Oblivion Game Data

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Burd (0x00035ebe)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Burd
  • Editor ID: Burd
  • Form ID: 0x00035ebe
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Nord (0x000224fd)
Gender Male
Class Knight (0x00000836)
ACHR (if unique) BurdRef (0x00036264)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+5 (min=10)
NPC Health 53 + (5+2.6)x(PC+4), PC=1-10
NPC Magicka 75 + 1.5x(PC+4) (max=250)
SCRI BurdSCRIPT (0x0003c41d)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 87
Fatigue Raw 232
Gold 15
Level Raw 5
Calcmin 10
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 80
Energy 80
Responsibility 100
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 20
Athletics Raw 15
Blade Raw 54
Block Raw 48
Blunt Raw 54
Hand To Hand Raw 44
Heavy Armor Raw 54
Alchemy Raw 6
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 34
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 11
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 6
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 6
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 34
Health Raw 121
Strength Raw 82
Intelligence Raw 35
Willpower Raw 35
Agility Raw 45
Speed Raw 45
Endurance Raw 70
Personality Raw 30
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00062be9 Anyway, sorry to go on so long. I'm sure you've got things to do. Just wanted to thank you personally.
0x0018d2a0 You and Captain Burd sure gave them daedra a good kick in the teeth. I wish I had been there to see it!
0x0003c99a I'm Captain Burd, commander of the Bruma Guard.
0x0003d7ef This is no time for talking!
0x0003d7f0 Come on. My men will need all the help they can get today.
0x0003d7f1 I'm only the Captain of the Guard. The Countess makes the final decision, and I follow her orders, whatever I think of them.
0x00026ee9 We're ready when you are. Just say the word and we'll follow you into that hell-spawned Gate.
0x0003a844 We're ready when you are.
0x0003a845 Let's make these bastards sorry they messed with Bruma.
0x00026eeb It was an honor to serve with you, ma'am. Now that I've seen how it's done, I think my guardsmen and I can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma.
0x00026eec It was an honor to serve with you, sir. Now that I've seen how it's done, I think my guardsmen and I can handle any new Gates that open near Bruma.
0x00026eed Thanks for your help closing that Gate. Don't worry, we can handle anything else they throw at us.
0x00046308 I'm glad you're here. We wouldn't have a chance otherwise. What's our next move?
0x00026eee What's the plan, sir?
0x00026eef What's the plan, ma'am?
0x0003c147 Congratulations on your victory! I admit, I thought your plan would lead to disaster, but you came through for Bruma. I won't forget it.
0x0003a84b I think we'd better get that Gate closed.
0x0003a84c Thanks for coming. We could use your help.
0x0003a84d I sure don't like the looks of that Gate.
0x0003a84e Do you really think we can close that thing?
0x0003a84f We've got to get out of here!
0x0003a850 I sure hope you know what you're doing.
0x0003a851 So far, so good.
0x0003a852 I don't like the looks of this.
0x00046307 You did it, Captain! You closed the Oblivion Gate! We didn't think we'd ever see you alive again!
0x00036006 As you command, Countess.
0x000463d4 Believe me, it was no picnic. But thanks to our friend here, I now know we can close these hell-gates. We can defend Bruma!
0x00026ef0 We'll follow your lead.
0x00026ef1 Lead on. I hope we're almost there.
0x00026ef2 We'll hold this position as long as we can.
0x00026ef3 As you wish. I'll stay here until you get back.
0x0003c99b I make sure my guards treat the local Nords and their ways with respect.
0x0018d2a3 The Captain said you've been inside one of those Oblivion Gate things. Said you knew how to destroy them. I sure hope you can help us.
0x00038bc5 Not on my watch. Captain Burd will know for sure, though. We all report to him.
0x00020091 Not that I can think of. People are mostly staying home, what with all the troubles in the world.
0x0002008f Since you're working with Cloud Ruler Temple, I'm going to authorize you to search Jearl's house. I'll pass the word to my men. We won't interfere.
0x0002008d What about you? Turned up anything suspicious?
0x0002008e Nothing new to report on my end. Have you uncovered anything suspicious?
