Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion FACT Records

Displaying records 100-199 of 498
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Name edID formID Hidden Evil
Claude Maric's Thugs ClaudeMaricThugFaction 0x0002aefa 1 0
Claudius Arcadia's Faction ClaudisArcadiaFaction 0x00071d4e 0 0
Clavicus Vile Faction DAClavicusVileFaction 0x0001bf5c 1 0
Conjurers ConjurerFaction 0x0004b90b 1 1
Corpserot Arena Fans SECorpserotDancingGrummites 0x0008e091 1 1
Corpserot Prison Faction SECorpserotFaction 0x0005a8c6 1 1
Court of Madness SECourtofMadnessFaction 0x0006a7fc 0 0
Cracked Wood Hollow tribe GoblinTribeA 0x0002d595 1 1
Cropsford faction CropsfordFaction 0x000319c5 1 0
Crucible Citizen SENewSheothCrucible 0x00015580 0 0
Daedra monsters in the caves MQ15MonsterFaction 0x0003cd12 1 1
DAGenericFaction DAGenericFaction 0x0005c0f2 0 0
Dalvilu FACTION Peace DalviluFACTIONPeace 0x0001ecc7 0 0
Dalvilu FACTION War DalviluFACTIONWar 0x0009db28 0 0
Dark Brotherhood DarkBrotherhood 0x0002f872 0 1
Dark Brotherhood -- Won't Call Guards DarkBrotherhoodNoGuard 0x00064f47 1 0
Dark Brotherhood Elite DarkBrotherhoodElite 0x00051788 1 1
Dark Brotherhood Generic Evil Faction DarkEvil 0x000c9e7b 0 1
Dark Brotherhood No Guards Allowed Club DBNoGuards 0x000904e3 0 1
Dark Brotherhood Player Hate Faction DarkPlayaHata 0x000c489d 0 0
Dark Brotherhood Player Secret Faction DarkPlayer 0x00026de8 1 0
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Dwellers DarkSancDwellers 0x0006d677 1 1
Dark Brotherhood Underlings DarkUnderling 0x0009e651 0 1
Dark06 Hotel Faction Dark06HotelFaction 0x0000ab09 0 0
DarkBrotherhoodRitualFaction DarkRitualFaction 0x0009072b 1 1
Deadite MS12Deadite 0x0007c3ab 1 1
Deepscorn Hollow Prisoner LairVilePrisonerFaction 0xDH007488 0 1
Deepwallow Citizen SEDeepwallowFaction 0x0001557c 1 0
Dementia Faction SEDementiaFaction 0x0001ad46 1 0
Derelict Mine tribe GoblinTribeG 0x000aa620 1 1
DL9 Commander Special Faction DL9CommanderFaction 0xMR002530 1 1
DoranFamilyFaction DoranFamilyFaction 0x0002a07b 1 0
Dovyn Aren Faction DovynArenFaction 0x00016234 1 0
Draconis Family Faction DraconisFamilyFaction 0x0006c46b 1 0
DradFaction DradFaction 0x00098288 0 0
Dro'fahr Faction DrofahrFaction 0x0000a248 0 0
Drothmeri Army DL9DrothermiFaction 0xMR0014e9 1 1
DulgroShug Faction DulgroShugFaction 0x0001622f 1 0
Dunbarrow Faction DLC06DunbarrowFaction 0xDC003edc 0 1
Dunbarrow Pirate Faction DLC06DunbarrowPirateFaction 0xDC003edb 0 1
Eight Cities Couriers Customers CourierCustomers 0x00083595 1 0
Elven Gardens Horse ICElvenGardensHorse 0x00068452 1 0
Elytra Faction SEElytraFaction 0x00045301 1 1
Emperor faction, for Uriel and Martin EmperorFaction 0x000150bc 1 0
Escaped Prisoner EscapedPrisoner 0x00086577 1 1
Everscamp Faction EverscampFaction 0x000732b8 1 0
Evil -- no affiliation EvilSolo 0x000c45b2 0 1
Faction for A priests SEOrderPriestFactionA 0x0001ac83 1 1
Faction for all friendlies in MQ16 MQ16AlliesFaction 0x0004ce4d 1 0
Faction for all NPCs in Sheogorath's palace SESheogorathPalaceFaction 0x00045763 1 0
