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SE07BScript (0x0001656b)

  • Record Type: SCPT
  • Editor ID: SE07BScript
  • Form ID: 0x0001656b
  • Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
scn SE07BScript

;SEWideEye - Thadon's steward and main source of help for the player
;SEGundlar - The chef for Thadon. No real interaction is required, but Gundlar figures into the feast portion of the quest and has a key
;SEThadon - The target of the quest, the Duke of Mania

;SE07AltarMania - The altar in the Sacellum that must be activated with Thadon's Blood to finish quest
;SE07ThadonBlood - When Thadon dies, this item will be in his inventory. This is the quest's main goal.
;SE07BWatchTrigger - When this trigger is broken, the player will be observing Wide-Eye's entry to Greenmote Silo
;SE07GreenmotePile01 - The actual pile of Greenmote in Greenmote Silo that yields Greenmote ingrediant
;SE07ThadonMealPreDrug - Thadon's meal tray when encountered in his quarters in the kitchen area
;SE07ThadonMealPreDrugWine - Thadon's wine when encountered in his quarters in the kitchen area
;SE07ThadonMealSpiked - Thadon's meal when encountered at the feast table in the main hall of the House of Mania
;SE07ThadonWineSpiked - Thadon's wine when encountered at the feast table in the main hall of the House of Mania
;SE07TrophyBlood - The trophy for completing SE07B that appears in the Palace of Sheogorath
;SE07Greenmote - The drug the player uses to spike Thadon's meal and his wine and can be ingested if desired

short DoOnce					;DoOnce variable
short DoOnce1					;DoOnce variable
short DoOnce2					;DoOnce variable
short DoOnce3					;DoOnce variable
short DoOnce4					;DoOnce variable
short DoOnce5					;DoOnce variable
short Seducers					;DoOnce variable
short WEPatrol					;Notes Wide-Eye is on his Patrol mode where she may be suspicious of player following
short Serves					;For marking which phase of Gundlar's serving finds he is in (package toggle)
short DerveninMove			;For triggering an Ambush package on Dervenin
short SylMove					;For triggering an Ambush package on Thadon
short SylLeaves				;For triggering a gamemode block that makes Thadon vanish
short MoteCount				;This counts how many doses the player has picked up and pops journal at right time
short Alarm						;This counts the levels of alarm for Wide-Eye (2 Stages)
short WideEyeAttack			;Wide-Eye's attack trigger
short Convo						;Conversation trigger
short Go							;Doonce variable
short FoodBeenDrugged		;This is a blocker so you can't re-spike the food and lose the other dose of Greenmote
short WineBeenDrugged	;This is a blocker so you can't re-spike the wine and lose the other dose of Greenmote
short DrugsDone				;When this variable is set to 1, it sets up the final part of SE07B
short Failsafe					;This guarantees the wine/food will appear whether Gundlar is loaded or not
short Guard01Go				;This is used for the patrols in Thadon's Living Quarters
short Guard02Go				;This is used for the patrols in Thadon's Living Quarters
short Silo01Go					;This is used for the patrols in Greenmote Silo
short Silo02Go					;This is used for the patrols in Greenmote Silo
short Silo03Go					;This is used for the patrols in Greenmote Silo
short Silo04Go					;This is used for the patrols in Greenmote Silo
short MealSetUp				;This is a failsafe backup to make sure meal and wine appears at the right time
short MealServed				;This is a failsafe backup to make sure served meal and wine appears at the right time
short MoveGundlar			;This is a failsafe backup to make sure Gundlar makes it to the feast in timely manner
short MoveWideEye			;This is a failsafe backup to make sure WideEye makes it to the feast in timely manner
short OffScreenKill			;Kill Thadon offscreen
short OffScreenKillSS			;DoOnce for the Offscreen Kill Distance Check
short MiniTalk					;Variable used for the last 2 lines of the endgame speech between Thadon and Sheogorath (to get them to run)

float fQuestDelayTime		; Makes the script run more frequently than every 5 seconds
float DayServed
float MiniTalkTimer			;A float variable used to measure the line length for the Says in the endgame speech between Thadon and Sheo
float DelayTimer				;A float variable used to measure a tiny delay needed in endgame speech between weapons drawn and last 2 lines of it

begin gamemode

;This makes the Seducers flanking Syl and the Saints flanking Sheo draw weapons at the right point in the endgame conversation

	if ( DoOnce5 == 0 )
		if ( SE07B.Convo == 11 )
			SE07SaintEnd01Ref.SetAlert 1
			SE07SaintEnd02Ref.SetAlert 1
			SE07EndSeducer01Ref.SetAlert 1
			SE07EndSeducer02Ref.SetAlert 1
			Set DelayTimer to 1
			Set DoOnce5 to 1

	if ( DoOnce5 == 1 )
		if ( DelayTimer > 0 )
			Set DelayTimer to ( DelayTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
			Set DoOnce5 to 2

