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Glarthir (0x000294c3)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Glarthir
  • Editor ID: Glarthir
  • Form ID: 0x000294c3
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Wood Elf (0x000223c8)
Gender Male
Class Commoner (0x00023c0d)
ACHR (if unique) GlarthirRef (0x000294c8)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+0 (range=4-12)
NPC Health 38 + (5+1.8)x(PC-1), PC=5-32
NPC Magicka 100 + 3.5x(PC-1) (max=139)
SCRI GlarthirScript (0x00000a02)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 1
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 110
Fatigue Raw 170
Gold 10
Level Raw 0
Calcmin 4
Calcmax 12
Aggression 5
Confidence 100
Energy 50
Responsibility 10
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 28
Athletics Raw 5
Blade Raw 5
Block Raw 5
Blunt Raw 28
Hand To Hand Raw 28
Heavy Armor Raw 5
Alchemy Raw 38
Alteration Raw 10
Conjuration Raw 5
Destruction Raw 5
Illusion Raw 5
Mysticism Raw 5
Restoration Raw 5
Acrobatics Raw 40
Light Armor Raw 17
Marksman Raw 22
Mercantile Raw 34
Security Raw 12
Sneak Raw 22
Speechcraft Raw 34
Health Raw 49
Strength Raw 37
Intelligence Raw 44
Willpower Raw 32
Agility Raw 52
Speed Raw 54
Endurance Raw 49
Personality Raw 70
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x0001dc28 I need you to check out some people for me, the ones that are following me. Watch them, see where they go, who they report to. Will you help me?
0x0001dcc6 So, you saw Bernadette Peneles, did you? She WAS watching me and following me, wasn't she?
0x0001dc29 Tell me what you learned about Toutius Sextius.
0x0002366d So, what did you discover about the upstanding Davide Surilie?
0x00023675 Have you... done... what I asked?
0x0001dc2b Um, no, I don't know the way to the Imperial City. You'll have to ask someone else.
0x0001dc2c Um, no, I don't know the way to the Imperial City. You'll have to ask someone else.
0x00000923 Yes, the Gold Road does pass through Skingrad. I, too, find it fascinating.
0x00000921 Ah, sorry, I have no idea what time it is.
0x0000091d I don't really feel comfortable talking to you right now.
0x00000927 Leave me alone! I can't talk right now!
0x00000929 Yes, I think ... no. Wait. Never mind. I must go now.
0x00028f80 Umm ... no time to talk.
0x00028f81 Can't you see that I'm very busy?!
0x00028f85 Leave me alone! Why won't you all just leave me ALONE!!
0x00028f86 Yes, yes. I can see that you have no idea what is going on. Excuse me.
0x00060331 Remember. Bernadette Peneles. 6 am. Don't let her see you watching!
0x00060332 Don't let Toutius Sextius catch you following him. He's much more dangerous than he looks!
0x00060333 Be careful. Davide Surilie is the ringleader. You must NOT let him catch you watching him!
0x0003c25c Something is just a bit off about Glarthir. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.
0x0003c25c Something is just a bit off about Glarthir. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.
0x0003c25d Old Glarthir is a bit out of his mind, I think. He's convinced everyone is out to get him.
0x0003c25d Old Glarthir is a bit out of his mind, I think. He's convinced everyone is out to get him.
0x00028d87 I think Glarthir is having one of his bad spells lately, have you noticed?
0x00028d87 I think Glarthir is having one of his bad spells lately, have you noticed?
0x00029037 Yes. I mean ... I must go now. But do accept my apologies for your loss.
0x00028d71 Did you hear about Glarthir going crazy and attacking people with an axe?
0x00028d71 Did you hear about Glarthir going crazy and attacking people with an axe?
0x00029aaa Did you hear about Glarthir? Thank the Nine that the guard stopped him before he killed someone!
0x00029aaa Did you hear about Glarthir? Thank the Nine that the guard stopped him before he killed someone!
0x00083063 You'll never take me alive!
0x0008305f Die! Die! Die!
0x00083060 I'll never serve you!
