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SE03GrommokScript (0x00018ffc)
- Record Type: SCPT
- Editor ID: SE03GrommokScript
- Form ID: 0x00018ffc
- Source File: Oblivion.esm.mod
- Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter |
Value |
scn SE03GrommokScript
short RoomOne ;A DoOnce variable
short RoomTwo ;A DoOnce variable
short RoomThree ;A DoOnce variable
short GrommokDied ;A DoOnce variable
short GrommokCrazy ;A DoOnce variable
short GnarlGo ;A flag that tells the Gnarl when to begin its movement
short GrommokGo ;A flag that is used to tell Grommok when to begin executing his AI packages
short RoomTwoTrap ;A DoOnce for the RoomTwoTrap being triggered
short BlastNPC ;A cascading DoOnce variable for use with the fire trap in room two
short RoomTwoPostDem ;A DoOnce variable that tells when the second room is completed
short RoomTwoMania ;A flag that is set if the second room was set for mania
short RoomTwoManiaMove ;A flag that is set if the second room was set for mania and executes the adventurer's AI packages
short Keyfalls ;A flag that is set when all of the keys are dropped in room two
short GoKey ;A DoOnce that is set when the key block is exectued
short RoomTwoDone ;A DoOnce variable that tells when the second room is completed
short GoGhosts ;A Flag that is set when the ghosts in room three are set to go
short GnarlChat ;A flag that is set to begin the conversation the adventurers have about the Gnarl
short Vox ;A flag that is set to begin the conversation the adventurers have about room one
short BiteMe ;A DoOnce that is used in chamber one
short DoOnce ;A DoOnce variable
short DoOnce1 ;A DoOnce variable
short DoOnce2 ;A DoOnce variable
short DoOnce6 ;A DoOnce variable
short SayOnce ;A DoOnce variable used for the adventurers conversations
short ZombiesGo ;A flag that is set to get the zombies to attack the orc in room three
short RoomOneTalk ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room one
short RoomOneTalkB ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room one
short RoomOneTalkC ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room one
short RoomOneTalkD ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room one
short RoomTwoTalk ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room two
short RoomTwoTalkB ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room two
short RoomTwoTalkC ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room two
short RoomTwoTalkD ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room two
short RoomThreeTalk ;A cascading flag that is set to move along the conversation in room three
short GrommokInsane ;A flag that is set when mania is chosen for chamber three to note orc insanity
short IdleOne ;A flag that is set when adventurers are in position to kick off their idle chatter - room one
short IdleTwo ;A flag that is set when adventurers are in position to kick off their idle chatter - room two
short IdleThree ;A flag that is set when adventurers are in position to kick off their idle chatter - room three
short GrommokCrazyTalk ;A flag that is set to help set off Syndel's insanity chatter loop
float RoomOneTalkLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one
float RoomOneTalkLengthB ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one
float RoomOneTalkLengthC ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one
float RoomOneTalkLengthD ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one
float RoomTwoTalkLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room two
float RoomTwoTalkLengthB ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room two
float RoomTwoTalkLengthC ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room two
float RoomTwoTalkLengthD ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room two
float RoomThreeTalkLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room three
float RoomOneIdleLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one for idles
float RoomTwoIdleLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one for idles
float RoomThreeIdleLength ;Float variable used to measure the length of spoken lines for the say command in room one for idles
float BlastNPCTimer ;Float variable used for the fire trap for a time delay measurement
float RevivalTimer ;Float variable used for the aftermath of the fire trap for a time delay measurement
float GhostTimer ;Float variable used for the ghost effect appearance for a time delay measurement
float GromEndTimer ;Float variable used to seperate the final effects of the insanity in time delay measurement
float GromEndTimer2 ;Float variable used to seperate the final effects of the insanity in time delay measurement
