Name |
edID |
formID |
Weight |
Value |
Health |
Rating |
Type |
Skill |
Enchantment |
Fine Amber Greaves |
SEAmberGreaves4 |
0x00016c35 |
7.2 |
205 |
510 |
5.75 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Fine Amber Greaves |
SEAmberMagicGreaves4 |
0x00016cc0 |
7.2 |
1005 |
510 |
5.75 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Amber Helmet |
SEAmberHelmet4 |
0x00016c69 |
2.4 |
115 |
340 |
3.75 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Fine Amber Helmet |
SEAmberMagicHelmet4 |
0x00016cc6 |
2.4 |
915 |
340 |
3.75 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Intelligence, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Amber Shield |
SEAmberMagicShield4 |
0x00016ccc |
4.8 |
3405 |
510 |
11.25 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Reflect Spell, 8% on Self |
Fine Amber Shield |
SEAmberShield4 |
0x00016c6f |
4.8 |
205 |
510 |
11.25 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Fine Madness Boots |
SEMadnessBoots4 |
0x0001f43f |
14.6 |
400 |
775 |
5.75 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Fine Madness Boots |
SEMadnessMagicBoots4 |
0x0001f47f |
14.6 |
1200 |
775 |
5.75 |
Boots |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Athletics, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Madness Cuirass |
SEMadnessCuirass4 |
0x0001f444 |
48.8 |
1420 |
1550 |
14.5 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Fine Madness Cuirass |
SEMadnessMagicCuirass4 |
0x0001f479 |
48.8 |
2220 |
1550 |
14.5 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Madness Gauntlets |
SEMadnessGauntlets4 |
0x0001f449 |
9.8 |
400 |
775 |
5.75 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Fine Madness Gauntlets |
SEMadnessMagicGauntlets4 |
0x0001f473 |
9.8 |
1600 |
775 |
5.75 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Blade, 6 pts on Self; Fortify Blunt, 6 pts on Self |
Fine Madness Greaves |
SEMadnessGreaves4 |
0x0001f44e |
29.3 |
710 |
1165 |
8.75 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Fine Madness Greaves |
SEMadnessMagicGreaves4 |
0x0001f46e |
29.3 |
1510 |
1165 |
8.75 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Endurance, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Madness Helmet |
SEMadnessHelmet4 |
0x0001f453 |
9.8 |
400 |
775 |
5.75 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Fine Madness Helmet |
SEMadnessMagicHelmet4 |
0x0001f468 |
9.8 |
1200 |
775 |
5.75 |
Helmet |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Willpower, 8 pts on Self |
Fine Madness Shield |
SEMadnessMagicShield4 |
0x0001f462 |
19.5 |
3910 |
1165 |
17.25 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Reflect Damage, 8% on Self |
Fine Madness Shield |
SEMadnessShield4 |
0x0001f458 |
19.5 |
710 |
1165 |
17.25 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Fire Greaves |
EnchIronGreavesResistFire |
0x00049512 |
18 |
545 |
225 |
6 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Fire, 10 pts on Self |
Fire Ritual Greaves |
EnchOrcishGreavesResistFire |
0x00049699 |
27 |
1460 |
900 |
8.25 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Fire, 20 pts on Self |
Firewalker Greaves |
EnchChainmailGreavesResistFire |
0x00049176 |
5.4 |
1045 |
202 |
4 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Resist Fire, 20 pts on Self |
Fists of the Drunkard |
UniqueIronGauntletsDrunkard |
0x000ca11a |
6 |
4400 |
300 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 5 pts on Self; Fortify Endurance, 5 pts on Self; Drain Intelligence, 5 pts on Self; Drain Willpower, 5 pts on Self |
Flamewalker Greaves |
EnchDaedricGreavesResistFire |
0x0002c229 |
36 |
4000 |
2025 |
11.25 |
Greaves |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Fire, 30 pts on Self |
Fleetfoot Boots |
EnchMithrilBootsFortSpeed |
0x00049360 |
3.3 |
865 |
240 |
3.5 |
Boots |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self |
Flowing Greaves |
EnchGlassGreavesFortAcrobatics |
0x0004939c |
9 |
2000 |
1012 |
7.5 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Acrobatics, 10 pts on Self |
Footpad's Boots |
EnchLeatherBootsFortSneak |
0x00049156 |
2.25 |
710 |
80 |
2.5 |
Boots |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Sneak, 7 pts on Self |
Forgemaster's Gauntlets |
EnchSteelGauntletsFortArmorer |
0x00049523 |
7 |
750 |
250 |
4.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Armorer, 7 pts on Self |
Fortress Shield |
EnchSteelShieldFortBlock |
0x00049653 |
14 |
795 |
375 |
13.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Block, 7 pts on Self |
Frost Shield |
EnchSteelShieldFrostShield |
0x00049656 |
14 |
795 |
375 |
13.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Frost Shield, 7% on Self |
Frozen Shield |
EnchOrcishShieldFrostShield |
0x00049693 |
18 |
1260 |
900 |
16.5 |
Shield |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Frost Shield, 8% on Self |
Fur Boots |
FurBoots |
0x00024767 |
1.5 |
4 |
50 |
2 |
Boots |
Light Armor |
Fur Cuirass |
FurCuirass |
0x00024766 |
5 |
15 |
100 |
5 |
Cuirass |
Light Armor |
Fur Gauntlets |
FurGauntlets |
0x00024765 |
1 |
4 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Fur Greaves |
FurGreaves |
0x00024764 |
3 |
8 |
75 |
3 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Fur Helmet |
ArenaFurHelmet |
0x000733e2 |
1 |
4 |
50 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Fur Helmet |
FurHelmet |
0x00024768 |
1 |
4 |
50 |