0x00083061 You thought I was weak, didn't you?
0x00083062 Did you think I would be your puppet?!
0x00083064 And to think I trusted you!
0x0001dc47 He lives in the large house between the Low Gate and the East Bridge. Alone -- suspicious, don't you think?
0x00025b37 Thanks to you, his sinister plans have now been revealed to me.
0x00025b38 I was sure he was part of the conspiracy. Sure of it. I guess it just goes to show ... well, we'll see what it goes to show, won't we?
0x00023669 You should wait outside his house and see what he does when he's not watching me. I'll meet you here tomorrow night to get your report.
0x0001dc33 He leaves his house early each morning. Watch him and report back to me here, at midnight as usual. Make sure he doesn't notice you!
0x0001dc32 Ah, of course. The gold. Here. But there is someone else I need you to investigate.
0x00023664 Yes, the gold that you value so highly. I wonder, what price betrayal ... never mind that. We shall see ... I do have one more name for you.
0x00023665 Here you go, my friend. Trust me, you've earned it. There is one last person that needs looking into, though.
0x00023666 Yes, of course, here is your precious gold. Now I need you to investigate one more person for me.
0x0002585c Here's the gold, as promised. I always pay my debts, and then some. Do the last .. task ... in that note, and I will pay you much, much more.
0x00023668 You certainly earned this. Take it with my thanks. I believe it must have been fate that brought the two of us together. Goodbye.
0x0002367a By all means. I would have paid any amount to be rid of those watching eyes, always watching me ... but never again! Ha ha ha! I'm FREE!!
0x00023670 Now I know for sure that they are all in on it. And therefore they all have to die. Starting with you!!
0x00023671 Well then... I suppose I must believe you. At least now I can be sure... [Scribbles something on a piece of paper.] Here. This is your last task.
0x000be418 That is a relief... I was sure... but you have proved yourself... trustworthy. A friend indeed!
0x0002366f And so it all falls into place... yes, yes, it all makes sense now. [Scribbles something on a piece of paper.] Here. This is your last task.
0x0002366a So he really is innocent, then. Interesting ... perhaps they have been using him as a decoy, to draw my attention away from their real spies ...
0x0002366b Really?! So you're saying that neither Bernadette Peneles or Toutius Sextius is part of the conspiracy against me? Hard to believe.
0x0002366e So I was right all along! You're doing excellent work, my friend.
0x0001dc2f Then why do you waste my time!? Do as you agreed, and meet me here tomorrow night!
0x0001dc30 Really? That is surprising. I was SURE she was watching me.
0x0001dc31 Just as I thought, just as I thought. Excellent work. There will be a bonus in this for you, don't worry.
0x0001dc2e Oh, well... I, I understand. The danger is too great. You're right, you should stay out of this. I'll just have to solve this myself.
0x0001dc2d We'll meet here again tomorrow night. Oh, and NEVER contact me in public. They're watching. They can't know you're helping me.
0x0001dcba Her house is almost directly across the street from mine, southwest of the Great Chapel. Coincidence? I don't think so.
0x0002587b I always suspected she was watching me. Thank you for finally confirming it.
0x00025887 I still can hardly believe she wasn't watching me. But it is a relief to be able to finally stop worrying about her.
0x000be416 Dead, you say? Well, then... you may as well finish what you started. [Scribbles something on a piece of paper.] Here. This is your last task.
0x0002367f Dead, you say? ... you mean you ... did it really have to come to that? Well, if that was the only solution ... I suppose I should thank you.
0x0002367e Dead, you say? ... you mean you ... did it really have to come to that? Well, if that was the only solution ... I suppose I should thank you.
0x0002367d What? Dead?! ... you mean you... did it really have to come to that? Well, if that was the only solution... I suppose I should thank you.
0x00023678 Really? She's really dead?! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm free, I'm finally FREE!
0x00023679 Really? He's really dead?! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm free, I'm finally FREE!
0x00023676 No... no. I understand. It is my problem, and I should solve it myself. You're right. I should never have involved you. Good night.
0x00023677 Really? They're really dead?! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm free, I'm finally FREE!