float GrommokChatterTalkLength ;A float that is used for measuring line length in Syndel's insanity chatter loop
;This handles when Grommok dies (chamber three)
begin OnDeath
If ( GetStage SE03A >= 45 )
SetStage SE03A 50
begin gamemode
;This handles if Grommok goes insane
if ( GrommokInsane == 0 )
if ( SE03A.GrommokMan == 3 )
Set GrommokInsane to 1
;This handles Grommok's Insanity Chatter loop
if ( Player.GetDistance SE03XedilianTriggerC3 < 700 )
if ( GrommokInsane == 1 )
if ( GrommokCrazyTalk == 1 ) && ( GrommokChatterTalkLength <= -5 )
Set GrommokChatterTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokCrazyChatter
SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokCrazyChatter 1
Set GrommokCrazyTalk to 2
elseif ( GrommokCrazyTalk == 2 ) && ( GrommokChatterTalkLength <= -5 )
Set GrommokCrazyTalk to 1
if ( GrommokCrazyTalk > 0 ) && ( GrommokCrazyTalk < 3 )
Set GrommokChatterTalkLength to GrommokChatterTalkLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Journal Update when Adventurers are in position Chamber One
if ( GetStage SE03A == 10 )
if ( RoomOne == 1 )
if ( SELewinRef.RoomOne == 1 ) && ( SESyndelRef.RoomOne == 1 )
SetStage SE03A 12
;This handles Room One's Idle Chatter
if ( SE03A.SwitchOne == 0 )
if ( IdleOne == 1 ) && ( RoomOneIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomOneIdleLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC1Idle01
SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC1Idle01 1
Set IdleOne to 2
elseif ( IdleOne == 2 ) && ( RoomOneIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomOneIdleLength to SELewinRef.Say SE03LewinC1Idle01
SELewinRef.Say SE03LewinC1Idle01 1
Set IdleOne to 3
elseif ( IdleOne == 3 ) && ( RoomOneIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomOneIdleLength to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelC1Idle01
SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelC1Idle01 1
Set IdleOne to 4
elseif ( IdleOne == 4 ) && ( RoomOneIdleLength <= -5 )
Set IdleOne to 1
if ( IdleOne > 0 ) && ( IdleOne < 5 )
Set RoomOneIdleLength to RoomOneIdleLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Room One's Dementia Conversation
if ( RoomOneTalk == 1 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLength == 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow01
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow01 1
Set RoomOneTalk to 2
elseif ( RoomOneTalk == 2 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to SELewinRef.Say SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl01
SELewinRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl01 1
Set RoomOneTalk to 3
elseif ( RoomOneTalk == 3 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow02
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SELewinRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow02 1
Set RoomOneTalk to 4
elseif ( RoomOneTalk == 4 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow01
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow01 1
Set RoomOneTalk to 5
elseif ( RoomOneTalk == 5 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow04
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow04 1
SetAlert 1
SESyndelRef.SetAlert 1
SELewinRef.SetAlert 1
SELewinRef.StartCombat SE03ParentGnarl
SESyndelRef.StartCombat SE03ParentGnarl02
SEGrommokRef.StartCombat SE03ParentGnarl03
Set RoomOneTalk to 6
if ( RoomOneTalk > 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalk < 6 )
Set RoomOneTalkLength to RoomOneTalkLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This kicks of the NPC leaving Chamber One, Dementia
if ( SE03A.GnarlCount >= 11 )
if ( RoomOneTalkB == 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthB == 0 )
SEGrommokRef.SetAlert 0
SESyndelRef.SetAlert 0
Set RoomOneTalkLengthB to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow03
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow03 1
Set RoomOneTalkB to 2
elseif ( RoomOneTalkB == 2 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthB to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow02
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow02 1
Set RoomOneTalkB to 3
elseif ( RoomOneTalkB == 3 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set SE03A.OrcRoom1 to 1
Set RoomOneTalkB to 4
if ( RoomOneTalkB > 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalkB < 4 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthB to RoomOneTalkLengthB - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Room One's Mania Conversation
if ( SE03A.ChamberOne == 2 )
if ( RoomOneTalkC == 1 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthC == 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGnarl01
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGnarl01 1
Set RoomOneTalkC to 2
