Oblivion Game Data

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Oblivion ENCH Records

Displaying records 1100-1199 of 1696
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Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
Name edID formID Enchant Cost Charge Enchantment
MG08EnRewardCharm15 0x000e947b 46 Staff: Charm, 25 pts for 25 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardDispel01 0x000e946b 10 Staff: Dispel, 10 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardDispel05 0x000e946a 24 Staff: Dispel, 20 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardDispel10 0x000e9469 41 Staff: Dispel, 30 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardDispel15 0x000e9468 60 Staff: Dispel, 40 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFire01 0x000e9460 20 Staff: Fire Damage, 20 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFire05 0x000e9461 40 Staff: Fire Damage, 40 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFire10 0x000e9462 60 Staff: Fire Damage, 60 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFire15 0x000e9463 80 Staff: Fire Damage, 80 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFrost01 0x000e9464 20 Staff: Frost Damage, 20 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFrost05 0x000e9465 40 Staff: Frost Damage, 40 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFrost10 0x000e9466 60 Staff: Frost Damage, 60 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardFrost15 0x000e9467 80 Staff: Frost Damage, 80 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardParalyze01 0x000e947c 50 Staff: Paralyze, for 2 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardParalyze05 0x000e947d 100 Staff: Paralyze, for 4 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardParalyze10 0x000e947e 150 Staff: Paralyze, for 6 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardParalyze15 0x000e947f 200 Staff: Paralyze, for 8 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardShock01 0x000e9474 20 Staff: Shock Damage, 20 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardShock05 0x000e9475 40 Staff: Shock Damage, 40 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardShock10 0x000e9476 60 Staff: Shock Damage, 60 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardShock15 0x000e9477 80 Staff: Shock Damage, 80 pts on Target
MG08EnRewardSilence01 0x000e946c 18 Staff: Silence, for 2 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSilence05 0x000e946d 45 Staff: Silence, for 5 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSilence10 0x000e946e 90 Staff: Silence, for 10 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSilence15 0x000e946f 135 Staff: Silence, for 15 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSoulTrap01 0x000e9470 45 Staff: Soul Trap, for 10 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSoulTrap05 0x000e9471 90 Staff: Soul Trap, for 20 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSoulTrap10 0x000e9472 135 Staff: Soul Trap, for 30 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardSoulTrap15 0x000e9473 180 Staff: Soul Trap, for 40 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardTelekinesis01 0x000e9480 34 Staff: Telekinesis, 20 pts for 10 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardTelekinesis05 0x000e9481 85 Staff: Telekinesis, 30 pts for 15 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardTelekinesis10 0x000e9482 165 Staff: Telekinesis, 40 pts for 20 secs on Target
MG08EnRewardTelekinesis15 0x000e9483 247 Staff: Telekinesis, 40 pts for 30 secs on Target
MG10FortMagickaScrollEnch 0x00008875 10 Scroll: Fortify Magicka, 20 pts for 10 secs on Target
MG12EnRewardAmulet01 0x00064f4d 4 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 9 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet05 0x00064f4e 7 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 12 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet10 0x00064f4f 9 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 15 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet15 0x00064f50 12 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 18 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet20 0x00064f51 13 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 20 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet25 0x00064f52 16 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 23 pts on Self
MG12EnRewardAmulet30 0x00064f53 19 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 26 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe01 0x000748ac 0 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 2 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe05 0x000748ad 0 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 3 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 3 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 2 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 2 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe10 0x000748ae 0 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 4 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe15 0x000748af 0 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 6 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe20 0x000748b0 0 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 8 pts on Self
MG13EnRewardRobe25 0x000748b1 2 Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Willpower, 7 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 10 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm01 0x0007be39 0 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 2 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm05 0x0007be3a 0 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 4 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm10 0x0007be3b 0 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm15 0x0007be3c 0 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 8 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm20 0x0007be3d 1 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 10 pts on Self
