Oblivion Game Data

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  • Record Type: INFO
  • Form ID: 0x00143f0a
  • Source File: Oblivion.noSI.esm.mod
  • Patch Status: FormID has not been modified.
Parameter Value
Type Conversation
Goodbye 0
Random 0
Say Once 0
Refusal 0
Random End 0
Rumors 0
Group Id Rumors (0x000000d7) *
QSTI MSFIN (0x000e6ed1) *
Emotion Type Neutral
Emotion Value 50
NAM1 Rythe Lythandas seems to be back in town. Wonder where he was off to?
Condition Operator Cond Value Cond Function Cond Param1 Cond Param2 Cond Param3
== 0 GetInCell Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (0x00025031) 0 0
== 0 GetInCell Dark Brotherhood Training Room (0x0004cf47) 0 0
== 0 GetInCell Dark Brotherhood Living Quarters (0x0004b94f) 0 0
>= 100 GetStage A Brush with Death (0x00017606) * 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Tivela Lythandas (0x000034d3) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Tivela Lythandas (0x000034d3) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Rythe Lythandas (0x000034d2) 0 0
== 0 GetIsID Rythe Lythandas (0x000034d2) 0 0
== 1 GetInCell Dummy cell (0x00030fae) 0 0
== 1 GetInFaction Cheydinhal Citizens (0x000034ba) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Breton (0x000224fc) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Khajiit (0x000223c7) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Nord (0x000224fd) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Redguard (0x00000d43) 0 0
== 0 GetIsRace Wood Elf (0x000223c8) 0 0

Database last updated 11/02/2011
INFO records last updated 10/31/2011