elseif ( RoomOneTalkC == 2 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to SELewinRef.Say SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl01
SELewinRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl01 1
SE03GasCloudRef.Playgroup Forward 1
Set RoomOneTalkC to 3
elseif ( RoomOneTalkC == 3 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl
SESyndelRef.Sayto SELewinRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl 1
Set RoomOneTalkC to 4
elseif ( RoomOneTalkC == 4 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow02
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGrow02 1
Set RoomOneTalkC to 5
elseif ( RoomOneTalkC == 5 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl01
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl01 1
SetAlert 1
SESyndelRef.SetAlert 1
SELewinRef.SetAlert 1
Set SE03ManiaGnarl.StartMeUp to 3
Set RoomOneTalkC to 6
if ( RoomOneTalkC > 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalkC < 6 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthC to RoomOneTalkLengthC - GetSecondsPassed
;This kicks off the NPC leaving Chamber One, Mania
if ( SE03ManiaGnarl.StartMeUp == 8 )
if ( RoomOneTalkD == 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD == 0 )
SEGrommokRef.SetAlert 0
SESyndelRef.SetAlert 0
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl03
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl03 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 2
elseif ( RoomOneTalkD == 2 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGnarl03
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneGnarl03 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 3
elseif ( RoomOneTalkD == 3 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to SELewinRef.Say SE03LewinChamberOneGrow02
SELewinRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03LewinChamberOneGrow02 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 4
elseif ( RoomOneTalkD == 4 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl04
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl04 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 5
elseif ( RoomOneTalkD == 5 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberOneDone02
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberOneDone02 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 6
elseif ( RoomOneTalkD == 6 ) && ( RoomOneTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set SE03A.OrcRoom1 to 1
Set RoomOneTalkD to 7
if ( RoomOneTalkD > 0 ) && ( RoomOneTalkD < 7 )
Set RoomOneTalkLengthD to RoomOneTalkLengthD - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Journal Update when Adventurers are in position Chamber Two
if ( GetStage SE03A == 15 )
if ( RoomTwo == 1 )
if ( SESyndelRef.RoomTwo == 1 )
SetStage SE03A 18
;This handles Room Two's Idle Chatter
if ( SE03A.SwitchTwo == 0 )
if ( IdleTwo == 1 ) && ( RoomTwoIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomTwoIdleLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC2Idle01
SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC2Idle01 1
Set IdleTwo to 2
elseif ( IdleTwo == 2 ) && ( RoomTwoIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomTwoIdleLength to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelC2Idle01
SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelC2Idle01 1
Set IdleTwo to 3
elseif ( IdleTwo == 3 ) && ( RoomTwoIdleLength <= -5 )
Set IdleTwo to 1
if ( IdleTwo > 0 ) && ( IdleTwo < 4 )
Set RoomTwoIdleLength to RoomTwoIdleLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Room Two's Dementia Conversation
if ( RoomTwoTalk == 1 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLength == 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoStart
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoStart 1
Set RoomTwoTalk to 2
elseif ( RoomTwoTalk == 2 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLength to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoStart
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoStart 1
Set RoomTwoTalk to 3
elseif ( RoomTwoTalk == 3 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoDem01
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoDem01 1
Set RoomTwoTalk to 4
elseif ( RoomTwoTalk == 4 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLength to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoDem01
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoDem01 1
Set RoomTwoTalk to 5
elseif ( RoomTwoTalk == 5 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTrap to 1
Set RoomTwoTalk to 6
if ( RoomTwoTalk > 0 ) && ( RoomTwoTalk < 6 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLength to RoomTwoTalkLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This kicks off the Dementia Trap (Hunger Statues) in Chamber Two and handles the knockout and revival of the NPCs
