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Mazoga the Orc (0x00085969)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: Mazoga the Orc
  • Editor ID: MazogatheOrc
  • Form ID: 0x00085969
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
  • Flags: Questitem
Parameter Value
Race Orc (0x000191c0)
Gender Female
Class Marauder (0x0003451d)
ACHR (if unique) MazogatheOrcRef (0x0008596a)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level PC+1 (min=10)
NPC Health 53 + (6+2.6)x(PC+0), PC=4-14
NPC Magicka 100 + 1.5x(PC+0) (max=250)
SCRI MS91MazogaScript (0x00092648)
Model Characters\_Male\skeleton.nif
Essential 0
Respawn 0
Autocalc 1
Offset 1
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 0
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 112
Fatigue Raw 242
Gold 0
Level Raw 1
Calcmin 10
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 80
Energy 80
Responsibility 0
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 54
Athletics Raw 44
Blade Raw 44
Block Raw 54
Blunt Raw 25
Hand To Hand Raw 48
Heavy Armor Raw 54
Alchemy Raw 6
Alteration Raw 6
Conjuration Raw 6
Destruction Raw 6
Illusion Raw 6
Mysticism Raw 6
Restoration Raw 6
Acrobatics Raw 6
Light Armor Raw 6
Marksman Raw 6
Mercantile Raw 34
Security Raw 6
Sneak Raw 6
Speechcraft Raw 6
Health Raw 130
Strength Raw 70
Intelligence Raw 45
Willpower Raw 50
Agility Raw 40
Speed Raw 43
Endurance Raw 82
Personality Raw 38
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x00090b5e I'll go back and wait in the County Hall. You'll tell me when I'm a real knight? Please?
0x00090b5f I'm with you, friend. We kill Black Brugo, and the Count makes us both knights.
0x00090b61 If you're ready to go get Black Brugo, I'm ready to follow you.
0x00090b62 I kept my oath. Mogens Wind-Shifter is dead. Now I return to Castle Leyawiin. Come visit me there some day.
0x0008605a Hello, friend. Thank you again for your help.
0x0008605d Mogens Wind-Shifter is dead. Ra'vindra is avenged. Now I return to Castle Leyawiin. Come visit me there some day.
0x00086059 I'm gonna go get me some black bows. Tag along if you like.
0x00090b60 I'm going to spend some time at the Lodge. Then maybe tonight, I might go hunt me some black bows.
0x00090b66 Push off, scroat! We got nothing to talk about.
0x00090b67 I hear Black Brugo is dead.
0x00090b69 Did you tell the Count about Black Brugo?
0x0008605e Hello, friend. Thank you again for your help.
0x00086065 Take what you want from the dead. I came to keep my oath, and now I'm done.
0x00086066 You spoiled everything, you idiot!
0x0008606a What's the matter? What did you do?
0x00086067 Mogens and his dogs must die!
0x0008606c Get out of my way!
0x0008606d Take me to Fisherman's Rock. Now.
0x0008606e Weebam-Na won't take me to Fisherman's Rock.
0x0008606f Go tell Weebam-Na I want to see him. I'll wait right here.
0x00086072 Are you the Count?
0x0009381b What do you want?
0x000860c0 You're getting on my nerves. What do you want?
0x00090b64 I'm gonna go get me some black bows. Tag along if you like.
0x00090b65 Time to relax.
0x00090b7e You! You make me vomit!
0x0008655e Thanks again, buddy.
0x0008655f Remember me?
0x00086563 You want to speak to me?
0x00091b45 You are Weebam-Na?
0x00086565 Mogens is dead, the bastard!
0x00086567 Where's Fisherman's Rock?
0x00086568 Where's Weebam-Na?
0x0008656b What are you looking at?
0x00086562 You're a lying bastard. You killed Ra'vindra. And now I'm going to kill you.
0x00086564 Then to hell with you!
0x00086566 Thanks for the help. You're okay.
0x00086569 What are we waiting for?
0x0008656a Get a move on, will you?
0x0008656c People are just ignorant around here...
0x00086560 You're a pal.
0x00146007 The Count's been asking questions about some Orc named Mazoga at the castle... she claims she's a knight.
0x00146008 There's an Orc named Mazoga up at the castle claims she's a knight. Doesn't look like one to me.
0x000475c3 I like Leyawiin. That Count got you to help me. Damn nice. Both of you. Think I'll stick around. Maybe do some good deeds here.
0x0008656e I want to go to Fisherman's Rock. Where's that?
0x000860e2 I should have told you. It was not your fault. An Orc pays her debts. You helped me, so I forgive you. And thank you, too.
0x000860e4 I don't know much about being a knight. But I'm gonna learn. Say. You did ME a good deed. You oughta be a real knight yourself.
0x000860e1 No. You didn't know. It was my fault. But now you know everything. And you helped me, and I won't forget.
0x000860df Mogens Wind-Shifter! He killed Ra'vindra, my best friend. So I swore a knight's oath of vengeance... and you've spoiled it!
0x000860e0 I'm so mad, I could kill you!
0x000860de You idiot! You ruined everything!
0x000860da Get moving! I'm right behind you...
0x000860d9 Come on! What's the hold-up?
0x000860d7 The Argonian says it's north of Leyawiin, about six hours walk, on the east bank of the Niben. Let's get moving.
0x000860d6 Big help you are.... All right. Maybe I'll wait here. And maybe not.
0x000860d5 You hear me? I TALK to him first. No smashing in his teeth or chopping off his head! Understand?
0x000860d4 Take me there. Now.
0x000860d3 The Argonian said Fisherman's Rock is north of Leyawiin on a point of land on the east shore of the Niben. Take me there. Now.
0x000860d2 Are you going to take me to Fisherman's Rock?
0x000860d8 Weebam-Na won't take me to Fisherman's Rock. You know where it is?
0x000860ce Then go find him. Tell him I want to see him right now. I'll meet him here.
0x000860cc Go tell him I want to see him right now. I'll meet him here.
0x000860cb Go tell him I want to see him. Here. Right now.
0x000860cd Do you know where Weebam-Na is? I hear he's a hunter, knows all about the woods around here.
0x000860ca There's an Argonian named Weebam-Na in town. Go get him for me.
0x000860c9 All right, then. There's an Argonian named Weebam-Na in town. Go get him for me.
0x000860c7 Go. You're not worth the trouble.
0x000860c6 All right, then. Just don't forget I'm a knight.
0x000860c8 I'm a FREE knight. I don't have a lord. You got a problem with that?
0x000860c4 All right, then. Just don't forget.
0x000860c3 You won't say 'Sir' to me? You are afraid to speak. It would shame me to fight a gutless thing like you. So go away.
0x000860c2 I'm a knight. So say, 'Sir'. Say, 'Yes, Sir Mazoga'.
0x000860c1 That's 'Sir Mazoga' to you...
0x000860c5 I guess you don't know how to talk to a knight. So I'll teach you. Say, 'Yes, Sir Mazoga'.
0x00086576 I don't know what you're talking about.
0x00086575 I'm Mazoga. You killed my friend, Ra'vindra.
0x00086574 No. Who are you?
0x00086573 Then, if you won't tell me why, I won't take you anywhere.
0x00086572 That's my business.
0x00086571 Why?
0x00086570 Take me there. Now. I'm in a hurry.
0x0008656f Fisherman's Rock is north of Leyawiin, about six hours walk, on a point of land on the eastern shore of the Niben.
0x0008656d Yes.
0x000908d7 I told you all I'm going to tell you. You want Brugo, you're on your own.
0x00090b6a Expect Brugo and his boys in Telepe, Middas, after midnight.
0x00090b63 So. You killed Black Brugo. Well, the bastard had it coming, I guess. You get a reward?
0x00090b68 So? Am I a knight?
0x00090b6b I know Brugo. Long ago, back before I became 'Sir Mazoga', I split a share or two with Brugo.
0x00090b7d So I better get started doing my good deeds. And maybe I'll see you at the White Stallion Lodge.
0x00090b7c So I better get started doing my good deeds. And maybe I'll see you at the White Stallion Lodge?
0x00090b7b So I better get started doing my good deeds. And maybe I'll see you at the White Stallion Lodge?
0x00090b7a So? Go on... say it! Say... 'I greet you, Sir Mazoga.'
0x00090b79 Congratulations, you manky scroat. Now get away from me. And don't ever talk to me again.
0x00090b78 Congratulations, you manky scroat. Now get away from me. And don't ever talk to me again.
0x00090b77 Yeah? Well, good luck. Let me know how it comes out.
0x00090b76 You're the boss. Whenever you're ready....
0x00090b75 Let's go.
0x00090b74 I'm ready when you are...
0x00090b73 You're the boss.
0x00090b70 We're pals, right? So we'll kill Black Brugo and be knights! I'll wait right here until you ask me to follow you.
0x00091cc6 Could be. You know how it is. But not until I'm finished talking!
0x0009381f The Count? Then I can talk to you. I'm Mazoga.
0x0009381e Then go away.
0x0009381d You're a liar. You don't even look like a Count.
0x0009381c You're a liar. The Count is a man. And you aren't a man.
Item Id Item Count
LL0NPCClothingPantsLower (0x0004b916) 1
LL2NPCPotionsCombat100 (0x00088801) 1
Strong Potion of Healing (0x00009311) 4
LL0NPCWeaponLongswordLvl100 (0x0003abc0) 1
LL0NPCArmorHeavyBootsLvl100 (0x00033eaa) 1
LL0NPCArmorHeavyGreavesLvl100 (0x00033ec5) 1
LL0NPCArmorHeavyCuirassLvl100 (0x00033ec0) 1
LL0NPCArmorHeavyShieldLvl100 (0x00034061) 1
Package Id
MazogaBlackBowHuntTelepe (0x000908bd)
MazogaBlackBowHuntRockmilkCave (0x000908be)
MazogaBlackBowHuntUndertowCaverns (0x000908bf)
MazogaExploreLodgeExterior (0x000908c4)
MazogaEatLodge (0x000908c5)
MazogaSleepLodge (0x000908c6)
MazogaFollowInTelepe (0x00053ffa)
MazogaFollowToTelepe (0x000908c3)
MazogaTalktoPlayerAfterPlayerKillsFour (0x00091cc5)
MazogaTalktoPlayerAfterBattle (0x000860e3)
MazogaFollowToFishermansRock (0x0008596e)
MazogaTalktoMogens (0x00085970)
MazogaWanderAtLocation (0x00085971)
MazogatheOrcWanderDefault (0x0008596b)
Faction Id Faction Rank
Leyawiin Faction (0x000338ec) 0
Mazoga Friend (0x000908ab) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011