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M'aiq the Liar (0x000c47ec)

  • Record Type: NPC_
  • Name: M'aiq the Liar
  • Editor ID: Maiqtheliar
  • Form ID: 0x000c47ec
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Race Khajiit (0x000223c7)
Gender Male
Class Savant (0x00023e6b)
ACHR (if unique) MaiqREF (0x0000aa5b)
NumLevel 0
NPC Level 40
NPC Health 246
NPC Magicka 250
SCRI MaiqScript (0x0000aa5e)
Model Characters\_Male\SkeletonBeast.NIF
Essential 1
Respawn 0
Autocalc 0
Offset 0
No Lowlevel 0
No Rumors 0
Summonable 0
No Persuasion 1
Corpse Check 0
Magicka Raw 250
Fatigue Raw 333
Gold 0
Level Raw 40
Calcmin 1
Calcmax 0
Aggression 5
Confidence 0
Energy 100
Responsibility 50
Mercweap 0
Mercarmor 0
Mercclot 0
Mercbook 0
Mercingred 0
Merclight 0
Mercapp 0
Mercmisc 0
Mercspel 0
Mercmagic 0
Mercpot 0
Train 0
Recharge 0
Repair 0
Trainskl Armorer
Trainlvl 0
Armorer Raw 9
Athletics Raw 100
Blade Raw 69
Block Raw 64
Blunt Raw 9
Hand To Hand Raw 19
Heavy Armor Raw 9
Alchemy Raw 64
Alteration Raw 9
Conjuration Raw 9
Destruction Raw 9
Illusion Raw 9
Mysticism Raw 9
Restoration Raw 9
Acrobatics Raw 100
Light Armor Raw 38
Marksman Raw 33
Mercantile Raw 88
Security Raw 94
Sneak Raw 38
Speechcraft Raw 88
Health Raw 246
Strength Raw 100
Intelligence Raw 100
Willpower Raw 53
Agility Raw 100
Speed Raw 100
Endurance Raw 85
Personality Raw 40
Luck Raw 50
Dialogue Dialogue Text
0x000c47ee M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not.
0x000c47ed M'aiq greets you.
0x000c47db M'aiq wishes you well.
0x000c47d9 M'aiq longs for a Colovian Fur Helm. Practical, yet stylish. M'aiq is very sad he does not have one.
0x000c526e M'aiq wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not.
0x000c47da M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun.
0x000c47dc M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before.
0x000c47dd Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one.
0x000c47de Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping.
0x000c47df M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
0x000c47e0 People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day.
0x000c47e1 Some people want special bows that take too long to load and need special arrows called bolts. M'aiq thinks they are idiots.
0x000c47e2 So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. Too much walking. Of course, nothing stops M'aiq from walking when he wants.
0x000c47e3 M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool.
0x000c47e4 Why would one want to swing a staff? A mace hurts more. Or a sword. Can't shoot a fireball from a sword, though.
0x000c47e5 I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse... which is, to say, a perfectly good dinner.
0x000c47e6 Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Once you are up high, there is nowhere to go but down.
0x000c47e7 It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.
0x000c47e8 I don't know why one would want to destroy a building. It takes time to make it. Much time.
0x000c47e9 I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won't say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not.
0x000c47ea Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq.
Item Id Item Count
Tattered Robe (0x0007101d) 1
Tattered Robe Hood (0x0007101e) 1
Oiled Linen Shoes (0x0001c82f) 1
Iron Dagger (0x00019171) 1
Package Id
MaiqWander (0x0000aa5a)
MaiqTravel1 (0x0000aa5c)
MaiqTravel2 (0x0000aa5d)
Faction Id Faction Rank
CreatureFaction (0x00000013) 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
NPC_ records last updated 10/31/2011