2 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |
Fur Shield |
ArenaFurShield |
0x000977be |
2 |
8 |
75 |
2 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Fur Shield |
FurShield |
0x00025056 |
2 |
8 |
75 |
2 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Gauntlets of Blinding Speed |
EnchMithrilGauntletsSpeed |
0x00047891 |
2.2 |
2465 |
240 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Speed, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Luck, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Brutality |
EnchDaedricGauntletsFortStrength |
0x0002c217 |
12 |
2350 |
1350 |
7.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 10 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Brutality |
EnchOrcishGauntletsFortHandtoHand |
0x00049691 |
9 |
1050 |
600 |
5.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Force |
EnchEbonyGauntletsFortStrength |
0x0004f3f3 |
10.5 |
1450 |
950 |
6 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 9 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Gluttony |
UniqueOrcishGaunletsHunger |
0x000ca11c |
9 |
4900 |
800 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 15 pts on Self; Drain Health, 30 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Infiltration |
EnchLeatherGauntletsFortSecurity |
0x00049155 |
1.5 |
710 |
80 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Security, 7 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Life Detection |
EnchChainmailGauntletsDetectLife |
0x00049167 |
1.8 |
1000 |
135 |
3 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 65 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Life Seeing |
EnchMithrilGauntletsDetectLife |
0x0004935c |
2.2 |
1040 |
240 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 65 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Life Sight |
EnchElvenGauntletsDetectLife |
0x0004937c |
2.6 |
1445 |
440 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 85 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Lockbreaking |
EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity |
0x000a5780 |
2.2 |
865 |
240 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Security, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Might |
EnchDwarvenGauntletsFortStrength |
0x00049669 |
8 |
915 |
400 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Passing |
EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity |
0x000a5781 |
2.6 |
2700 |
440 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Security, 10 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Potence |
EnchSteelGauntletsFortStrength |
0x0004951f |
7 |
750 |
250 |
4.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 7 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Punishment |
EnchDaedricGauntletsFortHandtoHand |
0x0002c221 |
12 |
2350 |
1350 |
7.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 10 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Revelation |
EnchIronGauntletsDetectLife |
0x00049507 |
6 |
400 |
150 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 25 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Survival |
EnchOrcishGauntletsResistFrost |
0x0004969a |
9 |
1250 |
600 |
5.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 20 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Battle~mage |
EnchLeatherGauntletsBattlemage |
0x00047894 |
1.5 |
2410 |
80 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Alteration, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Destruction, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Conjuration, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorHeavyGauntlets1 |
0xKN000ecd |
6 |
1350 |
300 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorHeavyGauntlets2 |
0xKN000ec5 |
8 |
1450 |
600 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorHeavyGauntlets3 |
0xKN000ebf |
9 |
1550 |
900 |
5.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 7 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorHeavyGauntlets4 |
0xKN000eb9 |
10.5 |
1650 |
1375 |
6 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 8 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorHeavyGauntlets5 |
0xKN000eb3 |
12 |
1750 |
2000 |
7.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 9 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorLightGauntlets1 |
0xKN000ead |
1.5 |
1350 |
160 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 5 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorLightGauntlets2 |
0xKN000ea7 |
1.8 |
1450 |
205 |
3 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 6 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorLightGauntlets3 |
0xKN000ea1 |
2.2 |
1550 |
360 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 7 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorLightGauntlets4 |
0xKN000e9b |
2.6 |
1650 |
660 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 8 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Crusader |
NDArmorLightGauntlets5 |
0xKN000e95 |
3 |
1750 |
1000 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Restoration, 9 pts on Self; Resist Disease, 50% on Self |
Gauntlets of the Equinox |
EnchMithrilGauntletsResistFrost |
0x0004936c |
2.2 |
1065 |
240 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 20 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Forge |
EnchIronGauntletsFortArmorer |
0x00049524 |
6 |
1025 |
150 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Armorer, 10 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Fray |
EnchDwarvenGauntletsFortHandtoHand |
0x00049671 |
8 |
915 |
400 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Gladiator |
EnchSteelGauntletsFortHandtoHand |
0x00049654 |
7 |
750 |
250 |
4.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Hand to Hand, 7 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Horker |
EnchFurGauntletsResistFrost |
0x000489ab |
1 |
504 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 10 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Hunter |
EnchEbonyGauntletsDetectLife |
0x0004f3f0 |
10.5 |
1825 |
950 |
6 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 85 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06ChainmailGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf78 |
1.8 |
1500 |
135 |
3 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 4 pts on Self; Detect Life, 40 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06ElvenGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf77 |
2.6 |
3500 |
440 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 6 pts on Self; Detect Life, 60 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06FurGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf76 |
1 |
700 |
40 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 2 pts on Self; Detect Life, 20 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06GlassGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf75 |
3 |
5000 |
675 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 10 pts on Self; Detect Life, 100 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06LeatherGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf74 |
1.5 |
1050 |
80 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 3 pts on Self; Detect Life, 30 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Manhunter |
DLC06MithrilGauntletsBullseye |
0xDC00bf72 |
2.2 |
2250 |
240 |
3.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 5 pts on Self; Detect Life, 50 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the North |
EnchSteelGauntletsResistFrost |
0x0004965d |
7 |
800 |
250 |
4.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 15 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Pugilist |
EnchIronGauntletsPugilist |
0x0004789b |
6 |
2425 |
150 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Agility, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Hand to Hand, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Rat |
EnchFurGauntletsFortSecurity |
0x000489a5 |
1 |
604 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Security, 6 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Scout |
EnchLeatherGauntletsDetectLife |
0x0004914a |
1.5 |
685 |
80 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 45 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Sentinel |
EnchDwarvenGauntletsDetectLife |
0x00049665 |
8 |
1090 |
400 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Detect Life, 65 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Tundra |
EnchLeatherGauntletsResistFrost |
0x0004915c |
1.5 |
760 |
80 |
2.5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 15 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster |
EnchSteelGauntletsWeaponmaster |
0x0004788c |
7 |
2450 |
250 |
4.5 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Blade, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Blunt, 8 pts on Self; Fortify Block, 8 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of the Woodsman |
EnchFurGauntletsFortMarksman |
0x000489a3 |
1 |
604 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Marksman, 6 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Vigor |
EnchIronGauntletsFortStrength |
0x00049500 |
6 |
625 |
150 |
4 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Strength, 6 pts on Self |
Gauntlets of Winter |
EnchEbonyGauntletsResistFrost |
0x0004f402 |
10.5 |
1800 |
950 |
6 |
Gauntlets |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Resist Frost, 25 pts on Self |
General's Cuirass |
EnchSteelCuirassFortHeavyArmor |
0x00049655 |
35 |
880 |
500 |
11.25 |
Cuirass |
Heavy Armor |
Apparel: Fortify Heavy Armor, 7 pts on Self |
General's Shield |
EnchMithrilShieldReflectDamage |
0x00049369 |
4.4 |
3315 |
360 |
10.5 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Apparel: Reflect Damage, 8% on Self |
Ghost Dog Gauntlets |
SEGhostDogGauntlets |
0x00046ec5 |
1 |
4 |
50 |
2 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Glass Boots |
GlassBoots |
0x00036341 |
4.5 |
500 |
675 |
5 |
Boots |
Light Armor |
Glass Ceremonial Cuirass |
ReplicaGlassCuirass |
0x000c560b |
15 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Cuirass |
Light Armor |
Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets |
ReplicaGlassGauntlets |
0x000c560d |
3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Glass Ceremonial Shield |
ReplicaGlassShield |
0x000c560e |
6 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Shield |
Light Armor |
Glass Cuirass |
GlassCuirass |
0x00036343 |
15 |
1800 |
1350 |
12.5 |
Cuirass |
Light Armor |
Glass Gauntlets |
GlassGauntlets |
0x00036340 |
3 |
500 |
675 |
5 |
Gauntlets |
Light Armor |
Glass Greaves |
GlassGreaves |
0x00036342 |
9 |
1000 |
1000 |
7.5 |
Greaves |
Light Armor |
Glass Helmet |
ArenaGlassHelmet |
0x000733e6 |
3 |
500 |
500 |
5 |
Helmet |
Light Armor |