Oblivion Game Data

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Battle Axe of Absorption (0x0003841f)

  • Record Type: WEAP
  • Name: Battle Axe of Absorption
  • Editor ID: EnchGlassBattleaxeAbsEndurance
  • Form ID: 0x0003841f
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Weight 62
Value 1540
Health 528
Enchantment Weapon: Absorb Endurance, 8 pts for 20 secs on Touch
Base Item Glass Battle Axe (0x00035e60)
Charge/Cost = Uses 1200/27=44
Damage 22
Type Blade Two Hand
Model Weapons\Glass\Battleaxe.NIF
Icon Weapons\GlassBattleAxe.dds
Speed 0.8
Reach 1.2
Resistnw 0
Value Raw 1050
Skill Blade
Enchant Id
EnWeapAbsorbEndurance08 (0x00037f86)

Database last updated 11/02/2011
WEAP records last updated 11/01/2011