	if ( DoOnce5 == 2 )
		if ( MiniTalk == 0 ) && ( MiniTalkTimer == 0 )
			Set MiniTalkTimer to SESheogorathRef.Say SE07BSylLeaves
			SESheogorathRef.SayTo SEThadonRef SE07BSylLeaves
			Set Convo to 12
			Set MiniTalk to 1
		elseif ( MiniTalk == 1 ) && ( MiniTalkTimer <= 0 )
			Set MiniTalkTimer to SESylRef.Say SE07BSylLeaves
			SESheogorathRef.Look SESylRef
			SESylRef.SayTo SESheogorathRef SE07BSylLeaves
			Set MiniTalk to 2
		elseif ( MiniTalk == 2 ) && ( MiniTalkTimer <= 0 )
			Set SE07B.SylLeaves to 1
			SE07SaintEnd01Ref.SetAlert 0
			SE07SaintEnd02Ref.SetAlert 0
			SESheogorathRef.StopLook SESylRef
			SESylRef.StopLook SESheogorathRef
			Set MiniTalk to 3
			Set DoOnce5 to 3

	if ( MiniTalk > 0 ) && ( MiniTalk < 3 )
		Set MiniTalkTimer to MiniTalkTimer - GetSecondsPassed

;This handles Syl's quick exit

	if ( GetStage SE07B >= 50 ) && ( DoOnce == 0 )
		if ( SylLeaves == 1 )
			Set DoOnce to 1

;This denotes that both the wine and the food was spiked, which progresses the quest

	if ( DrugsDone == 0 )
		if ( SE07B.FoodBeenDrugged == 1 ) && ( SE07B.WineBeenDrugged == 1 )
			SetStage SE07B 30
			Set DrugsDone to 1

;This is a failsafe in case Gundlar is not loaded, so the player can't observe him making the food

;	if ( MealSetUp == 0 )
;		if ( GetStage SE07B >= 15 ) && ( GetStage SE07B < 30 )
;			if ( GameHour >= 12 ) && ( GameHour < 20 )
;				if ( Player.GetInCell SENSDukesQuarters == 0 )
;					SE07ThadonMealRef.Enable
;					Set MealSetUp to 1
;				endif
;			endif
;		endif
;	endif

;This is a failsafe in case Gundlar is not loaded, so the player can't observe him serving the food

;	if ( MealServed == 0 )
;		if ( GetStage SE07B >= 25 ) && ( GetStage SE07B < 30 )
;			if ( GameHour >= 20 ) && ( GameHour < 21 )
;				if ( Player.GetInCell SENSHouseofMania == 0 )
;					SE07ThadonMealServedRef.Enable
;					SE07ThadonMealRef.Disable
;					Set Serves to 2
;					Set DayServed to GameDaysPassed
;					SEGundlarRef.Evp
;					SEWideEyeRef.Evp
;					SEThadonRef.Evp
;					Set MealSetUp to 0
;					Set SEGundlarRef.MealDone to 0
;					Set MealServed to 1
;				endif
;			endif
;		endif
;	endif

;This moves Gundlar and WideEye to the feast at 20 in case they are at Level 2 or 3

	if ( MoveGundlar == 0 )
		if ( GetStage SE07B >= 30 ) && ( GetStage SE07B < 40 )
			if ( GameHour >= 20 ) && ( GameHour < 21 )
				if ( SEGundlarRef.GetInCell SENSHouseofMania == 0 )
					SEGundlarRef.Moveto SE07BMealTimeMarker
					Set SE07B.Serves to 1
					set MoveGundlar to 1

	if ( MoveWideEye == 0 )
		if ( GetStage SE07B >= 30 ) && ( GetStage SE07B < 40 )
			if ( GameHour >= 20 ) && ( GameHour < 21 )
				if ( SEWideEyeRef.GetInCell SENSHouseofMania == 0 )
					SEWideEyeRef.Moveto SE07BMealTimeMarker	
					set MoveWideEye to 1

;This is a failsafe for people who don't go see Thadon die (which is beyond me).

	if ( OffScreenKill == 0 )
		if ( GetStage SE07B >= 30 ) && ( GetStage SE07B < 35 )
			if ( GameHour >= 22 ) || ( DayServed < GameDaysPassed )
				if ( Player.GetInCell SENSHouseofMania == 0 )
					if ( Serves == 2 )
						SetEssential SEThadon 0
						SEThadonRef.Moveto SE07WEServingMarker
						Set OffScreenKill to 1

	if ( OffScreenKill == 1 )
		Set OffScreenKill to 2

;This is the distance check from Thadon's corpse that sets Stage 35 if OffScreenKill was in effect

	if ( OffScreenKillSS == 0 )
		if ( Player.GetDistance SEThadonRef < 500 )
			if ( OffScreenKill >= 1 )
				Set SEThadonRef.CleanUp to 0
				SetStage SE07B 35
				Set OffScreenKillSS to 1


Database last updated 11/02/2011
SCPT records last updated 10/31/2011