalypse UniqueAkavariCuirassApocalypse 0x000ca117 35 6500 1000 13.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Blade, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Blunt, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Heavy Armor, 5 pts on Self; Drain Luck, 5 pts on Self; Drain Health, 20 pts on Self
Agronak's Raiment ArenaRaimentHeavyChampionGP 0x0003b1dc 72 3850 1000 20 Other Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Personality, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Fatigue, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Health, 10 pts on Self
Ambassador's Cuirass EnchSteelCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x0004965f 35 2880 500 11.25 Cuirass Heavy Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 9% on Self
Amber Boots SEAmberBoots3 0x0001657c 3 45 190 3.25 Boots Light Armor
Amber Boots SEAmberMagicBoots3 0x00016cac 3 645 190 3.25 Boots Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 6 pts on Self
Amber Cuirass SEAmberCuirass3 0x0001657b 10 160 375 8.25 Cuirass Light Armor
Amber Cuirass SEAmberMagicCuirass3 0x00016cb8 10 760 375 8.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 6 pts on Self
Amber Gauntlets SEAmberGauntlets3 0x0001657a 2 45 190 3.25 Gauntlets Light Armor
Amber Gauntlets SEAmberMagicGauntlets3 0x00016cb9 2 845 190 3.25 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Hand to Hand, 4 pts on Self
Amber Greaves SEAmberGreaves3 0x00016579 6 80 280 5 Greaves Light Armor
Amber Greaves SEAmberMagicGreaves3 0x00016cbf 6 680 280 5 Greaves Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Speed, 6 pts on Self
Amber Helmet SEAmberHelmet3 0x00016578 2 45 190 3.25 Helmet Light Armor
Amber Helmet SEAmberMagicHelmet3 0x00016cc5 2 645 190 3.25 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self
Amber Shield SEAmberMagicShield3 0x00016ccb 4 2880 280 9.75 Shield Light Armor Apparel: Reflect Spell, 7% on Self
Amber Shield SEAmberShield3 0x00016577 4 80 280 9.75 Shield Light Armor
Ancient Blades Helmet BladesHelmetAncient 0x000c8540 9 0 300 3.5 Helmet Heavy Armor
Ancient Blades Shield BladesShieldAncient 0x000c8541 16 0 400 12 Shield Heavy Armor
Ancient Elven Helm MG10ElvenHelmet 0x000150ba 0 0 440 4 Helmet Light Armor
Annealed Cuirass EnchGlassCuirassFortHealth 0x0004939b 15 6300 1350 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 30 pts on Self
Anvil Cuirass TownguardCuirassAn 0x0002766d 9 90 240 7.5 Cuirass Light Armor
Anvil Shield TownguardAnShield 0x000352c3 3.6 45 180 9 Shield Light Armor
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd01 0x000c5b4a 5 1015 150 5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 5 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd05 0x000c5b4b 7.5 1235 200 6.25 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd10 0x000c5b4c 9 1490 290 8 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 7 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd15 0x000c5b4d 11 1825 450 8.75 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 8 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd20 0x000c5b4e 13 2400 750 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 9 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 9 pts on Self
Apron of Adroitness MS14RytheApronAd25 0x000c5b4f 15 3800 1100 12.5 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self
Archer's Gauntlets EnchChainmailGauntletsFortMarksman 0x00049170 1.8 825 135 3 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 8 pts on Self
Arena Heavy Raiment ArenaRaimentHeavy 0x00029921 72 700 2000 15 Other Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Personality, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Arena Heavy Raiment ArenaRaimentHeavyYellow 0x000236ef 72 705 1000 15 Other Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Personality, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Arena Light Raiment ArenaRaimentLight 0x00029920 13 700 2000 10 Other Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Personality, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Arena Light Raiment ArenaRaimentLightYellow 0x000236f0 13 705 100 10 Other Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Personality, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Athletics, 5 pts on Self
Armor Crafter's Gauntlets EnchEbonyGauntletsFortArmorer 0x0004f3f7 10.5 1450 950 6 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Armorer, 9 pts on Self
Armor of Tiber Septim TiberSeptimCuirass 0x0001fecf 40 190 900 11.25 Cuirass Heavy Armor
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown01 0x000a55fa 1 2600 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 5 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown05 0x000be5da 1 3750 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 7 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 15% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown10 0x000be5d1 1 4900 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 9 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 9 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 20% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown15 0x000be5d2 1 6050 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 11 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 11 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 25% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown20 0x000be5d3 1 7200 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 13 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 13 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 30% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrown25 0x000be5d4 1 8350 400 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 15 pts on Self; Fortify Illusion, 15 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 35% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Lindai MS27LindaiAyleidCrownBroken 0x000a933e 1 0 0 0 Helmet Light Armor