0x0002366c The Surilie house is right next door to mine. A large house with a backyard conveniently located to observe my every move.
0x00025888 I knew he was the ringleader of the whole conspiracy! You may have helped save my life!
0x00028d89 Glarthir is acting even stranger than usual, don't you think?
0x00028d89 Glarthir is acting even stranger than usual, don't you think?
0x00029039 Just leave me alone!
0x0002365d Hadn't you heard? He went crazy and killed Bernadette Peneles, poor girl.
0x00029aa4 It's unbelievable. Glarthir went after Toutius Sextius with an axe. Killed him before the guards could do anything. No one even knows why.
0x00029aa5 You must not have heard. He went crazy and killed Davide Surilie with an axe! Nobody can figure out why.
0x00029a71 It's too bad nobody stopped Glarthir before he went on his killing spree. I guess no one knew how crazy he really was.
0x00029aa7 Did you hear? He went crazy and started attacking people with an axe! Luckily the guards stopped him before he killed anyone.
0x0002a86e He turned up dead. I guess someone finally got tired of his crazy behavior.
0x0002a86f The town eccentric. Lives in the big house on the corner, southwest of the Chapel. Don't worry, he's harmless.
0x00028d6e I don't mean to gossip, but he is more than a bit strange. However, he's always been tolerated as the town eccentric.
0x00083065 Just have to take matters into my own hands. The only way now.
0x00083066 They think I don't know. They think I don't see.
0x00083067 I'll show them. I'll make them pay.
0x00083068 They gave me no choice. I'm not a violent person, but I can only be pushed so far.
0x00083069 It must be the Maruhkati Selectives. All the evidence points to them.
0x0008306a Could be the Blades. They've always feared me.
0x0008306b Maybe the Mythic Dawn, or the Ayleid Revivalists?
0x0008306c My enemies think I'm weak. That I'll never act.
0x00000912 Psst. Over here!
0x00000913 Over here!
0x0002ab47 Yes, you. We need to talk.
0x00028d6f Now that you mention it, yes. You look up and find him across the street staring at you. Creepy.
0x00028d70 Yes, I heard Bernadette Peneles say that she thought he was following her. It might finally be time to do something about that crazy Wood Elf.
0x00028d88 I agree. He's always writing in that little notebook. Sometimes I think he's watching me!
0x0002a871 We can't talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don't let anyone follow you. I'll make it worth your while.
0x00089001 There's so much I could tell you... so many secrets... but then you'd be in danger, too. It's best if we're not seen talking.
0x0003c254 He's got some issues, that's for sure. Personally, I'd just steer clear of him.
0x0003c254 He's got some issues, that's for sure. Personally, I'd just steer clear of him.
0x0003c257 He is a bit nutty. Probably just a harmless old fool, though.
0x0003c257 He is a bit nutty. Probably just a harmless old fool, though.
0x00083806 In any case, there's no need to meet me again until you've finished... the job. Safer that way. Then I will pay you in full what I promised.
Item Id Item Count
Pigskin Shoes (0x000229af) 1
Glarthir's Key (0x0001dc48) 1
Gold (0x0000000f) 342
LL0NPCGoldMiddleClass (0x0003e4c9) 1
Lockpick (0x0000000a) 3
Russet Felt Outfit (0x000352ba) 1
Package Id
GlarthirRampageGetAxe (0x0002923d)
GlarthirRampageKillBP (0x00029243)
GlarthirRampageKillTS (0x000293c9)
GlarthirRampageKillDS (0x000294d5)
GlarthirGetAxe (0x0002367c)
GlarthirMeetPlayer (0x00000a1c)
GlarthirContactPlayer (0x00000a01)
GlarthirDinner (0x000294c5)
GlarthirWalkToLowGate (0x00028d73)
GlarthirWalkToChapel (0x000294c6)
GlarthirExploreTown (0x000294c7)
GlarthirSleep (0x000294c4)
GlarthirHome (0x0001dcc4)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Skingrad Citizen (0x00028e77) 0
Glarthir Faction (0x000294d7) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011