Name |
edID |
formID |
Weight |
Value |
Health |
Rating |
Type |
Skill |
Enchantment |
Daedric Boots |
DaedricBoots |
0x00036359 |
18 |
1350 |
1350 |
7.5 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Cuirass |
DaedricCuirass |
0x0003635b |
60 |
4800 |
2700 |
18.75 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Gauntlets |
DaedricGauntlets |
0x00036358 |
12 |
1350 |
1350 |
7.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Gauntlets |
MQ14DaedricGauntlets |
0x0000c582 |
12 |
1350 |
1000 |
5.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Greaves |
DaedricGreaves |
0x0003635a |
36 |
2500 |
2025 |
11.25 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Helmet |
ArenaDaedricHelmet |
0x000733f4 |
12 |
1350 |
1000 |
7.5 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Helmet |
DaedricHelmet |
0x00036357 |
12 |
1350 |
1350 |
7.5 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Shield |
ArenaDaedricShield |
0x000733f0 |
24 |
2500 |
1500 |
22.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Daedric Shield |
DaedricShield |
0x0003635c |
24 |
2500 |
2025 |
22.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor1Fur |
0x0004121e |
10.5 |
0 |
275 |
12 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor2Leather |
0x000414e9 |
15.75 |
0 |
340 |
15 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor3Chain |
0x000414ec |
19.1 |
0 |
660 |
18 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor4Mithril |
0x000414ef |
23.1 |
0 |
1100 |
21 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor5Elven |
0x000414f2 |
27.3 |
0 |
1925 |
24 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmor6Glass |
0x000414f7 |
31.5 |
0 |
2750 |
30 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward1Fur |
0x0007eb09 |
10.5 |
0 |
275 |
12 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward2Leather |
0x0007eb0a |
15.75 |
0 |
340 |
15 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward3Chain |
0x0007eb0b |
19.1 |
0 |
660 |
18 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward4Mithril |
0x0007eb0c |
23.1 |
0 |
1100 |
21 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward5Elven |
0x0007eb0d |
27.3 |
0 |
1925 |
24 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SEDarkSeducerArmorReward6Glass |
0x0007eb0e |
31.5 |
0 |
2750 |
30 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Armor |
SETESTDarkSeducerArmor1Fur |
0x00080ee7 |
10.5 |
0 |
275 |
12 |
Other |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Elite Helmet |
SE07ADarkSeducerEliteHelmet |
0x00061cfd |
1 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Elite Helmet |
SETEST07ADarkSeducerEliteHelmet |
0x00080ee5 |
1 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet1Fur |
0x0004121d |
1 |
0 |
40 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet2Leather |
0x000414ea |
1.5 |
0 |
80 |
2.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet3Chain |
0x000414ed |
1.8 |
0 |
120 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet4Mithril |
0x000414f0 |
2.2 |
0 |
200 |
3.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet5Elven |
0x000414f3 |
2.6 |
0 |
350 |
4 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmet6Glass |
0x000414f8 |
3 |
0 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward1Fur |
0x0007eb0f |
1 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward2Leather |
0x0007eb10 |
1.5 |
0 |
80 |
2.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward3Chain |
0x0007eb11 |
1.8 |
0 |
120 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward4Mithril |
0x0007eb12 |
2.2 |
0 |
200 |
3.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward5Elven |
0x0007eb13 |
2.6 |
0 |
350 |
4 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerHelmetReward6Glass |
0x0007eb14 |
3 |
0 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet |
0x00061cfc |
1 |
0 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet1 |
0x00081ca5 |
1 |
0 |
40 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet2 |
0x00081ca4 |
1.5 |
0 |
80 |
2.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet3 |
0x00081ca3 |
1.8 |
0 |
120 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet4 |
0x00081ca2 |
2.2 |
0 |
200 |
3.5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet5 |
0x00081ca1 |
2.6 |
0 |
350 |
4 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SEDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet6 |
0x00081ca0 |
3 |
0 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SETESTDarkSeducerOfficerHelmet |
0x00080ee3 |
1 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Helmet |
SETESTHelmet |
0x0007a003 |
3 |
0 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SE08DarkSeducerShield |
0x00041ec1 |
3 |
20 |
120 |
7.5 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield1Fur |
0x0004121f |
2 |
8 |
75 |
6 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield2Leather |
0x000414eb |
3 |
20 |
120 |
7.5 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield3Chain |
0x000414ee |
3.6 |
45 |
180 |
9 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield4Mithril |
0x000414f1 |
4.4 |
115 |
300 |
10.5 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield5Elven |
0x000414f4 |
5.2 |
315 |
525 |
