Name |
edID |
formID |
Enchant Cost |
Charge |
Enchantment |
EnStandardDamageMagicka4Expert |
0x0005c003 |
162 |
Scroll: Damage Magicka, 160 pts on Touch |
EnStandardDemoralizeTarget3Journeyman |
0x0005d220 |
68 |
Scroll: Demoralize, up to level 5 for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDemoralizeTarget4Expert |
0x0005d21f |
171 |
Scroll: Demoralize, up to level 7 for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDemoralizeTarget5Master |
0x0005c022 |
507 |
Scroll: Demoralize, up to level 17 for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDemoralizeTouch2Apprentice |
0x0005c023 |
47 |
Scroll: Demoralize, up to level 3 for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDemoralizeTouch4Expert |
0x0005c024 |
401 |
Scroll: Demoralize, up to level 20 for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDetectLife1Novice |
0x0005c025 |
15 |
Scroll: Detect Life, 60 pts for 10 secs on Self |
EnStandardDetectLife2Apprentice |
0x0005c026 |
30 |
Scroll: Detect Life, 60 pts for 20 secs on Self |
EnStandardDetectLife3Journeyman |
0x0005c027 |
90 |
Scroll: Detect Life, 60 pts for 60 secs on Self |
EnStandardDetectLife4Expert |
0x0005c028 |
220 |
Scroll: Detect Life, 120 pts for 60 secs on Self |
EnStandardDetectLife5Master |
0x0005c029 |
440 |
Scroll: Detect Life, 120 pts for 120 secs on Self |
EnStandardDisintegrateArmor2Apprentice |
0x0005c02a |
48 |
Scroll: Disintegrate Armor, 30 pts on Touch |
EnStandardDisintegrateArmor4Expert |
0x0005c02b |
225 |
Scroll: Disintegrate Armor, 100 pts on Touch |
EnStandardDisintegrateWeapon3Journeyman |
0x0005c02c |
117 |
Scroll: Disintegrate Weapon, 60 pts on Touch |
EnStandardDisintegrateWeapon5Master |
0x0005c02d |
378 |
Scroll: Disintegrate Weapon, 150 pts on Touch |
EnStandardDispelSelf2Apprentice |
0x0005c02e |
47 |
Scroll: Dispel, 45 pts on Self |
EnStandardDispelSelf3Journeyman |
0x0005c02f |
90 |
Scroll: Dispel, 75 pts on Self |
EnStandardDispelSelf4Expert |
0x0005c030 |
219 |
Scroll: Dispel, 150 pts on Self |
EnStandardDispelSelf5Master |
0x0005c031 |
422 |
Scroll: Dispel, 250 pts on Self |
EnStandardDispelTarget2Apprentice |
0x0005c032 |
41 |
Scroll: Dispel, 30 pts on Target |
EnStandardDispelTarget3Journeyman |
0x0005c033 |
101 |
Scroll: Dispel, 60 pts on Target |
EnStandardDrainAttribAgility1Novice |
0x0005c034 |
16 |
Scroll: Drain Agility, 5 pts for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainAttribEndurance1Novice |
0x0005c035 |
16 |
Scroll: Drain Endurance, 5 pts for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainAttribIntelligence3Journeyman |
0x0005c036 |
51 |
Scroll: Drain Intelligence, 14 pts for 25 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainAttribLuck1Novice |
0x0005c037 |
16 |
Scroll: Drain Luck, 5 pts for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainAttribSpeed2Apprentice |
0x0005c038 |
30 |
Scroll: Drain Speed, 8 pts for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainAttribStrength4Expert |
0x0005c039 |
157 |
Scroll: Drain Strength, 40 pts for 20 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainAttribWillpower2Apprentice |
0x0005c03a |
30 |
Scroll: Drain Willpower, 8 pts for 20 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainFatigue1Novice |
0x0005c03b |
12 |
Scroll: Drain Fatigue, 15 pts for 15 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainFatigue2Apprentice |
0x0005c03c |
31 |
Scroll: Drain Fatigue, 30 pts for 15 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainFatigue3Journeyman |
0x0005c03d |
152 |
Scroll: Drain Fatigue, 60 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainHealth1Novice |
0x0005c03e |
10 |
Scroll: Drain Health, 5 pts for 10 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainHealth2Apprentice |
0x0005c03f |
43 |
Scroll: Drain Health, 15 pts for 10 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainHealth3Journeyman |
0x0005c040 |
104 |
Scroll: Drain Health, 30 pts for 10 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainHealth4Expert |
0x0005c041 |
201 |
Scroll: Drain Health, 50 pts for 10 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainMagicka2Apprentice |
0x0005c042 |
41 |
Scroll: Drain Magicka, 30 pts for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainMagicka3Journeyman |
0x0005c043 |
80 |
Scroll: Drain Magicka, 50 pts for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainMagicka4Expert |
0x0005c044 |
196 |
Scroll: Drain Magicka, 100 pts for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainMagicka5Master |
0x0005c045 |
495 |
Scroll: Drain Magicka, 120 pts for 60 secs on Touch |
EnStandardDrainSkAlterationJourneyman |
0x0005c046 |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Alteration, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkBladeJourneyman |
0x0005c047 |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Blade, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkBlockApprentice |
0x0008dc7d |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Block, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkBluntJourneyman |
0x0008dc7c |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Blunt, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkConjurationJourneyman |
0x0005c048 |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Conjuration, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkDestructionJourneyman |
0x0005c049 |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Destruction, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkH2HJourneyman |
0x0005c04a |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Hand to Hand, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkHeavyArmJourneyman |
0x0005c04b |
78 |
Scroll: Drain Heavy Armor, 15 pts for 25 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkIllusionApprentice |
0x0005c04c |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Illusion, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkLightArmApprentice |
0x0008dc7e |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Light Armor, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkMarksmanshipApprentice |
0x0005c04d |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Marksman, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkMysticismApprentice |
0x0008dc7f |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Mysticism, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkRestorationJourneyman |
0x0005c04e |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Restoration, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardDrainSkSneakApprentice |
0x0008dc80 |
28 |
Scroll: Drain Sneak, 6 pts for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardFeather2Apprentice |
0x0005c04f |
35 |
Scroll: Feather, 50 pts for 240 secs on Self |
EnStandardFeather3Journeyman |
0x0005c050 |
75 |
Scroll: Feather, 75 pts for 300 secs on Self |
EnStandardFeather4Expert |
0x0005c051 |
183 |
Scroll: Feather, 150 pts for 300 secs on Self |
EnStandardFeather5Master |
0x0005c052 |
422 |
Scroll: Feather, 250 pts for 360 secs on Self |
EnStandardFireDamageArea3Journeyman |
0x0005c053 |
131 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 30 pts in 10 ft on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageArea4Expert |
0x0005c054 |
378 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 50 pts in 15 ft on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageArea5Master |
0x0005c055 |
635 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 75 pts in 15 ft on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTarget1Novice |
0x0005c056 |
11 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 6 pts on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTarget2Apprentice |
0x0005c057 |
52 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 20 pts on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTarget3Journeyman |
0x0005c058 |
106 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 35 pts on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTarget4Expert |
0x0005c059 |
258 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 70 pts on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTarget5Master |
0x0005c05a |
461 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 110 pts on Target |
EnStandardFireDamageTouch1Novice |
0x0005c05b |
14 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 10 pts on Touch |
EnStandardFireDamageTouch2Apprentice |
0x0005c05c |
46 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 25 pts on Touch |
EnStandardFireDamageTouch3Journeyman |
0x0005c05d |
97 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 45 pts on Touch |
EnStandardFireDamageTouch4Expert |
0x0005c05e |
204 |
Scroll: Fire Damage, 80 pts on Touch |
EnStandardFireShield2Apprentice |
0x0005c05f |
54 |
Scroll: Fire Shield, 10% for 30 secs on Self |
EnStandardFireShield3Journeyman |
0x0005c060 |
131 |
Scroll: Fire Shield, 20% for 30 secs on Self |
EnStandardFireShield4Expert |
0x0005c061 |
221 |
Scroll: Fire Shield, 30% for 30 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribAgility3Journeyman |
0x0005d206 |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Agility, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribAgility4Expert |
0x0005d207 |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Agility, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribEndurance3Journeyman |
0x0005d208 |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Endurance, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribEndurance4Expert |
0x0005d209 |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Endurance, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribIntelligence1Journeyman |
0x0005d20a |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Intelligence, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribIntelligence2Expert |
0x0005d20b |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Intelligence, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribLuck1Journeyman |
0x0005d20c |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Luck, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribLuck2Expert |
0x0005d20d |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Luck, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribPersonality1Journeyman |
0x0005d20e |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Personality, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribPersonality2Expert |
0x0005d20f |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Personality, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribSpeed1Journeyman |
0x0005d210 |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Speed, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribSpeed2Expert |
0x0005d211 |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Speed, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribStrength1Journeyman |
0x0005d212 |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Strength, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribStrength2Expert |
0x0005d213 |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Strength, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribWillpower1Journeyman |
0x0005d214 |
102 |
Scroll: Fortify Willpower, 10 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyAttribWillpower2Expert |
0x0005d215 |
172 |
Scroll: Fortify Willpower, 15 pts for 90 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyFatigue2Journeyman |
0x0005d216 |
26 |
Scroll: Fortify Fatigue, 50 pts for 45 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyHealth1Apprentice |
0x0005d217 |
32 |
Scroll: Fortify Health, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyHealth2Expert |
0x0005d218 |
158 |
Scroll: Fortify Health, 60 pts for 60 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyMagicka1Apprentice |
0x0005d219 |
34 |
Scroll: Fortify Magicka, 30 pts for 30 secs on Self |
EnStandardFortifyMagicka2Expert |
0x0005d21a |
169 |
Scroll: Fortify Magicka, 60 pts for 60 secs on Self |
EnStandardFrenzyTarget1Novice |
0x0005d21b |
8 |
Scroll: Frenzy, up to level 5 for 30 secs on Target |
EnStandardFrenzyTarget2Apprentice |
0x0005d21c |
26 |
Scroll: Frenzy, up to level 10 for 40 secs on Target |
EnStandardFrenzyTouch1Novice |
0x0005d21d |
7 |
Scroll: Frenzy, up to level 6 for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardFrenzyTouch2Apprentice |
0x0005d21e |
30 |
Scroll: Frenzy, up to level 18 for 30 secs on Touch |
EnStandardFrostDamageArea3Journeyman |
0x0005d222 |
129 |
Scroll: Frost Damage, 30 pts in 10 ft on Target |
EnStandardFrostDamageArea4Expert |
0x0005d223 |
373 |
Scroll: Frost Damage, 50 pts in 15 ft on Target |
EnStandardFrostDamageArea5Master |
0x0005d224 |
836 |
Scroll: Frost Damage, 75 pts in 20 ft on Target |