MG15EnBloodwormHelm25 0x0007be3e 1 Apparel: Fortify Conjuration, 12 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet01 0x0007be21 3 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 4 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 30 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 10 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 2 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet05 0x0007be22 4 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 50 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 13 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 13 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 4 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet10 0x0007be23 7 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 70 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 16 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 16 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 6 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet15 0x0007be24 12 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 90 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 19 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 19 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 8 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet20 0x0007be25 15 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 12 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 12 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 110 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 22 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 22 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 10 pts on Self
MG16NecroAmulet25 0x0007be26 18 Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 14 pts on Self; Fortify Intelligence, 14 pts on Self; Fortify Magicka, 130 pts on Self; Drain Strength, 25 pts on Self; Drain Endurance, 25 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 12 pts on Self
MQ15BracersCurse 0x000473cb 5 Apparel: Weakness to Fire, 50% on Self
MQEmperorCuirassEnchantment 0x00003ab8 91 Apparel: Reflect Damage, 50% on Self; Reflect Spell, 50% on Self; Fortify Health, 50 pts on Self
MQEnMankarCamoranRobeBase 0x000be315 8 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 10 pts on Self; Reflect Damage, 7% on Self
MQEnMankarCamoranRobeL12 0x000be317 15 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 17 pts on Self; Reflect Damage, 9% on Self
MQEnMankarCamoranRobeL18 0x000be318 17 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 20 pts on Self; Reflect Damage, 10% on Self
MQEnMankarCamoranRobeL6 0x000be316 11 Apparel: Spell Absorption, 14 pts on Self; Reflect Damage, 8% on Self
MQEnMankarCamoranStaffBase 0x000477fb 31 Staff: Shock Damage, 7 pts on Target; Disintegrate Armor, 10 pts on Target
MQEnMankarCamoranStaffL12 0x000be31a 119 Staff: Shock Damage, 18 pts on Target; Disintegrate Armor, 30 pts on Target
MQEnMankarCamoranStaffL18 0x000be31b 194 Staff: Shock Damage, 30 pts on Target; Disintegrate Armor, 40 pts on Target
MQEnMankarCamoranStaffL6 0x000be319 65 Staff: Shock Damage, 10 pts on Target; Disintegrate Armor, 20 pts on Target
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter01 0x0006b1ba 30 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 10 pts on Touch
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter02 0x0006b1bb 33 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 15 pts on Touch
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter03 0x0006b1bc 37 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 20 pts on Touch
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter04 0x0006b1bd 41 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 25 pts on Touch
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter05 0x0006b1be 45 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 30 pts on Touch
MS04EnWeapWitsplinter06 0x0006b1bf 49 Weapon: Drain Intelligence, 10 pts for 20 secs on Touch; Damage Magicka, 35 pts on Touch
MS05DreamworldMute 0x00089022 6 Apparel: Silence, on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness01 0x0006b1c8 0 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 5 pts on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness02 0x0006b1c9 0 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 6 pts on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness03 0x0006b1ca 0 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 7 pts on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness04 0x0006b1cb 0 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness05 0x0006b1cc 0 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 9 pts on Self
MS11EnAppLitheness06 0x0006b1cd 1 Apparel: Fortify Speed, 10 pts on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye01 0x0006b64e 2 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 5 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 7% on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye02 0x0006b64f 2 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 6 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 8% on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye03 0x0006b650 3 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 7 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 9% on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye04 0x0006b651 3 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye05 0x0006b652 5 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 9 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 13% on Self
MS12EnAppVipereye06 0x0006b653 7 Apparel: Fortify Agility, 10 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 15% on Self
MS12MadstoneEffect 0x0007304e 14 Apparel: Resist Poison, 50% on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self
MS13EnAppKotTMedallion01 0x0006b673 0 Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 5 pts on Self
MS13EnAppKotTMedallion02 0x0006b674 1 Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 10 pts on Self
MS13EnAppKotTMedallion03 0x0006b675 1 Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 15 pts on Self
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys01 0x0006b667 80 Staff: Damage Strength, 5 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 20 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys02 0x0006b668 100 Staff: Damage Strength, 6 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 30 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys03 0x0006b669 150 Staff: Damage Strength, 7 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 40 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys04 0x0006b66a 200 Staff: Damage Strength, 8 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 50 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys05 0x0006b66b 250 Staff: Damage Strength, 9 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 60 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapStaffIndarys06 0x0006b66c 300 Staff: Damage Strength, 10 pts on Target; Shock Damage, 70 pts on Target
MS13EnWeapThornblade01 0x0006b65b 20 Weapon: Disintegrate Armor, 25 pts on Touch
MS13EnWeapThornblade02 0x0006b65c 35 Weapon: Disintegrate Armor, 40 pts on Touch
Go to record: 0 100 200 ... 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Database last updated 11/02/2011
ENCH records last updated 11/01/2011