12 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Dark Seducer Shield |
SEDarkSeducerShield6Glass |
0x000414f9 |
6 |
1000 |
750 |
15 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Darksplitter Helmet |
EnchOrcishHelmetNighteye |
0x00049696 |
9 |
350 |
600 |
5.5 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Night-Eye, for 20 secs on Self |
Deathmarch Greaves |
EnchDaedricGreavesFortFatigue |
0x0002c21a |
36 |
3875 |
2025 |
11.25 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Fatigue, 55 pts on Self |
Deepdweller's Shield |
EnchDwarvenShieldFireShield |
0x00049668 |
16 |
1010 |
600 |
15 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fire Shield, 8% on Self |
Deer Skin Gauntlets |
EnchFurGauntletsDetectLife |
0x00048999 |
1 |
379 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 25 pts on Self |
Deer Skin Helmet |
EnchFurHelmetDetectLife |
0x0004899b |
1 |
379 |
50 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 25 pts on Self |
Defender's Shield |
EnchDwarvenShieldFortBlock |
0x00049670 |
16 |
1010 |
600 |
15 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Block, 8 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown01 |
0x0007b6ab |
1 |
2751 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 10 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 5% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 10 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown05 |
0x0007b6ac |
1 |
3251 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 10 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 5% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 15 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown10 |
0x0007b6ad |
1 |
5001 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 15 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 20 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown15 |
0x0007b6ae |
1 |
5501 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 15 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 25 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown20 |
0x0007b6af |
1 |
6501 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 20 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 10% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 30 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown25 |
0x0007b6b0 |
1 |
7751 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 20 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 15% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 35 pts on Self |
Diadem of Euphoria |
SE07ThadonsCrown30 |
0x0007b6b1 |
1 |
9501 |
100 |
3 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speechcraft, 25 pts on Self; Resist Magic, 20% on Self; Fortify Magicka, 40 pts on Self |
Dondoran's Juggernaut |
UniqueDwarvenCuirassJuggernaut |
0x000ca10f |
40 |
6500 |
700 |
13 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 10 pts on Self; Fortify Endurance, 10 pts on Self; Drain Speed, 10 pts on Self; Drain Athletics, 10 pts on Self |
Dremora Caitiff Boots |
Dremora1CaitiffBoots |
0x0003e9ba |
18 |
25 |
250 |
4.5 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Caitiff Cuirass |
Dremora1CaitiffCuirass |
0x0003e9be |
60 |
90 |
500 |
11.25 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Caitiff Greaves |
Dremora1CaitiffGreaves |
0x0003e9bf |
36 |
48 |
375 |
6.75 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Caitiff Helmet |
Dremora1CaitiffHelmet |
0x0008b882 |
12 |
25 |
250 |
4.5 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Caitiff Robe |
Dremora1CaitiffRobe |
0x00066a34 |
40 |
90 |
500 |
11.25 |
Other |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Caitiff Shield |
Dremora1CaitiffShield |
0x0003e9c0 |
24 |
48 |
375 |
13.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Churl Boots |
Dremora0ChurlBoots |
0x0003e9b9 |
18 |
13 |
150 |
4 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Churl Cuirass |
Dremora0ChurlCuirass |
0x0003e9bd |
60 |
43 |
300 |
10 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Churl Greaves |
Dremora0ChurlGreaves |
0x0003e9bc |
36 |
23 |
225 |
6 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Churl Robe |
Dremora0ChurlRobe |
0x00066a33 |
30 |
43 |
300 |
10 |
Other |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Boots |
Dremora4KynmarcherBoots |
0x0003e9b3 |
18 |
275 |
750 |
6 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass |
Dremora4KynmarcherCuirass |
0x0003e9b4 |
60 |
950 |
1500 |
15 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves |
Dremora4KynmarcherGreaves |
0x0003e9b5 |
36 |
500 |
1125 |
9 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet |
Dremora4KynmarcherHelmet |
0x0008b88c |
12 |
275 |
750 |
6 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Helmet |
Dremora5MarkynazHelmet |
0x0008b88d |
12 |
675 |
600 |
7.5 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynmarcher Robe |
Dremora4KynmarcherRobe |
0x00066a38 |
75 |
950 |
1500 |
15 |
Other |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynreeve Boots |
Dremora3KynreeveBoots |
0x0003e9af |
18 |
125 |
500 |
5.5 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass |
Dremora3KynreeveCuirass |
0x0003e9b0 |
60 |
470 |
1000 |
13.75 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |