Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion SGST Records

Displaying records 0-99 of 150
Go to record: 0 100
Name edID formID Weight Value Enchantment
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsAGIForAGI4 0x00041fb4 1 0 Absorb Agility, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsENDResistDis4 0x00041fba 1 0 Absorb Endurance, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Resist Disease, 45% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsFATForFAT4 0x00041fc6 1 0 Absorb Fatigue, 40 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 40 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsHLTHForHLTH4 0x00041fcc 1 0 Absorb Health, 20 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 25 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsINTForINT4 0x00041fae 1 0 Absorb Intelligence, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsMAGForMAG4 0x00041fd2 1 0 Absorb Magicka, 40 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 40 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsSPDFortSPD4 0x00041fc0 1 0 Absorb Speed, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Speed, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSAbsSTRForSTR4 0x00041fa6 1 0 Absorb Strength, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Strength, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSBrdnFeath4 0x00041fd8 1 0 Burden, 80 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Feather, 100 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDamFATResFAT4 0x00041ffc 1 0 Damage Fatigue, 50 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 40 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDamHLTHResHLTH4 0x00042002 1 0 Damage Health, 25 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 25 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDamMAGResMAG4 0x00042008 1 0 Damage Magicka, 50 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 40 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDemoFortWIL4 0x0004200e 1 0 Demoralize, up to level 10 for 20 secs on Touch; Fortify Willpower, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDisARMShield4 0x00042014 1 0 Disintegrate Armor, 40 pts on Touch; Shield, 15% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLADE4 0x0004201a 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 40 pts on Touch; Fortify Blade, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLUNT4 0x00042020 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 40 pts on Touch; Fortify Blunt, 10 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSDispelSplAbs4 0x00042026 1 0 Dispel, 100 pts on Touch; Spell Absorption, 12 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgFireShld4 0x00042056 1 0 Fire Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Fire Shield, 18% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgLight4 0x0004206e 1 0 Fire Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Light, 60 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgRstFire4 0x00042050 1 0 Fire Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Resist Fire, 30 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgFrostShld4 0x00042062 1 0 Frost Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Frost Shield, 18% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgRstFrost4 0x0004205c 1 0 Frost Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Resist Frost, 30 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgWaterWalk4 0x00042068 1 0 Frost Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Water Walking, for 1 sec on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgNiEye4 0x00042086 1 0 Shock Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Night-Eye, for 1 sec on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgRstShock4 0x0004207a 1 0 Shock Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Resist Shock, 30 pts on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgShockShld4 0x00042080 1 0 Shock Damage, 20 pts on Touch; Shock Shield, 18% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSSilenceInvis4 0x00042093 1 0 Silence, for 12 secs on Touch; Chameleon, 25% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSSilenceResistMAG4 0x0004208d 1 0 Silence, for 12 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 15% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSSoulTrapResistMAG4 0x00042099 1 0 Soul Trap, for 15 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 15% on Self
Ascendent Sigil Stone SSTurnUnDetLife4 0x0004209f 1 0 Turn Undead, up to level 18 for 30 secs on Touch; Detect Life, 120 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsAGIForAGI1 0x00041fb1 1 0 Absorb Agility, 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Agility, 7 pts for 1 sec on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsENDResistDis1 0x00041fb7 1 0 Absorb Endurance, 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Resist Disease, 15% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsFATForFAT1 0x00041fc3 1 0 Absorb Fatigue, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsHLTHForHLTH1 0x00041fc9 1 0 Absorb Health, 5 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsINTForINT1 0x00041fab 1 0 Absorb Intelligence, 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Intelligence, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsMAGForMAG1 0x00041fcf 1 0 Absorb Magicka, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsSPDFortSPD1 0x00041fbd 1 0 Absorb Speed, 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Speed, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSAbsSTRForSTR1 0x00041fa5 1 0 Absorb Strength, 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Strength, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSBrdnFeath1 0x00041fd5 1 0 Burden, 20 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Feather, 25 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDamFATResFAT1 0x00041ff9 1 0 Damage Fatigue, 15 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDamHLTHResHLTH1 0x00041fff 1 0 Damage Health, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDamMAGResMAG1 0x00042005 1 0 Damage Magicka, 15 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 10 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDemoFortWIL1 0x0004200b 1 0 Demoralize, up to level 2 for 20 secs on Touch; Fortify Willpower, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDisARMShield1 0x00042011 1 0 Disintegrate Armor, 20 pts on Touch; Shield, 8% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLADE1 0x00042017 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Blade, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLUNT1 0x0004201d 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Blunt, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSDispelSplAbs1 0x00042023 1 0 Dispel, 30 pts on Touch; Spell Absorption, 7 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgFireShld1 0x00042053 1 0 Fire Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Fire Shield, 10% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgLight1 0x0004206b 1 0 Fire Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Light, 15 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgRstFire1 0x0004204d 1 0 Fire Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Resist Fire, 15 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgFrostShld1 0x0004205f 1 0 Frost Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Frost Shield, 10% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgRstFrost1 0x00042059 1 0 Frost Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Resist Frost, 15 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgWaterWalk1 0x00042065 1 0 Frost Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Water Walking, for 1 sec on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgNiEye1 0x00042083 1 0 Shock Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Night-Eye, for 1 sec on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgRstShock1 0x00042077 1 0 Shock Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Resist Shock, 5 pts on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgShockShld1 0x0004207d 1 0 Shock Damage, 5 pts on Touch; Shock Shield, 10% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSSilenceInvis1 0x00042090 1 0 Silence, for 5 secs on Touch; Chameleon, 10% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSSilenceResistMAG1 0x00042089 1 0 Silence, for 5 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 5% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSSoulTrapResistMAG1 0x00042096 1 0 Soul Trap, for 5 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 5% on Self
Descendent Sigil Stone SSTurnUnDetLife1 0x0004209c 1 0 Turn Undead, up to level 7 for 20 secs on Touch; Detect Life, 30 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsAGIForAGI3 0x00041fb3 1 0 Absorb Agility, 15 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Agility, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsENDResistDis3 0x00041fb9 1 0 Absorb Endurance, 15 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Resist Disease, 35% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsFATForFAT3 0x00041fc5 1 0 Absorb Fatigue, 30 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 30 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsHLTHForHLTH3 0x00041fcb 1 0 Absorb Health, 15 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsINTForINT3 0x00041fad 1 0 Absorb Intelligence, 15 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Intelligence, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsMAGForMAG3 0x00041fd1 1 0 Absorb Magicka, 30 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 30 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsSPDFortSPD3 0x00041fbf 1 0 Absorb Speed, 15 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Speed, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSAbsSTRForSTR3 0x00041fa4 1 0 Absorb Strength, 15 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Strength, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSBrdnFeath3 0x00041fd7 1 0 Burden, 60 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Feather, 75 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDamFATResFAT3 0x00041ffb 1 0 Damage Fatigue, 35 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 30 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDamHLTHResHLTH3 0x00042001 1 0 Damage Health, 20 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 20 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDamMAGResMAG3 0x00042007 1 0 Damage Magicka, 35 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 30 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDemoFortWIL3 0x0004200d 1 0 Demoralize, up to level 7 for 20 secs on Touch; Fortify Willpower, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDisARMShield3 0x00042013 1 0 Disintegrate Armor, 30 pts on Touch; Shield, 12% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLADE3 0x00042019 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 30 pts on Touch; Fortify Blade, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDisWEAPForBLUNT3 0x0004201f 1 0 Disintegrate Weapon, 30 pts on Touch; Fortify Blunt, 9 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSDispelSplAbs3 0x00042025 1 0 Dispel, 80 pts on Touch; Spell Absorption, 10 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgFireShld3 0x00042055 1 0 Fire Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Fire Shield, 16% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgLight3 0x0004206d 1 0 Fire Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Light, 45 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFireDmgRstFire3 0x0004204f 1 0 Fire Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Resist Fire, 25 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgFrostShld3 0x00042060 1 0 Frost Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Frost Shield, 25% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgRstFrost3 0x0004205b 1 0 Frost Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Resist Frost, 25 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSFrostDmgWaterWalk3 0x00042067 1 0 Frost Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Water Walking, for 1 sec on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgNiEye3 0x00042085 1 0 Shock Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Night-Eye, for 1 sec on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgRstShock3 0x00042079 1 0 Shock Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Resist Shock, 25 pts on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSShockDmgShockShld3 0x0004207f 1 0 Shock Damage, 15 pts on Touch; Shock Shield, 25% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSSilenceInvis3 0x00042092 1 0 Silence, for 10 secs on Touch; Chameleon, 20% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSSilenceResistMAG3 0x0004208c 1 0 Silence, for 10 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 10% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSSoulTrapResistMAG3 0x00042098 1 0 Soul Trap, for 10 secs on Touch; Resist Magic, 10% on Self
Latent Sigil Stone SSTurnUnDetLife3 0x0004209e 1 0 Turn Undead, up to level 15 for 20 secs on Touch; Detect Life, 90 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsAGIForAGI2 0x00041fb2 1 0 Absorb Agility, 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Agility, 8 pts for 1 sec on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsENDResistDis2 0x00041fb8 1 0 Absorb Endurance, 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Resist Disease, 25% on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsFATForFAT2 0x00041fc4 1 0 Absorb Fatigue, 20 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsHLTHForHLTH2 0x00041fca 1 0 Absorb Health, 10 pts on Touch; Fortify Health, 15 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsINTForINT2 0x00041fac 1 0 Absorb Intelligence, 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Intelligence, 8 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsMAGForMAG2 0x00041fd0 1 0 Absorb Magicka, 20 pts on Touch; Fortify Magicka, 20 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsSPDFortSPD2 0x00041fbe 1 0 Absorb Speed, 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSAbsSTRForSTR2 0x00041fa7 1 0 Absorb Strength, 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Fortify Strength, 8 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSBrdnFeath2 0x00041fd6 1 0 Burden, 40 pts for 30 secs on Touch; Feather, 50 pts on Self
Subjacent Sigil Stone SSDamFATResFAT2 0x00041ffa 1 0 Damage Fatigue, 25 pts on Touch; Fortify Fatigue, 20 pts on Self
Go to record: 0 100

Database last updated 11/02/2011
SGST records last updated 10/31/2011