Faction for Battlehorn NPCs DLCBattlehornCastleFaction 0xBH00b09e 1 0
Faction for captain DLCBattlehornCaptainFaction 0xBH00d43f 1 0
Faction for creatures friendly to Ancotar MS47CreatureFaction 0x000c6c76 0 0
Faction for final MD assassin in CG MythicDawnCGAssassin 0x000227bc 1 1
Faction for first 8 knights NDGarlasMalatarVeterans 0xKN000ce9 1 0
Faction for First Edition NPCs FirstEditionFaction 0x00009d85 1 0
Faction for knights who follow player DLCBattlehornCastleKnightFaction 0xBH00cf3c 1 0
Faction for ordered gnarls SE12OrderedGnarlFaction 0x0001a78d 0 0
Faction for roving MD assassins MythicDawnAssassins 0x00097cae 1 1
Faction for SEYngvar SEYngvarFaction 0x00041d8f 1 0
Faction friendly to the Gatekeeper SEGatekeeperFaction 0x00019d51 1 0
Faction to let Relmyna and Nanette Don use the back door to Xaselm04 SERelmynaSactumBackdoorFaction 0x00046f5a 1 0
Faction to make the Gatekeeper like the player SE09GatekeeperPlayerFaction 0x0004fc60 1 0
Fanatic Invaders SE32FanaticFaction 0x000120df 1 1
Fathis Ules Faction FathisUlesFaction 0x00017607 0 0
Felldew Addicts SE04FelldewAddicts 0x0008ef84 1 1
Fellmoor Citizen SEFellmoorFaction 0x0001557e 0 0
Fences Fences 0x000a9689 1 0
FGC03 Hrota Thieves FGC03HrotaThieves 0x0004ed92 1 1
FGC06 Goblins FGC06GoblinFaction 0x0004a997 1 1
FGD08GoblinFaction FGD08Goblins 0x00098171 1 0
Fighters Guild FightersGuild 0x0002228f 0 0
For ghost blades in Sancre Tor MQ09BladesFaction 0x000e78e3 1 0
For identifying Jyggalag SEJyggalagFaction 0x00092b1e 1 1
Fort Nikel Team A FortNikelA 0x00058ee8 1 0
Fort Nikel Team B FortNikelB 0x00058ee9 1 0
Fort Ontus Mage Faction MG16FortOntusMageFaction 0x000c48a1 1 0
FrancoisMotierreQuestFaction FrancoisMotierreQuestFaction 0x0002a07a 1 0
Friend of the Imperial Legion ImperialLegionFriend 0x000be545 0 0
Friends of Itius Hayn ItiusHaynFriends 0x0009de83 1 0
Frostcrag Spire Atronach Faction FrostcragSpireAtronachFaction 0xFS00173e 1 0
Generic Owner GenericOwner 0x000534f2 1 0
Gilen Norvalo's House Faction GilenNorvaloHouse 0x0001d442 0 0
Glarthir Faction GlarthirFaction 0x000294d7 1 0
Gnarl Faction SEGnarlFaction 0x000452fe 1 1
Goblin Jim's tribe GoblinTribeD 0x00031315 1 1
Gogan's Family Faction GoganandMaelonaFaction 0x0000a2fe 0 0
Gottlesfont Faction GottlesfontFaction 0x000ace6c 0 0
Graman gro-Marad's House Faction GramangroMaradsHouse 0x0001d443 0 0
Greenmote Silo Faction SE07GreenmoteSiloFaction 0x0007b3a5 1 0
Grummite Faction SEGrummiteFaction 0x00045302 1 1
Hackdirt monster faction HackdirtMonster 0x000a01ae 1 1
Hale Citizen SEHaleFaction 0x00015582 1 0
Hastrel Ottus' House Faction HastrelOttusHouse 0x0001d444 0 0
Havilstein Hoar-Blood's Secret Faction HavilsteinFaction 0x00066a0a 1 0
Henantier's Faction HenantierFaction 0x0000cf5a 0 0
Heretic Faction SEHeretic 0x0004117c 1 1
Hermaeus Mora Faction DAHermaeusMoraFaction 0x0001bf5d 1 0
Herminia Cinna Faction HerminiaCinnaFaction 0x00016239 1 0
Highcross Citizen SEHighcrossFaction 0x0001557d 1 0
Go to record: 0 100 200 300 400

Database last updated 11/02/2011
FACT records last updated 10/31/2011