0x00039302 I trust that you'll handle things ... appropriately. The less I know about it, the better.
0x000be326 None of the other cities have sent aid. Bruma stands alone.
0x000be327 Only one city has sent aid. My guardsmen are the best in Cyrodiil, but they were never meant to be an army.
0x000be328 Several of the cities have sent aid. They're mustering on the plaza outside the castle, if you want to review the troops.
0x000be329 Most of the cities have sent aid. You've done an excellent job.
0x000be32a All of the other cities have sent aid! It's remarkable! I've never seen such unity of purpose. Your leadership has made all the difference.
0x00027787 Burd! Deploy the troops for battle!
0x0003d7f7 Your plan is madness. There must be another way for you to recover the Amulet without risking Bruma's destruction.
0x00038bc7 Alright. Anything I can do for you, just let me know.
0x00038bc6 Since you're working with Cloud Ruler Temple, I'm going to authorize you to search Jearl's house. I'll pass the word to my men. We won't interfere.
0x0003a854 We'll hold here until you're ready. Although I'd rather not sit around waiting to see what else comes out of that gate.
0x0003a853 Alright. Give me a minute to talk to the men. Everyone's a bit jumpy right now.
0x0003c41e Look out!
0x0003c41f Here comes another one!
0x0003c420 Stay sharp!
0x0003c421 I've got that one!
0x00046303 Alright, boys. Listen up. We've got to close that Gate over there.
0x00046304 Nobody likes the idea of going into that thing, but it's our job, and we're going to do it.
0x000463aa If we don't, Bruma ends up a smoking pile of rubble like what happened at Kvatch.
0x000463ab And that's not going to happen here! Not while I'm Captain of the Guard!
0x000463bb Bor, Soren, you're with me. The rest of you, stay outside and kill anything that comes out of that Gate.
0x000463c1 Let's show these bastards how we do things in Bruma!
Item Id Item Count
Green Silk Garment (0x000229b1) 1
Green Brocade Doublet (0x000229b0) 1
Green Velvet Shoes (0x000229b2) 1
Castle Bruma Key (0x00035e44) 1
Castle Bruma Interior Key (0x00035e45) 1
Steel Claymore (0x000229b8) 1
Bruma Cuirass (0x00027677) 1
Chainmail Boots (0x0001c6d4) 1
Chainmail Greaves (0x0001c6d5) 1
Chainmail Gauntlets (0x0001c6d6) 1
LL0NPCGoldUpperClass (0x0003e4ca) 1
Potion of Healing (0x00098496) -3
Package Id
MQ14CheerPlayer (0x0008fd0d)
MQ13BurdToBattlePosition (0x000050f8)
MQ13BurdBattlePosition (0x0003d067)
MQ13BurdAccompanyMartinToBattlefield (0x0002b79e)
MQ13BurdAccompanyMartin (0x0003d61a)
MQ13BurdWaitInChapel (0x0005a024)
MQ13BurdAccompanyCountess (0x0002779e)
MQ10BurdFindPlayer (0x00026f01)
MQ10BurdFollowPlayer (0x00026f03)
MQ10BurdIntoGate (0x0003a855)
MQ10BurdGiveSpeech (0x000463a5)
MQ10BurdForceGreetPlayer (0x0003b3ef)
MQ10BurdWaitForPlayer (0x00014793)
BrumaExploreNobleTourneyWed (0x0003636d)
BrumaGuardDayShiftEat19x3 (0x000362ab)
aaaSleep0x6 (0x0001cb88) *
aaaEat12x2 (0x0001cb86) *
BrumaBurdRandomPatrol1 (0x00003476)
BrumaBurdRandomPatrol2 (0x0000347d)
BrumaBurdRandomPatrol3 (0x0000347f)
aaaDefaultExploreEditorLoc768 (0x0001dc54) *
Faction Id Faction Rank
Bruma Citizens (0x00035ea9) 0
BrumaCastleFaction (0x00035eba) 0
BrumaGuardFaction (0x00035ebd) 0
Spell Id
Blood of the North (0x00022a41)
LL2Knight100 (0x00037b2d)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011