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown01 0x000a55fb 1 4300 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 5 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 8% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown05 0x000be5d5 1 5900 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 7 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 11% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown10 0x000be5d6 1 7500 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 9 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 9 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 14% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown15 0x000be5d7 1 9100 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 11 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 11 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 17% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown20 0x000be5d8 1 10700 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 13 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 13 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 20% on Self
Ayleid Crown of Nenalata MS27NenalataAyleidCrown25 0x000be5d9 1 13100 344 0 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 15 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 15 pts on Self; Reflect Spell, 25% on Self
Bands of Kwang Lao LeatherBracerKwangLao 0x000c47b1 1.5 2005 80 1 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 20 pts on Self
Bands of the Chosen MQ15Bracers 0x0003c803 2 0 50 1 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Weakness to Fire, 50% on Self
Barkeep's Gauntlets EnchIronGauntletsFortHandtoHand 0x0004950b 6 625 150 4 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 6 pts on Self
Battle Medic's Cuirass EnchMithrilCuirassFortHealth 0x00049362 11 3225 480 8.75 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self
Battlehunter Gauntlets EnchOrcishGauntletsDetectLife 0x00049685 9 1225 600 5.5 Gauntlets Heavy Armor Apparel: Detect Life, 65 pts on Self
Battlehunter Helmet EnchOrcishHelmetDetectLife 0x00049686 9 1225 600 5.5 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Detect Life, 65 pts on Self
Beveled Gauntlets EnchGlassGauntletsDetectLife 0x00049397 3 2075 675 5 Gauntlets Light Armor Apparel: Detect Life, 105 pts on Self
Birthright of Astalon UniqueElvenCuirassLegacy 0x000ca110 13 8600 800 11 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Magicka, 50 pts on Self; Fortify Agility, 5 pts on Self
Black Marsh Helmet EnchIronHelmetWaterbreathing 0x0004951a 6 2025 150 4 Helmet Heavy Armor Apparel: Water Breathing, on Self
Blackwood Boots BlackwoodBoots 0x00038514 14 130 400 5.5 Boots Heavy Armor
Blackwood Cuirass BlackwoodCuirass 0x00038510 44 480 750 13 Cuirass Heavy Armor
Blackwood Gauntlets BlackwoodGauntlets 0x00038511 10 130 380 5.5 Gauntlets Heavy Armor
Blackwood Greaves BlackwoodGreaves 0x00038512 26 240 570 8 Greaves Heavy Armor
Blackwood Helmet BlackwoodHelmet 0x00038513 10 130 380 5.5 Helmet Heavy Armor
Blackwood Shield BlackwoodShield 0x0003647d 20 240 580 15.5 Shield Heavy Armor
Bladefall Cuirass EnchElvenCuirassResistNormalWeapons 0x00049389 13 4500 880 10 Cuirass Light Armor Apparel: Resist Normal Weapons, 13% on Self
Blades Boots BladesBoots 0x00023921 10.5 0 500 4 Boots Heavy Armor
Blades Boots BladesBootsCG 0x00022f20 10.5 0 500 4 Boots Heavy Armor
Blades Cuirass BladesCuirass 0x00023318 35 0 1000 10.75 Cuirass Heavy Armor
Blades Cuirass BladesCuirassCG 0x00022f65 35 0 1000 15 Cuirass Heavy Armor
Blades Gauntlets BladesGauntlets 0x0002391c 7 0 500 4 Gauntlets Heavy Armor
Blades Gauntlets BladesGauntletsCG 0x00022f6f 7 0 500 4 Gauntlets Heavy Armor
Blades Greaves BladesGreaves 0x00023329 21 0 800 6 Greaves Heavy Armor
Blades Greaves BladesGreavesCG 0x00022f70 21 0 500 8 Greaves Heavy Armor
Blades Helmet ArenaBladesHelmet 0x000738d6 7 0 500 4 Helmet Heavy Armor
Blades Helmet BladesHelmet 0x00000c09 7 0 500 4 Helmet Heavy Armor
Blades Helmet BladesHelmetCG 0x00022f71 7 0 500 4 Helmet Heavy Armor
Blades Shield ArenaBladesShield 0x000738d7 14 0 1000 13 Shield Heavy Armor
Blades Shield BladesShield 0x00023922 14 0 1000 13 Shield Heavy Armor
Blades Shield BladesShieldCG 0x00022f7f 14 0 1000 13 Shield Heavy Armor
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm01 0x00014673 5 255 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 2 pts on Self
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm05 0x0007be3f 5 455 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 4 pts on Self
Bloodworm Helm BloodwormHelm10 0x0007be40 5 655 150 4.5 Helmet Light Armor Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self
Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 1000 1100 1200

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ARMO records last updated 11/01/2011