if ( BlastNPC == 0 )
if ( RoomTwoTrap == 1 )
SE03DementiaTrapTrigger.Activate Player 1
SEGrommokRef.ModAv Fatigue -300
SESyndelRef.ModAv Fatigue -200
Set BlastNPCTimer to 6
Set BlastNPC to 1
if ( BlastNPC == 1 )
if ( BlastNPCTimer > 0 )
Set BlastNPCTimer to ( BlastNPCTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
SEGrommokRef.ForceAv Fatigue 300
set BlastNPC to 2
;This recovers the NPCs after the Blast in Chamber Two, and sends them to the last markers
if ( BlastNPC == 2 )
if ( RoomTwoTalkD == 0 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthD == 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthD to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoDone
SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoDone 1
Set RoomTwoTalkD to 1
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkD == 1 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthD <= 0 )
Set SE03A.OrcRoom2 to 1
Set BlastNPC to 3
if ( RoomTwoTalkD > 0 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkD < 2 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthD to RoomTwoTalkLengthD - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Room Two's Mania Conversation
if ( RoomTwoTalkB == 1 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB == 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoStart
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoStart 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 2
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 2 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoStart
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoStart 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 3
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 3 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoMan01
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoMan01 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 4
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 4 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani01
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani01 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 5
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 5 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoMan02
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoMan02 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 6
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 6 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani02
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani02 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 7
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkB == 7 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthB <= 0 )
Set Keyfalls to 1
Set SE03A.Keys to 1
Set RoomTwoTalkB to 8
if ( RoomTwoTalkB > 0 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkB < 8 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthB to RoomTwoTalkLengthB - GetSecondsPassed
;This triggers the Keyfall in Chamber Two at the proper time
if ( GoKey == 0 )
if ( Keyfalls == 1 )
SE03ManiaTrapTrigger.Activate Player 1
Set SE03A.Keys to 1
Set GoKey to 1
;This handles Room Two's Post-Mania Conversation
if ( RoomTwoTalkC == 1 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC == 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd01
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd01 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 2
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 2 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd01
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd01 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 3
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 3 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd02
SESyndelRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd02 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 4
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 4 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd02
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd02 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 5
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 5 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SESyndelRef.Say SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd03
SESyndelRef.Sayto SEGrommokRef SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd03 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 6
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 6 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd03
SEGrommokRef.Sayto SESyndelRef SE03GrommokChamberTwoManEnd03 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 7
