Oblivion Game Data

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  • Record Type: INFO
  • Form ID: 0x0002ba4d
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Type Conversation
Goodbye 0
Random 0
Say Once 0
Refusal 0
Random End 0
Rumors 0
Group Id Rumors (0x000000d7) *
QSTI Sins of the Father (0x0002ba46) *
Emotion Type Neutral
Emotion Value 50
NAM1 There's some strange Dark Elf in town, asking about Reynald Jemane and his brother.
TCLT NeutralReceive (0x0002411a)
Condition Operator Cond Value Cond Function Cond Param1 Cond Param2 Cond Param3
== 1 GetInCell Dummy Cell (0x00024802) 0 0
== 1 GetInFaction Chorrol Citizen (0x00028d98) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Reynald Jemane (0x000222a8) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Fathis Ules (0x0002ba47) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Fathis Ules (0x0002ba47) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Reynald Jemane (0x000222a8) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Guilbert Jemane (0x00023e86) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Guilbert Jemane (0x00023e86) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace High Elf (0x00019204) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Khajiit (0x000223c7) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Nord (0x000224fd) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Wood Elf (0x000223c8) 0 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
INFO records last updated 10/31/2011