elseif ( RoomTwoTalkC == 7 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkLengthC <= 0 )
Set SE03A.OrcRoom2 to 1
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 8
if ( RoomTwoTalkC > 0 ) && ( RoomTwoTalkC < 8 )
Set RoomTwoTalkLengthC to RoomTwoTalkLengthC - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Room Three's Idle Chatter
if ( SE03A.SwitchThree == 0 )
if ( IdleThree == 1 ) && ( RoomThreeIdleLength <= -5 )
Set RoomThreeIdleLength to SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC3Idle01
SEGrommokRef.Say SE03GrommokC3Idle01 1
Set IdleThree to 2
elseif ( IdleThree == 2 ) && ( RoomThreeIdleLength <= -5 )
Set IdleThree to 1
if ( IdleThree > 0 ) && ( IdleThree < 3 )
Set RoomThreeIdleLength to RoomThreeIdleLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This handles Grommok "dying" and his "ghost" appearing at its position for Chamber Three Mania
if ( GoGhosts == 1 )
if ( RevivalTimer > 0 )
Set RevivalTimer to ( RevivalTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
ModAv Fatigue -800
pme BABO
Set GhostTimer to 3
Set GoGhosts to 2
;This is a timer to give the ghost NPC a moment to be ready before speech
if ( GoGhosts == 2 )
if ( GhostTimer > 0 )
Set GhostTimer to ( GhostTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
Set RoomThreeTalk to 1
Set GoGhosts to 3
;This handles Room Three's Post-Mania Conversation
if ( RoomThreeTalk == 1 ) && ( RoomThreeTalkLength == 0 )
Set RoomThreeTalkLength to SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberThreeMan01
SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberThreeMan01 1
Set RoomThreeTalk to 2
elseif ( RoomThreeTalk == 2 ) && ( RoomThreeTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomThreeTalkLength to SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberThreeMan02
SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamberThreeMan02 1
Set RoomThreeTalk to 3
elseif ( RoomThreeTalk == 3 ) && ( RoomThreeTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomThreeTalkLength to SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamThreeMan04
SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamThreeMan04 1
Set RoomThreeTalk to 4
elseif ( RoomThreeTalk == 4 ) && ( RoomThreeTalkLength <= 0 )
Set RoomThreeTalkLength to SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamThreeMan05
SEGrommokGhostRef.Say SE03GrommokChamThreeMan05 1
Set RoomThreeTalk to 5
elseif ( RoomThreeTalk == 5 ) && ( RoomThreeTalkLength <= 0 )
Set GoGhosts to 4
Set RoomThreeTalk to 6
if ( RoomThreeTalk > 0 ) && ( RoomThreeTalk < 6 )
Set RoomThreeTalkLength to RoomThreeTalkLength - GetSecondsPassed
;This is the GhostTimer until they return to normal in Chamber Three Mania
if ( GoGhosts == 4 )
SEGrommokRef.pme BABO
SEGrommokRef.ModAv Fatigue 800
Set GromEndTimer to 1
Set GoGhosts to 5
if ( GoGhosts == 5 )
if ( GromEndTimer > 0 )
Set GromEndTimer to ( GromEndTimer - GetSecondsPassed )
Set SE03A.GrommokMan to 3
Set GromEndTimer2 to 2
Set GoGhosts to 6
if ( GoGhosts == 6 )
if ( GromEndTimer2 > 0 )
Set GromEndTimer2 to ( GromEndTimer2 - GetSecondsPassed )
Setstage SE03A 50
Set GoGhosts to 7
;This long series of OnPackage End Blocks is designed to help move the orcs through the dungeon
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokChamber1Start
if ( RoomOne == 0 )
Set SE03A.PackGromGo to 0
Set RoomOne to 1
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokChamber1Done
if ( RoomOneTalkB == 4 ) || ( RoomOneTalkD == 7 )
Set SE03A.PackGromExit to 0
Moveto Chamber2GrommokStarts
Set SE03A.DimentiaTrigger to 0
Set SE03A.ManiaTrigger to 0
Set RoomOneTalkB to 5
Set RoomOneTalkD to 8
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokActionChamber1Mania01
if ( DoOnce == 0 )
Set GrommokGo to 1
Set DoOnce to 1
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokActionChamber1Mania02
if ( DoOnce1 == 0 )
Say SE03GrommokChamberOneGnarl02 1
Set GrommokGo to 2
Set DoOnce1 to 1
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokChamber2Start
if ( GetDead == 0 ) && ( RoomTwo == 0 )
Set SE03A.PackGromGo to 0
Set RoomTwo to 1
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokActionChamber2Mania
if ( DoOnce2 == 0 )
Set RoomTwoTalkC to 1
Set DoOnce2 to 1
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokChamber2Done
if ( GetDead == 0 ) && ( RoomTwo == 1 )
Set SE03A.PackGromExit to 0
Moveto Chamber3GrommokStarts
Set SE03A.DimentiaTrigger to 0
Set SE03A.ManiaTrigger to 0
Set RoomTwo to 2
begin OnPackageEnd SE03GrommokChamber3Start
if ( GetDead == 0 ) && ( RoomThree == 0 )
Set SE03A.PackGromGo to 0
SetStage SE03A 47
Set RoomThree to 1
begin OnPackageStart SE03GrommokCrazyDuring
begin OnPackageStart SE03GrommokCrazyPost
end |